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It boggles my mind how PC gamers justify spending over $1000 on a graphics card (A Hideo Kojima Rant)


Gold Member
Well, that's fine. But this is a very subjective topic dependent on personal opinion, interest, priorities and resources. It's difficult to find a defining commonality.

I'm as many others critical towards Nvidia's price hike, I mean where does it end.. But from a larger perspective level PC gaming is often a somewhat cheap hobby compared to going all-in on others like photography and music.
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Is this topic for real?

Countless people spend a lot of their money on hobbies they enjoy.

I love gaming. I've been playing video games for over 29 years now.
I'm perfectly fine spending $1,000 dollars on a PC component that will provide me the ultimate gaming experience.

Enthusiest tier graphics cards will often last you more than a single generation (my 1080TI sure did).
Console gamers will a system for $400-600, but then will upgrade to a pro version for another $400-600 half-way through a generation.


So your games looks and runs like this:

It's okay to play "your own" games the inferior way, and that that might upset you from time to time. But don't blame that on those that don't =)


got my 1080 ti in 2017 and it's still smoking the competition

the workstation experience is second to none, work in ue4 or unity, source 2, render movies, code, compose tunes, w / plenty of bandwidth left over to work in blender or photoshop ...

emulate whatever you want, store and access endless lecture series, modules, docs

steam library is always on and p. much endless with the greatest api in the industry (offline libraries can be extended through gog and the like)
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on a personal level, i justify the cost with vr since apps like gravity sketch allow you to build worlds like yer frigging tony stark in a holo lab

run shit like space pirate trainer or alyx at max perf without second thoughts to render bandwidth


I do buy the top end card whenever I upgrade, though I stick to it for years. I wouldn't buy a console instead because it doesn't provide the level of experience I'm after. I also wouldn't buy a console instead because I wouldn't want to give up the other advantages of PC.
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Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
30 fps on a capable TV in a third person adventure game is perfectly capable.

I get the fps argument when it's a first person game, or when it's fast paced. But I won't believe anyone who tells me stuff like Uncharted 4, God of War or Death Stranding are not capable experiences on the base ps4. They are.

YMMV. I can’t stand 30 FPS in most games. Doesn’t matter what genre. And have you ever gotten used to +100 FPS it’s pretty damn hard to go back.

So no. They are not perfectly capable. For me.


I know the OP and replies are all a part of one troll, but I do agree that, for gaming alone, a $1,000 graphics card is indeed a waste of money, in part because of opportunity cost but also because you don't really need to go there in order to have a premium PC gaming experience. I upgraded from a Fury X to a GTX 1080 in 2017 at a price of $570. I used Amazon credit to only pay $470. I had sold my Fury X for $400.


People pay 20+ million dollars for a Maclaren F1 and drive it less then 5000 miles a year! The heart wants what it wants! Plus the 1000 dollar plus GPU's will be usable for 7 years plus (not cutting edge by then but capable) so ehhh it's good to have choice!

Plus so many People spend a G on Cocaine a month around my neck of the woods, A nice GPU is such a better alternative :p


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Hobbies are not supposed to be about savings some graphics cards are expensive and if you’re really into gaming go for it


Until consoles support mouse and keyboard in full to properly play RTSs, uh no. Same goes for complete flight controls.


Gold Member
We both know he is a rarity.
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Gold Member
PC's are more functional than consoles. PC's can also be used to make money, not just play games. That alone justifies higher prices, though i still feel $1000+ is too much. I will look to get the 3080 or wait for big navi


Look, if you have the money to spend on something that expensive, then more power to you.

With that being said, spending over $1000 on a graphics card alone when a perfectly capable console that costs 2/3rd's less (~$449) does more than the sum of its parts is insane to me, personally.

I understand it's state of the art technology, but can someone honestly tell me which developer is producing games that take full advantage of such an expensive graphics card?

Crysis 2 was maybe the last PC game that justified such a purchase, but nowadays, consoles have reached mid-ranged PC rigs beautifully with the added caveat of the SSD.

So GAF, who's ready to post in this thread and give me the ultimate reality check as to why PC gaming is the ultimate form of gaming, insane pricing for an individual piece of dependable hardware aside?

With a console you buy into a closed ecosystem. You pay a relatively low price, which is a result of the mass production of the devices. You pay an extra price when you join the ecosystem. Online services cost money and the games have a 10-20 dollar extra tax for the platform. So if I buy 10 games a year during the period of 4 years, that's at least 400 bucks extra. On top of that, there are another 200 bucks or so in online fees for the period. These are costs that you do not have on PC. Of course, you have higher initial costs.

Everyone should be aware that high-end devices have their price. A Porsche only gets you from A to B and still costs 4-5 times more than a solid Toyota. A 2080 Ti has only 15% more power than a 2080 Super and still costs 50% extra. In contrast, a 2080 Super has about 15% more power than a 2070 Super and costs about 15-20% more. In the midfield of GPUs, the increase in price and performance is well balanced. The value ratio is relatively similar between 300 and 700 dollar GPUs.

Let's take as an example the $400 GPU that will be released next month and is about as fast as an Xbox Series X. The PC around this GPU should cost you about 1100 bucks. So 500-600 more than the Xbox Series X. But in a 4 year period of usage you save the 10+ dollar extra costs per game. If you buy a lot of titles and play online, you should get about the same price after 4 years of use. You can of course also use more expensive hardware, but you will have more power that should last longer.

