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GAF Votes: Top 50 Nintendo titles of all Time


Decided to not diversify my list, so it's pretty boring. Though the best 20 or so Nintendo games are incredibly close together for me.

1. Super Mario Bros. 3
2. Super Mario World
3. Super Mario Bros.
4. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
5. Pokemon Silver/Gold
6. Pokemon Blue/Red
7. Super Mario RPG
8. Donkey Kong Country
9. Super Mario Bros. 2
10. Super Smash Bros. Melee


I had to think about this a bit. I would have to go with this...

1. Metroid Prime 3
2. Super Mario World
3. Super Mario 2 (U.S.)
4. Xenoblade
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. Metroid Prime
7. Zelda Link to the Past
8. Zelda 2
9. Super Mario Bros. 3
10. Star Tropics 2

I just realized that I've beaten very few Nintendo made games. Heh, I never really thought about it until now.


1. [NES] Super Mario Brothers 3 : Gaming perfection. I can still sit down and play this for hours at a time without getting bored in the least.

2. [GC] Wind Waker : Not perfect, but so inventive, beautiful, and charming that the flaws are easily ignored. We're now coming up on its ten year anniversary (holy shit!), and it appears to be well on its way to being accepted as a classic.

3. [SNES] Super Metroid : The only Metroid game on my list, but boy does it deserve it. It blended the satisfying platforming and intelligent game design nintendo is known for with an unmatched atmosphere not typical of the company.

4. [GC] Super Smash Bros. : Melee : I'm not a brawl hater, but this game is just perfection. Everyone here knows what makes this game so great, so I won't waste time going into detail.

5. [SNES] Earthbound/Mother 2 : Almost a parody of its own genre, earthbound never stops being clever and presenting the player with new things or just making them laugh. The combat is simple, but doesn't grate on the player. The story and charm are top notch.

6. [GB] The Legend of Zelda : Links Awakening : The first Zelda game I ever played to completion. So good I started a new game right away. And then again, and again. The world was compact and full of life, the puzzles were well designed, and the way the game captured the feel of an snes title at the time was mindblowing.

7. [GBA] Mother 3 : It bears repeating - the greatest game the U.S. never got. Completely linear, but I found the combat to be very well balanced and strategic despite its seeming shallowness. The cast was excellent, the writing blows all other video games out of the water, and the sprites are a perfection of the 2D earthbound style.

8. [NES] The Legend of Zelda : Yep. The one for NES. I know many people think this game is archaic, but playing it to completion for the first time 20 years after it came out, it still felt incredibly fresh to me. The world is in actuality compact, but it felt like a large, epic world where you were rewarded for exploration and could stumble upon a new dungeon or secret at any moment.

9. [GBA] Rhythm Tengoku : An extension of the genre that Wario Ware created. Halfway between minigames and microgames, rhythm heaven is what you put into it. The music is great, the artstyle is great, and its just an overall extremely cohesive package with no glaring flaws.

10. [GBA] Warioware : Mega Microgame$ : Man, GBA be beastin on my list. The first wario ware game, and still the freshest. It capitalized on nintendo history and gaming nostalgia before that was a thing. Most of all, it was just a fucking weird game. In the very best way.

No wii, ds or n64 games on my list. Those are easily their weakest generations for me, but I never thought about how none of their games would make it to my top ten before, though a lot of DS games were close. I feel like Gameboy should have more games here, but I just couldn't quite squeeze in the Wario Lands or Pokemon.

Honorable mention
Flipnote Studio
SML 3: Wario Land
Fire Emblem : PoR
Mario Kart DS
Pokemon R/B
Yoshi's Island
LoZ: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime
Metroid Zero Mission
Metroid Fusion
Rhythm Heaven Gold
DK: Jungle Beat
M & L: Superstar Saga


1. Metroid Fusion
2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
3. Metroid Prime
4. Super Smash Bros. Melee
5. Pokemon Red/Blue
6. GoldenEye
7. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
8. Super Mario Galaxy
9. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
10. F-Zero

My first Nintendo console I could get games for was the N64, lots of 1998-2005ish nostalgia in this list. Metroid Fusion is such an epic game. Perhaps ecause I never played Super Metroid before it, I never got its flaws. It is perfect to me, I beat it so many times. It's such an epic game for such a small system.


