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Hogwarts Legacy officially the number one selling new release of 2023

Can you even find your dick in the middle of those fat rolls?

That’s kinda the point… There’s so many it doesn’t matter where you put your dick anymore…7/10 on that front though she could have a few more folds…extra points if there’s no teeth and you can get a gum job.


Yeah, people here were saying it beat Resident Evil 4 for them. I’m guessing it’s the honeymoon period, because the reviewers I trust were likening it to a walking sim, with a heavy emphasis on searching for clues.
Sound like another deserved 91 metacritic like spidey 2.
I do. The experience(tm) trumps actually engaging gameplay, tight mechanics, using your brain or any of the things that actually do create the much-sought immersion for most mainstream reviewers. Everything that actually involves figuring something out or improving in a videogame is now "not respecting my time". Imagine how interesting a game like that could've been if there were actual player agency instead of that Mind Place horseshit. I'm about 6 hours in right now and as a Point & Click fan coming off Stasis: Bone Totem, this is mindnumbingly and insultingly dumb. I got it as a birthday present from my sister the other day and I keep telling her how much I love it anyway 😎

Style over substance reigns, or more so feelings over substance. Game made me FEEL THINGS, 10/10. Shit is stupid.

Edit: can't spell
Agreed to all these points... I might be too critical too AW2 because I am actively disliking it more and more after finishing it.
Then I discover sweet baby inc, woke stuff and everything becomes clear why I had weird feeling.
But all that stuff aside - the gameplay is not there, the controls are not there on ps5, the performance and image quality is not there.... it's just experience TW like TerribleAtThisGame TerribleAtThisGame said.


Gold Member
Man… aw2 was fine but it was such a disappointment for me. Woke as fuck in a bad way that influenced the game. Survival horror with no survival and only horror being loud obnoxious flashing grandma pictures. Would help if there was gameplay but no. You walk around, pretend to salve the case on a board and spend lots of time listening to head on monologues in the mind place. And it wins everything and is praised. I don’t get this industry anymore
I dunno, dude. I've been noticing this in the past few years too. Its like video games that play like actual fucking video games are getting roasted/shafted hard. Meanwhile, games that offer a very streamlined progression, injected nonsense and marginally engaging gameplay are put in higher favor. Interesting, challenging and innovative gameplay don't mean much to activists in the media, apparently.
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I finally played it a couple months ago, I loved it! I'm not all that big of an HP fan, but someone close to me did succeed in getting me to read all of the books years ago, and they were actually pretty good. And what can I say, I love "generic modern open world games" where you explore a huge map and do the same six mini subquests/puzzles over and over and over, so this was right up my alley. But anyway I shat my pants in anger at whoever said this means it's better than TotK.


King Snowflake
Best game of the year imo and a fucking travesty that it hasnt been included in goty lists cos they dont want to upset the pansie brigade
It was good, but best is a stretch. Also I almost forgot the game entirely with all the other games out this year. Not sure how I could forget my trans character, Harry NotHer. They ruled.


The game isn't that great, so the lack of awards is fair, but I guess the IP itself did wonders for marketing (despite of, or at least in part precisely because of, the controversy).
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Hogwarts rejoice!




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