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Ella Freya (RE4R Ashley Face Model) finally buys her game

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What bothers me the most is the current hypocrisy of today society, woman fighting for equality, not to being treated like an object etc etc, and everyone seems to agree, then you enter in a thread like this and you can see how both sides are equally rotten.
It's a good thing then that women already enjoy equal rights in western societies. And that includes being able to make money out of objectfying themselves.

And us, simps can enjoy it.


Gold Member
What is this heresy? Can you elaborate....

I mean what I can I say? I like women a lot.



Gold Member

(from her IG)

Yeah she is undoubtedly attractive but her over-the-top mannerisms would get annoying really quickly.

I live in Japan and (based on my experience at least) the only guys who act like that are weeb as fuck (WAF). The only girls who do it are either WAF or just doing it because guys (especially Japanese ones) are obsessed with girls looking kawaii, young, innocent etc.

It's funny if you go on her IG and scroll down all the way to the start, you'll see she's actually fairly normal but at some point decided that she would gain more fans (read: make more money) really leaning into the whole "sugoi, kawaii, thehehehe, oopsy whoopseeeeeey" type vibe.

End of the day, if you can take a bunch of pictures and people will literally pay for those pictures, you've basically figured out "the game" so fair play.

She realized she's hot and decided to earn some extra cash on man's thirstyness :messenger_tears_of_joy:

(from her IG)

Yeah she is undoubtedly attractive but her over-the-top mannerisms would get annoying really quickly.

I live in Japan and (based on my experience at least) the only guys who act like that are weeb as fuck (WAF). The only girls who do it are either WAF or just doing it because guys (especially Japanese ones) are obsessed with girls looking kawaii, young, innocent etc.

It's funny if you go on her IG and scroll down all the way to the start, you'll see she's actually fairly normal but at some point decided that she would gain more fans (read: make more money) really leaning into the whole "sugoi, kawaii, thehehehe, oopsy whoopseeeeeey" type vibe.

End of the day, if you can take a bunch of pictures and people will literally pay for those pictures, you've basically figured out "the game" so fair play.
This is the truth and I've seen it with many white women coming over to Japan to peddle their weebu material. Take Oriental Pearl for example, she literally makes videos about people talking about her in Japanese and then responding to them in a kawaii way, shit is cringe after the 10th video.
Ok guys, so this is where you've been these past few days. It feels like a cult of sorts being all honest here. Where do I join in?


I don't get these analogies, wasn't the whole point of this tangent her pronounciation of the word "playstation"?
You know, a Japanese brand, that is spelled the exact way she spells it, by Japanese people, in fucking Japan?
I thought about it for some time and I believe she said "pureystation" because "playstation would lead in "whaaat?" from the japanese. Like Nike, the brand is Naiki but people in US would not understand me if I say Naik like the most part of the world.


Gold Member
I need to give a shout out to the guy who has the best job in Capcom. The guy who’s job is to just look at instagram models all day to find face models for their characters.


I mean sure, she looks pretty. I think she is too cute for me though, my tastes usually gravitate towards sharp looking girls who look a little bad, i mean badgirls lol.
I think cute girls are nice and can sometimes be attractive but for my personal tastes having a sharp looking girl usually makes me lose my mind and stare lol.
I have been to the Netherlands, a lot of girls there are beautiful, tall blonde and with good looking faces, they also take care of their bodies, Amsterdam and other cities in Holland are pretty much a central hotspot for Model Agents, they scout many girls there, Friesland people are known for their height and slim build, they make for perfect models.

I agree with whoever said that her presentation style is offputting for being too kawai, but i also understand i am not her target audience, i watched this video long before it was posted here, but Youtube couldn't stop recommending me her other videos so i had to click dont recommend channel as a result.
TLDR: Cute girl, did a good job with Ashley, she is a very fitting face and the guy at Capcom deserves applaud for that, however not my taste so i cant join the circlejerk :messenger_tears_of_joy: too short and too cute for me. I wish her good luck though.
I honestly don't understand the need for face models.
Ella has a pretty but generic "cute anime girl" face.
Aloy from HZD barely resembles her face model.

Why not just use artists to create the face?
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