This is going to be a Zelda dominated list...

1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
2. Pokemon Gold/Silver
3. Super Smash Bros. Melee
4. Mario Kart Double Dash
5. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
6. Pokemon Black/White
7. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
8. Super Mario 3D Land
9. Metroid Prime
10. Mario Kart DS


Can't express enough happiness to see Wind Waker and Twilight Princess in many people's list. Those games deserve it dammit!


In regards to a few posts above. Only when discussing Nintendo games can you call the DS a weak generation and kinda get away with it.


1. Animal Crossing
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2
3. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
4. Ocarina of Time (N64/3DS)
5. Super Mario World
6. Super Mario Galaxy
7. Pokemon Blue
8. Super Metroid
9. Earthbound
10. Mother 3
1. Super Mario Galaxy
2. Super Mario 64
3. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
4. GoldenEye 007
5. Pikmin
6. Star Fox 64
7. Super Mario World
8. Advance Wars
9. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
10. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins


1- [GC] Metroid Prime
2- [NES] Super Mario Bros 3
3- [N64] Super Smash Bros
4- [Wii] Xenoblade Chronicles
5- [SNES] Super Mario World
6- [SNES] Super Metroid
7- [SNES] Donkey Kong Country 2
8- [Wii] Donkey Kong Country Returns
9- [Wii] Super Mario Galaxy 2
10- [GC] Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


In regards to a few posts above. Only when discussing Nintendo games can you call the DS a weak generation and kinda get away with it.

The thing is, I love the DS but it just doesn't really have any BEST GAME OF ALL TIME type titles that are so abundant on their other systems. What it does have is an unbelievable amount of A - AA titles.
1. Super Metroid
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Mario 3
4. Mario Galaxy
5. Mario World
6. Twilight Princess
7. Yoshi's Island
8. Metroid Zero Mission
9. Pokemon Red & Blue
10. Mario 64


Kinda regret not putting Metroid Prime on the top of my list. This game deserves way more love but judging by most lists its appeal falls short of Zelda and Mario by a huge distance :(

Atomsk Rex

Neo Member
1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

2. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

3. Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

4. Mario Kart: Double Dash


1. Super Mario Galaxy; I got this for christmas in 2007 and I ended up spending 3 straight days playing it until I finally beat the game. Phenomenal soundtrack, art style, and level design. It makes me happy whenever I play it.
2. Star Fox 64; My first N64 game. I blew it off at first because it was a shooter (most fps games give me headaches). It wasn't until a year later that I realized it wasn't an fps, but rather a rail shooter. I thought I'd try it, and I ended up staying up all night playing it. I played the 3DS version, and it's still one of my favourite games of all time.
3. Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver; At first I was going to say Black/White, but I honestly had more fun with HG/SS. The Pokemon designs are way better than Black/White, and the game has this really nice style that isn't in Black/White.
4. Super Mario Galaxy 2; For some reason I blew this game off thinking it was a rehash of SMG, but I picked it uo earlier this year and fell in love with it. It's such a good game.
5. Animal Crossing
6. Earthbound/Mother 2
7. Rhythm Heaven
8. Mario Kart 7
9. Metroid Prime
10. Kirby: Nightmare in DreamLand; Best Kirby game. I spent countless hours playing the game over and over again during car rides.


erotic butter maelstrom
Gonna edit in as I mull it over, but here's the start:

1. Mario Kart 64
2. Super Mario Bros 3
3. Ocarina of Time
4. Super Mario Galaxy
5. Jet Force Gemini
6. Super Smash Bros
7. Wii Sports Resort
8. Pokemon Platinum
9. Pokemon Snap
10. Eternal Darkness
1. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time; Best time I've ever spend with a videogame in my life. In my opinion is the best game ever made so i admit that i'm pretty bias towards it, but one does not simply become such a fan if the game is not extremely good to begin with right?
2. Super Mario Galaxy; I'm still amazed by this game. Technically (along with its sequel) is the pinnacle of Nintendo's gameplay design. Shinniest gem of this generation.
3. The legend of Zelda The Wind Waker; As good as Oot really, but shorter and more cinematic.
4. Metroid Prime;
5. Super Mario Galaxy 2; Better levels than Galaxy 1, but no better music nor fresher an experience.
6. Super Metroid; best 2d action game ever.
7. The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask; A dark twist in Oot that retain its quality.
8. Super Smash Bros. Melee; hundred of hours playing this. Of all games i never enyoded other as much as Melee.
9. Super Mario 64
10. Pokemon Silver/gold/Crystal; best pokemon game.


