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Marvel's ANT-MAN Trailer #1

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Someone really needs to make a Marvel Bingo card for these. It needs "Looks like a TV show" "This is the one that will flop" and for Ant-man only "This would have been better if Wright was still making it".

Well this one is probably true. Wright is the best action/comedy director working.


Have we officially revised history now to pretend people got excited about the GOTG teasers?
The first GOTG teaser was great, not sure what you're talking about. It established the tone really well with the "Starlord." "...who?" and the lineup introduction of characters, and then somehow used the beat from Hooked on a Feeling to start legit hype music for the end of the trailer.

It's honestly one of the most memorable trailers from the last few years for me.



Wasn't this supposed to be a comedy more so than gotg?

You know. Is really idiotic to asume that what you see in a trailer is final and what you're going to get in the final movie. Specially with one so early and obviously lacking in content.

The Wright circle-jerk over this film sure is getting old. Ah well.

Yes. I've always thougt were all those fans where his last 2 movies bombed since apparently he has a lot of them.

Agent Carter was awesome. The Ant-Man trailer was fine, but I don't think it showed off Paul Rudd enough. (Though the shirtless shot was nice~)

Oh you.
Shit. I think the worst part of the trailer is that it didn't really show anything cool with the shrinking. He rode an ant. eh. I think a fight scene would have been a far better demonstration.


Bitches love smiley faces
Trailer was okay. The beat for the "huh" was weird. Wasn't edited well.

Would rather see the second trailer. We all know that'll be closer in tone to how the movie is.


tagged by Blackace
Trailer was okay, but the "is it too late to change the name?" bit at the end made it great.

I'm not saying his daughter won't be involved, just that it might not matter. How personal a story feels will come down how it is presented. Even if the core of the conflict for the character is meant to be personal, if the rest of the story raises the stakes to a point where it feels like everything else, that won't matter because people won't latch on to it.

I think Iron Man 2 is a great example of how this can fall apart. The main dynamic was meant to be a mistaken revenge story between Whiplash and Tony Stark. It could have explored the consequences of Stark's weapon programs and how they affect the larger world. Instead it was mostly lost in the larger picture of building up the Avengers program, HAMMER industries trying to destroy Stark Industries, etc.
Did you miss out on Iron Man 1?
Dude made Scott Pilgrim. Any sane person doesn't want that shit. He is fine when Pegg and Frost hold his shitty ass back but he is fucking horrible when let lose.

Him being off this movie will make it better.



Those guardians crow posts are over 90% about box office not that the teaser looked bad. The teaser for guardians was great and most said so it is just most predicted it would bomb due to subject material. I thought the guardians teaser was beyond awesome.

The guardians trailer was awesome the ant-man one sucked. People predicting box office failure for guardians has nothing to do with how the teasers were received from a quality stand point
Trailer was okay. The beat for the "huh" was weird. Wasn't edited well. .

They needed to switch out the music there. That's why the Guardians trailers worked as well as they did - when the trailer switched from serious to "no... this is a comedy," the music took a left turn towards pop territory.

This just kept with the generic SERIOUS BLOCKBUSTER soundtrack throughout all of it.

I guarantee the fast cut stuff would have played a lot better if the "huh" had been punctuated with a catchy old pop hit.


mediocrity at its best
Can any Edgar Wright fans post ANYTHING decent he has done by himself? Oh, they can't and he pretty much sucks? What a shock.


Dude made Scott Pilgrim. Any sane person doesn't want that shit. He is fine when Pegg and Frost hold his shitty ass back but he is fucking horrible when let lose.

Him being off this movie will make it better.


Does that make me insane?
As a big Marvel fan, this "Marvel made a movie about a talking raccoon and a tree! They can't fail!" talk has got to stop. Just because Guardians of the Galaxy was a successful movie does not insulate Marvel against all future failures. It's entirely possible that Guardians of the Galaxy could succeed and Ant-Man won't.

Now, I'm hoping Ant-Man does well, because I like the idea. And I think it will do well. But right now, I'm kind of waiting for the next trailer, because that didn't hype me too much.

I mostly agree with this, but I think that the Marvel brand is strong enough for now to insulate the studio from an outright failure.

Doesn't mean this couldn't underperform relative to the rest of Phase 2, though.


I can definitely see that, and hopefully they avoid that easy pitfall.

I hope so too, but I'm just keeping my expectations in check. The two things I want most out of the film is to see them establish Hank Pym in the history of the MCU in a convincing way, and to show how Scott Lang is a different sort of superhero. Given Marvel Studio's track record so far, I'll say the former will probably be done fairly well, but I dunno about the latter...

Did you miss out on Iron Man 1?

You mean like how the entire origin which was supposed to be about him reflecting on how his weapons were used by terrorists turned out to be his partner setting him up instead? That's exactly what I mean by watering stuff down to the point where they don't matter. Lol.
Yeah keeping the serious music when he went huh was a bad idea. Thinking we will get another with more Scott Lang sometime. Seems Hank is being shown as more serious and Lang will be more of a cut up.


Anyone know who Michael Peña is playing? Or is he just some dude who has 3-4 lines? Glad to see him there though, he's a great actor.


You used it to conclude an actor, who said almost nothing and all of it completely without context, is the "weak link". Every time I see someone make conclusions about things they cannot possible know from a teaser it makes me laugh.

An actor who I don't like is an actor who I don't like. I don't need two hours of the latest Shia LeBeouf film to tell you I'm probably not going to like him either. Your holier than thou attitude in this thread is hilarious though. How much context do I need for two one-liners anyway? Please enlighten me oh learned one.
Looking good, especially the last 30 seconds where there was a bit more action. Hopefully this is as good as previous Marvel movies because it has been a while since there has been a bad one.
If you say so. I think Marvel wanted people to actually see this film.

I'd burn all of phase 2 for an Edgar Wright heist movie (Marvel or not) in a second. It takes time to actually craft an engagingly shot movie.

edit: the box office draw on the director's name is meaningless, they gave James Gunn 200+ mil
Gave me vibes of some of the worser comic book movies of the past decade or so, not sure how I really feel about it right now.
An actor who I don't like is an actor who I don't like. I don't need two hours of the latest Shia LeBeouf film to tell you I'm probably not going to like him either. Your holier than thou attitude in this thread is hilarious though. How much context do I need for two one-liners anyway? Please enlighten me oh learned one.
Well Shia was great in Fury so you should give actors a chance.

Agreed though that this is a weak teaser. Did feel like they put something out just for the sake of putting it out. Totally agree the music did not mesh well with the comedic nature of the film.


Can any Edgar Wright fans post ANYTHING decent he has done by himself? Oh, they can't and he pretty much sucks? What a shock.

Scott Pilgrim was fantastic, but keep up your crusade. Whether Edgar Wright makes good or bad movies has no bearing on this movie anymore anyways, so Edgar Wright defenders and haters are wasting their time frankly.
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