You'll also be happy with a $400 GPU if your requirements are no higher than a console. Since the last console generation, there are no more great hardware advantages. With a GTX 970 you get about the same performance as a PS4 Pro and when you compare chip performances, they are about the same. This principle continues in a linear way (of course you have to consider generational jumps in architecture etc.). But there is no reason to buy a $1000 GPU if you just want the power of a PS5. On the contrary, the 400 Dollar RTX 3060 is probably even faster - at least in AI driven applications like raytracing.

If you want to pay the premium price for absolute high end, then that's your choice, nobody forces you to buy an iPhone Pro or a Porsche 911 (and of course the shareholders, thanks for your money). But the people who do so are financing the technology of the cheaper models. But this isn't a question of rationality, but simply of financial possibilities.

And as mentioned in the beginning, the also PC is an open platform. You can get your games from X different stores and usually get cheaper prices. Even then if you limit yourself to non-dubious stores. Furthermore, you don't pay extra license fees to the manufacturers and your online costs are limited to your internet connection.
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All the games on the PC take advantage of the power of the latest graphics card. Getting more FPS is automatically a given. That frees up a significant about of bandwidth. I want to play every game at the highest details it can produce. Oftentimes this doesn't exist on the consoles. Also there will be more games releasing this generation that won't run right unless you have a brute force power card like the 3090. Look at it this way, the 2080Ti out ran every console in every 3rd party game released that generation and it still couldn't do 4k/60FPS @ Ultra. Games will always run faster with more powerful hardware. It's going to be especially important this new generation. I don't want to be stuck with just seeing ray-traced reflections in games when I can see all the ray-tracing features run at a good clip on a high-end GPU.

Lastly, you got FS2020 that proves a game written for future graphics will see big advantages in running that sim at it's intended spec be realized where the consoles won't see it this generation at all.


always chasing the next thrill
Some people have more money then you OP,
I knew a young kid that had a temper tantrum that refused to wash her mouth with anything else then bottled S-Pellegrino.
Her parents had a 50M sailing yacht. Nobody cares if you can or can't get something just don't be a bitch a cry about it.

Jon Neu

So your games looks and runs like this:

It's okay to play "your own" games the inferior way, and that that might upset you from time to time. But don't blame that on those that don't =)

Impressive... frame drops.

So you can play with a little bit more resolution than a PS4 Pro and with 60 fps that drop hard as fuck. And all for maybe 2000/4000$ instead of the 300/400$ that costs the PS4 Pro.

The definition of diminishing returns and super crappy bang for your buck.


Gold Member
I agree OP, the games don't "look" necessarily better by playing them on a 1500$ GPU. But you get double to quadruple the framerate at higher resolutions. For some people this alone is worth it.


I will always be willing to spend extra for a higher quality more carefree experience, increasing my enjoyment from my main source of entertainment.

I don't buy expensive branded clothing, I don't buy sports cars, I don't buy flagship smartphones, I don't buy the "ultimate version" of lot of things I'm neither enthusiastic or have "expert" knowledge about.

I "frivolously" spend money on two things, tools and IT-related tech because those are the areas of which I'm especially discerning. If I play an FPS and it's not running at at least 120hz I get frustrated at the reduction in smoothness and constant screen tearing. Long story short, I'm sure there are areas where you MiyazakiHatesKojima MiyazakiHatesKojima are more knowledgeable and decerning and thus appreciate increased quality.

Its also something I need for my work and not a considerable sum to me, so I guess that helps, but even if it weren't for that I'd still spend thousands on upgrades every few years.



No, consoles aren't "perfectly capable", it actually boggles my mind how people can throw 400-500 bucks every three years and always settle for 24-30FPS, this year we will see new consoles again, presumably for 499-599, that's 1300-1600$ in 7 years from something that's underperforming again, and again, and again, so why not invest once properly into something that will get the job done for a decade or so?
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Never spent more than 400$ for a card and I always sell my old one. I spent 200$ for a 1660 super last week after selling my old card.
I'm assuming this is a troll thread? If so, it definitely backfired. I wonder if OP spent over $1000 to get the ps4, ps4 pro, replaced controller, paid 7 years of PSN, plus all the marked up pricing on games and dlc?


Some people wants choices and not locked down 30/60 fps system i want mods, 300fps and whatever resolution i feel like running this is were PC is and this is why people spend extra money. Not justifying Nvidia outrageous prices but since no competition they can do whatever they want and people will still pay to have everything i mentioned above and more!
consoles are closed boxes that play games at a miserable clip w / extraneous apps bolted atop the ui layer

most of the time you are fighting the system to do what you want and it's usually better looking and faster on pc, that's what the expenditure of better parts and a dedicated os allots
Sounds more like a PC to me


Because we want the best of the best. Because its a hobby.
Because 30fps was PS3 era and we are still stuck there for consoles.


and to the point, plenty of pc gamers run midline cards at much lower prices

i usually shell out around 700 for a top line a few months to a year in the cycle, and that carries me for 5 to 7 years


Spent 100 and something on a GTS 450 card like a decade or so that I'm still using.
(was just running RE2 on it)

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Also if you're like me you'll buy the launch console plus the mid gen refresh. So between the two you're already at $1,000-$1,200.
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