Metroid Prime; all-time favourite game
Super Mario Galaxy 2; the best Mario platformer, and 1 was almost as good
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes; excellent sequel to the best game of all time
Super Mario Sunshine; favourite Mario platformer, a few flaws place it lower than SMG2
Super Mario 64; first N64 game I owned, played through countless times
Super Smash Bros. Melee; HOURS of play, maybe my most played game of all time in total
Super Metroid; clearly the best 2D Metroid, and my favourite 2D game
Donkey Kong Country Returns; Retro knocking it out of the park again, with the best 2D Wii game
Mario Kart: Double Dash; Favourite Mario Kart, 2 character system was great, and still felt technical enough for advanced players
Pokemon Blue; Pure nostalgia, and is still totally playable today
Can't express enough happiness to see Wind Waker and Twilight Princess in many people's list. Those games deserve it dammit!
Yes, I look forward to a few years from now where Skyward Sword's appreciation is finally acknowledged.
The thing is, I love the DS but it just doesn't really have any BEST GAME OF ALL TIME type titles that are so abundant on their other systems. What it does have is an unbelievable amount of A - AA titles.

This. There are a lot of great titles but there are no legendary, generation defining titles like SMB, TLOZ and SMB3 from NES; ALTTP, SMW, YI, and SM from SNES; OoT, SM64, and SF64 from N64; SSBM and Metroid Prime from GCN; and the Galaxy series from Wii.

Although in some sense I guess one could count Nintendogs and Brain Age along with Wii Sports and Wii Fit for non-gamers anyway. However, not for GAF.


1. Super Mario Galaxy

2. Zelda: Ocarina of Time

3. Super Mario World

4. Metroid Prime

5. Super Metroid

6. Zelda: A Link to the Past

7. Super Mario Galaxy 2

8. Super Smash Bros. Melee

9. Super Mario Bros. 3

10. Super Mario 64

These are all so good order is almost meaningless.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
1. Super Mario 64

reading back on prior lists my jaw is on the floor by the lack of Mario 64 on so many lists..what world is this...am I dreaming...
Oh what the hell. Since this is just voting I will save time and not do descriptions.

1. Super Smash Bros. Melee
2. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
3. Metroid Prime
4. Pokemon Red/Blue
5. Fire Emblem 7: Blazing Sword/Rekka No Ken (Fire Emblem GBA)
6. Super Mario Bros
7. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
8. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
9. Super Mario 64
10. F-Zero GX

Super tough list to make. I really want to put Paper Mario: TTYD, Links Awakening, Link to the Past, Prime 2, Super Metroid, the Galaxies, Earthbound, Fire Emblem 4/5/PoR, etc on there but I can't bring myself to bump anything out.


Gold Member
1. Super Mario 64 ; truly revolutionary game that established gaming in three dimensions
2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ; another revolution, this time in adventure in 3D
3. Super Mario World ; pinnacle of 2D platforming
4. GoldenEye 007 ; established FPS genre and deathmatches on consoles
5. Star Fox ; first ever polygonal home console game and first console 3D shooter
6. The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past ; pinnacle of 2D adventure
7. F-Zero ; established futuristic racer genre
8. Donkey Kong Country ; established new graphics pipeline for 2d game development with SGI
9. Pilotwings 64 ; for the revolutionary sensation of freedom it introduced
10. Mario's Picross ; because I loved it so much so it always has a special place in my heart
1. Super Mario 64

reading back on prior lists my jaw is on the floor by the lack of Mario 64 on so many lists..what world is this...am I dreaming...

It was probably my favorite game as a kid. This game, SF64 and SSBM were probably the games I invested the most amount of time in as a kid. However, I think it has been exceeded in many ways and is no longer on the pedestal it has been placed on since the Galaxy's and 3D land.


I'm only going to list a top 7. I haven't played enough Nintendo games where I can be satisfied with identifying ten really great games; considering there are so many other people have praised that i haven't played.

1. Mario 64
2.Super Mario RPG
4.Mario Kart 64
5.Legend of Zelda Link to the Past
6.Kid Icarus
7. Super Mario Land
1. Super Mario 64

reading back on prior lists my jaw is on the floor by the lack of Mario 64 on so many lists..what world is this...am I dreaming...

It's on my list, but I'm not convinced it holds up. It's there pretty much as a token gesture more than anything.

It's a pretty bad platformer. It's good in it's own way, and a great first 3D game, but still.


1. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island ; My favourite game ever. I've expressed my opinions on it before, but to sum it up quickly, what I love is how every level feels fresh and different from the last, and its a joy to play.
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2 ; I feel this is the closest modern equivalent to Yoshi's Island, as it successfully manages to pull off that constantly new feeling that YI had.
3. Super Smash Bros: Melee ; I spent my teenage years playing this oh so much with a certain group of friends. It could've gotten itself onto this list on that nostalgia alone, but its also a really good game, absolutely packed with content.
4. Warioware Inc: Mega Microgame$ ; This would have to be my favourite mini game-style title ever, I love how unique it feels - and its crazy addictive, too.
5. Mario Kart DS ; I felt it necessary to put at least one Mario Kart game on my list considering how much I love the series, but picking which one was extremely difficult. I went with DS as not only did I have heaps of fun with it when it was released, but it still holds up well enough that I could play it today. Still, you could pretty much sub in any here and I would be happy.
6.. Metroid Prime ; such an utterly brilliant way to usher Metroid into the 3D age. Soooogood.gif
7. Super Mario World ; I wanted to avoid a list of Mario, Mario, Mario. But too bad. I needed this in there, too. Its great.
8. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker ; Look, I'll fully admit its probably not the "best" Zelda, but as my first, it holds a special place for me. I'm a fan of how the game feels like a 'full world', even if a lot of that world is just blue. Also, its incredible looking.
9. Pokemon FireRed / LeafGreen ; Much like Mario Kart, I really wanted a Pokemon Game in the list, ummed and ahhhed over which one. The first gen was my favourite gen in terms of Pokemon design, so I figured I had to go for that, but I doubt I would consider playing the originals with the remakes existing. Hence, this vote.
10. Wii Sports ; Say what you will, but I can't think of any other game ever that did such a successful job in pulling absolutely everyone in for a game. It might not have had much content, but my god, it was fun.


1. Earthbound
2. Super Mario World
3. Waverace 64
4. Super Metroid
5. Legend of Zelda Link to the Past
6. Yoshi's Island
7. Super Mario Bros. 3
7. Super Mario 3D Land
8. Super Mario 64
9. Mother 3
10. Super Mario Kart


1: The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past
2: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
3: Metroid Fusion
4: Tetris DS
5: Fire Emblem
6: Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
7: Metroid: Zero Mission
8: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
9: Excite Truck
10: Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Boggles my mind how anyone can vote for Zelda 2 at all.

What do you like? Not saying Zelda II is perfect, but a few of the games on here getting votes have their own bullshit as well.

ETA: Ok, solid list you got there. Though personally, OoT has more than its share of tedium.
I think i'll avoid using multiple entries from a single series with one exception.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time- It may be a choice that lacks much in the way of surprise but there’s good reason it tops so many lists like this. While there are many quality Zelda games I still feel that Ocarina is the one that truly manages to strike the best balance between all the features one expects from a Zelda game. I’d say that TP has better dungeons, WW has better art direction, Alttp has better music, MM has the best world in itself and I could go on. But OoT manages to bridge all these various aspects together to make the most cohesive Zelda game with perfect pacing, all those other entries fall short in other areas but Ocarina feels well rounded enough that there is little for me belittle, the 3DS remake being the best version available.

2. Donkey Kong Country 2- Delivering great settings, inventive level design, solid gameplay and a stunning soundtrack, together these elements form what is my favourite platformer. A massive step up over the original DKC, this sequel manages to make every stage feel unique, each with their own hook. Nothing is placed without reason, secrets are all over the place, if you spy a lone banana sitting in a bramble wall then you can be assured it’s no error, it’s the sign that doing something usually foolish like leaping face first into a bramble barrier is in fact the path to a hidden item and fortunately they don’t go overboard with the collectables so that it detracts from the experience. Mario may have the more fine tuned platforming but the sum of this games parts elevate it to a higher status for me. And it bears repeating that this game has a soundtrack of the Gods.

3. Super Mario Galaxy 2- And here is my favourite 3D platformer, expanding upon the already brilliant original with more suits, more difficulty, more Yoshi, more stars and so on in that fashion. While it is incredibly similar to the first game to the point it could be an expansion pack its fantastic stage design ensures that it rises above that somewhat demeaning moniker and gives it true sequel status.

4. Metroid Prime- A world oozing with atmosphere, filled with hostile life forms and conveniently a bunch of items that work well for the lone heroine who’s arrived in pursuit of some shady Space pirate activities. You don’t have much to go on but you don’t need to, to discover things for yourself is part of the experience whether it’s the history of Tallon IV obtained from scanning lore or the many items that are scattered across the planet.

5. Super Mario World- I’d say that this is probably the best platforming game I’ve played from a purely mechanical standpoint, the level of control you have over Mario himself is sublime and that alone feels like enough of a reason to rank this highly. But things don’t stop there what with the brilliant stages, hidden exits, exhilarating cape flight and a Yoshi with an insatiable appetite. Pure gaming bliss.

6. Pokemon Fire Red- The nostalgia runs strong with this one, while Black and White are probably the best the series have to offer I can’t deny myself a trip to Kanto with the original pokemon, fortunately the game got a much needed update with the GBA that makes it easily playable today and as a bonus it plays much faster than any other pokemon game if I’m not mistaken. The formula is a classic one that continues to work, creating your own team is one of those joyful experiences, the moment when you have a dream team of 6 fully evolved battling machines is one that is hard to top.

7. Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance- Another game that involves forming a team that kicks ass and takes names in such a way that it makes Reggie proud. But in Fire Emblem your team are in more of a bind than most games as their very lives hang in the balance of your leadership, a unit that’s been with you through many trials could fall victim to an unexpected critical hit and unlike pokemon they don’t faint, they die. As such units don’t feel expendable and I’ll be damned if I’m going to lose my comrades. As for PoR itself I’d say it has a stronger plot than any other of the international release FE games with better characters to boot.

8. Perfect Dark- So since Rare games from the N64 era count I have to make mention for my favourite FPS game, surpassing the solid groundwork laid by Goldeneye. For its time the content in this game is incredible, a single player campaign with fully voiced cutscenes (hey for the N64 this is great!) that has stages that could change over the different difficulty levels and added plenty of extra objectives, co-op mode, counter-op and those oh so enjoyable cheats. A vast lineup of weaponry and gadgets that have multiple functions. A multiplayer mode with many maps including some Goldeneye classics, simulants with varying personality types, character stat tracking, robust music options, being able to save gameplay settings and challenges…..okay I’ll stop now.

9. Xenoblade- A recent entry but a damn good one, a JRPG that manages to stand out among the jumble of seemingly polarizing games in the genre from recent years . Rewarding exploration in a huge world and bringing an interesting battle system to the table with a mammoth soundtrack. An unexpected gem and one of the very best games on the wii.

10. Super Smash Bros Brawl- For some reason the Smash series often slips my mind when it comes to times like this despite the fact that I’ve put an absolute ton of hours into all 3 games. Probably because I’m still waiting for one entry to finally have all the characters I want. That aside the unique style of fighting gameplay on display in this series is an enjoyable and chaotic twist on the standard. As for the selection of Brawl, the character roster is my favourite of the three which is what counts the most to me.

Honourable Mentions
A barrage of DS games like Elite Beat Agents and Kirby Power Paintbrush, other great entries in already represented series like DKCR, Majora's Mask, Super Metroid and Super Mario 64. Mario Kart DS, Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga, Banjo Kazooie, F-Zero GX and Lylat Wars. Okay this has become a top 20 now.
Really surprised at the lack of Pokemon on many peoples list, as well as on the Famitsu list. It's weird that when people think of Nintendo they immediately think "Mario, Zelda, Metroid" even though Pokemon is a more important game than either of the last two (in terms of sales and influence).

I still believe Pokemon is the best JRPG.

I think it's overrated, personally. If you love the whole competitive battling thing, it's great. The core game forces a few of the worse tendencies of the genre.

The thing is other than Donkey Kong and StarFox Adventures all the games Rare made are their own IPs (Banjo, Perfect Dark, Conker). They're not Nintendo games even if they were made exclusively on Nintendo consoles.

Donkey Kong is Nintendo, not Rare. Rare only did Donkey Kong Country 1-3 and DK64.


It's on my list, but I'm not convinced it holds up. It's there pretty much as a token gesture more than anything.

It's a pretty bad platformer. It's good in it's own way, and a great first 3D game, but still.

My thoughts too...kinda. Watching the WR run has me doubting myself though.


1) Super Mario World
2) Super Smash Brothers Melee
3) The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
4) Pokémon Silver
5) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
6) Donkey Kong Country
7) Super Mario Sunshine
8) The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker
9) Pokémon Sapphire
10) Yoshi's Story


1. Yoshi's Island
2. Super Mario World
3. Super Mario Galaxy
4. Super Mario Bros 3
5. Donkey Kong Country 2
6. F-Zero: Maximum Velocity
7. Pokemon Red/Blue
8. Metroid Fusion
9. Pokemon Snap
10. Super Mario Kart

Ye, but no :/
Gonna edit in as I mull it over, but here's the start:

1. Pokemon Snap

Oh snap, was about to forget this game.

boiled goose

good with gravy
This was tough. This list probably changes on my mood, the last games I played, etc.

I have yet to play some favorites such as Earthbound, Paper Mario, 3Dland, pokemon gold/silver

1. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
3. Metroid Prime
4. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
5. Super Mario Galaxy
6. Super Smash Brothers Melee
7. Pokemon Blue/Red/Yellow
8. Goldeneye 007
9. Super Metroid
10. F Zero: GX

Honorable mentions (in no particular order)
11. Super Mario 64
12. Super Mario Brothers 3
13. Super Mario World
14. Super Mario Galaxy 2
15. Donkey Kong country 2: Diddie's kong quest
16. The Legend of Zelda
17. Super mario world 2: yoshi's island


1.- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2.- Super Mario Galaxy
3.- Super Mario 64
4.- Perfect Dark
5.- Donkey Kong Country 2
6.- Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
7.- Metroid Prime
8.- Super Mario Bros. 3
9.- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
10.- Banjo Kazooie

Playing Nintendo games since 1990.


1. Super Mario Bros.; Putting any other game at number 1 would just feel wrong.
2. Super Mario 64; Completely mindblowing when it was released. Still the golden standard of 3d platforming.
3. Metroid Prime; Best of the series.
4. Super Metroid; Second best of the series.
5. GoldenEye 007; Brought fps genre to consoles.
6. Super Mario World It wasn't revolutionary in any way; it was just a really great game.
7. F-Zero X; Big step up from the original. GX might be prettier but it didn't really bring anything new to the table compared to X.
8. Pilotwings 64; The best entry in an underrated series.
9. Super Smash Bros. Melee; Maybe the greatest multiplayer game ever.
10. Game & Watch Gallery 4; I've always liked G&W games. It's a shame that there hasn't been a more complete collection of these simple but very addictive games.

Honorable mentions:
The Legend of Zelda series; I haven't included any Zelda games on the top 10. That isn't because I hate the series but more because I just haven't played most of them.
Super Mario Bros. 3 Could have easily replaced World on the list. Mostly cut because I wanted more variety on the list.
Super Mario Galaxy Great but not quite great enough.
Tetris GB & DS Tetris is of course a classic game but it has been ported to pretty much every console since NES so I feel it isn't "Nintendo enough" for the list (if that makes any sense).
Elite Beat Agents, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Metroid: Zero Mission...and many other portable games Many of these are truly great as portable titles but pale in comparison with home console games. That being said EBA would still have been number 11 on the list.

The 10 most underrated titles:
Ice Hockey (NES)
Nintendo World Cup (NES/GB)
Uniracers (SNES)
Mario Golf 64 (N64)
1080° Snowboarding (N64)
Balloon Kid (GB)
Kuru Kuru Kururin (GBA)
Orbital (GBA)
Metroid Prime Pinball (DS)
Chōsōjū Mecha MG (DS)
1. Metroid Prime - Best 3D game of all time
2. Super Metroid - Best 2D game of all time
3. F-Zero GX - Best racing game of all time
4. Donkey Kong Country Returns
5. Donkey Kong Country 2
6. Super Smash Bros Melee
7. Zelda: A Link to the Past
8. Super Mario Galaxy 2
9. Earthbound
10. Super Mario World
Nintendo titles? All right....

1. Super Mario Bros.
2. The Legend of Zelda
3. Super Mario Kart
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Zelda - A Link to the Past
6. Donkey Kong '94
7. Punch-Out!!
8. Super Metroid
9. Star Fox
10. Tetris
1) Super Mario Bros. 3 - Pretty much blew up the original structure of the first Mario, expanding the scope of the levels while not sacrificing the focus on challenge platforming. Also does an excellent job of economizing the most intriguing, potent power-ups as well as unique level types and challenges, making for one of the most variety laden games in the series to this day.
2) Super Metroid - Cliche, but I was one of the first who was on the love train for this game, and I was mixed in my opinion on the first two. The difference here is that everything is so much more refined and elegant, it's one of the most improved sequels of all time, as well as one of the most time tested.
3) Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - Ok, bit of a protest vote, but needs a bit of a bump. In spite of some typically 8-bit issues (limited lives, lava pits, could use a little more damage/defense structure tweaking), Zelda II still stands in a class of its own, and not just among Zelda games, with its mix of skillful, well-controlling action-RPG and pseudo-Metroidvania gameplay.
4) Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - My actual favorite Zelda game. Has the best overall use of items as well as overall flow in the series, making it the most enjoyable to boot.
5) Super Mario Kart: It may be a glorified Mode 7 sheet in contrast to its true 3d followups, but with the exception of the DS installment, it beats them all in terms of sheer enjoyment, thanks to efficient design oft-laden with shortcuts. And of course, no Blue Shell.
6) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island - Ricocheting egg action and awesome boss battles. Especially Raven. Killer soundtrack.
7) Donkey Kong '94 (GB): Kind of wish this could get more than just one point from me, but that's just testament to Nintendo's awesomeness. In contrary to Rare's follow the leader gameplay-shift take with Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong for the Game Boy masqueraded as a remake of the original... only to flip the script and show its true colors as a quirky puzzle platformer that took cues from Donkey Kong Jr. and Super Mario Bros. 2, and required Mario to bust acrobatic moves well before he entered the 3rd dimension.
8) Paper Mario - Still haven't played the sequel yet, so this one's representing the RPG lineage. Still, on its own terms, this one pretty much defined Mario entering the genre on his own terms brilliantly, with a script and localization that are memorable to this day.
9) Tetris Attack - While I'm not the hugest fan, I still have a lot of respect for the depth this game has.
10) Mario's Picross 2 (GB) - Still the best in the series, thanks to multiple section puzzles. Sadly Japan only.

I went a little more for variety here. Still, I think I reached a pretty accurate personal assessment. Wish I could have represented 3d Mario, but I still need to play the Galaxy games. (Yeah, I'm way behind here.) Tetris is great, but might be better represented by one of the Grand Master titles developed by Arika.


Kills Photobucket
1. Legend of Zelda: Link To The Past
2. Super Metroid
3. Super Mario World
4. Super Mario Bros. 3
5. Metroid Prime
6. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
7. Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
8. Super Mario Galaxy
9. Pokemon Red
10. Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan


Lack of Pokemon red/blue is disturbing.

I was really close to picking them for the Pokemon entry I felt I needed to have, but then I thought about whether I could go out right now and play the originals. And I don't think I could. FireRed / LeafGreen improve on them in almost every single capacity, so I'd have to play those versions instead - and if I can't honestly say I'd be able to play the game now, it surely can't be top 10 material, right?

I actually think Pokemon is missing a lot of lists for the same reason it only just scraped into mine - all the titles are similar enough that its hard to have a real standout to put on the list. All the gens are really good, but none stands out in the way that a Top 10 game would have to.


1. Donkey Kong Country 2; I am not entirely sure, why I love this so much. maybe It's just the overall feel this game has to it. The soundtrack is superb and the improvements over its predecessor are numerous.
2. Xenoblade Chronicles; A year has passed since I first played it, and even after I played it for the 3rd and 4th time with the pal version, it hasn't lost any of it's greatness.
3. Goldeneye; Do i really have to say anything more? still playing it with frinds on weekends, end of story.
4. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes; Prime 2 is the "black sheep" of the Prime Trillogy, and has been criticised heavily for minor reasons without looking at the big picture over the years - which I can not comprehend.
5. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword; If you give the motion controlls a chance, this is one hell of an experience. To bad some people can't appreciate it for what it is.
6. Diddy Kong Racing; Probably the best racing game ever. I really wish there was a 2nd one. Pure Rare magic.
7. Last Window: The Secret of Cape West; While Hotel Dusk and Trace Memory were ok, Last Window was so much better. It was a lot shorter than Hotel Dusk, but on the other hand the flow of the story, the charakters, the gameplay and the feeling was greatly improved. Rest in Peace Cing ;(
8. Conkers Bad Fur Day; I didn't know what to expect when I first played this. But I was not prepared for the most insane ride in my videogame life.
9. Perfect Dark; Overall a great improvement over Golden Eye. Kickass Soundtrack, great lvl design and a likeable story. I wish more games would feature a laptop gun :p
10. Fatal Frame IV ; It took me weeks to get a hold on this, but it was well worth it. And thanks to the FF community it's possible to play this in english for over 2 years now. One of the best horror titles I've ever played.

seems that out of my top 10 nintendo games, 9 aren't nintendo games at all :D


1. Super Smash Bros. Melee
2. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
3. Advance Wars 2
4. Animal Crossing: Wild World
5. Super Smash Bros.
6. Golden Eye 64
7. Mario Kart 64
8. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
9. Super Mario World
10. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


Yes, I look forward to a few years from now where Skyward Sword's appreciation is finally acknowledged..

1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword ; This game defines motion controls just as Mario 64 defined 3D gameplay. The final act (~last few hours or so) really demonstrated how well motion controls can and do work. The final battle was the most cathartic, satisfying, engaging and atmospheric one Ive ever encountered in a game. Even better was the empowering feeling of beating the boss when my shield broke mid fight. Several of the temples/dungeons were incredibly well thought out with some amazing mechanics. One moment in particular late in the game was just incredibly beautiful. Edge magazine's review mused over whether Nintendo had figured out the secret to infinite level design. I suspect they did; I could have played through the 3 main areas several times more and not gotten sick of them.
It's the only game where the controls actually do make you feel like the hero character - the importance of bringing you into the game cannot be understated.

2. Super Mario Galaxy 2 ; 2 weeks ago, this was my favourite game of all time. The controls are perfect, the scope of the game allows for incredibly challenging levels (Perfect run damn you), and it somehow proved that SMG1 could be improved upon. The end of Slimy Spring Galaxy was a moment of disarming beauty too.
3. Super Mario Galaxy ; Until it's successor, it had the most inventive 3D gaming levels ever. Purple coin challenges, Buoy Base Galaxy music, Gusty Garden. Phenomenal.
4. Animal Crossing ; I wasted a whole weekend trying to win a fishing tourney in this. A nice relaxing game, heaps to do and a charming aesthetic.
5. Goldeneye 007 ; Still the best console local multiplayer fps game. Proxy mines + bunker + 3 mates
6. Super Mario 64 ; The game that made 3D gaming. Resonating music, fun to explore, vibrant and perfect.
7. Wii Sports ; Criminally underrated, and bowling is perfectly realised in it.
8. New Super Mario Bros. Wii ; Classic 2D gameplay, and I love the final level. This will take me years to complete though.
9. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker ; It's a relaxing game to explore, and the animation is top class. So beautiful.
10. Mario Kart Double Dash!! ; Played this heaps with my (now wife) back in the day. Loved the DK Mountain track.

Honourable mentions: games I am yet to finish, will probably rank higher, but havent played enough to justify inclusion.
x. Ocarina of Time
x. Metroid Prime
x. Majora's Mask
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