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Marvel's ANT-MAN Trailer #1

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As a big Marvel fan, this "Marvel made a movie about a talking raccoon and a tree! They can't fail!" talk has got to stop. Just because Guardians of the Galaxy was a successful movie does not insulate Marvel against all future failures. It's entirely possible that Guardians of the Galaxy could succeed and Ant-Man won't.

Now, I'm hoping Ant-Man does well, because I like the idea. And I think it will do well. But right now, I'm kind of waiting for the next trailer, because that didn't hype me too much.


"Eat crow again"? What other movie did people have to eat crow from? Aside from Captain America 2, all of Marvel's movies since Iron Man 1 have been terrible.

You live in a weird little mental bubble. Seriously, I'm not kidding here. If you think you're spouting some kind of well known truth, you're exceptionally, embarrassingly, deluded.


Weak trailer. Especially seeing how stellar both the first teasers GotG and Age of Ultron were.

Have we officially revised history now to pretend people got excited about the GOTG teasers?

Someone really needs to make a Marvel Bingo card for these. It needs "Looks like a TV show" "This is the one that will flop" and for Ant-man only "This would have been better if Wright was still making it".

For real. I noticed one of the complaints in this thread so far was that Michael Douglas sounded old.

No shit?


I would've liked to have got at least a hint of Yellowjacket. I mean the suit is fucking awesome, they should have thrown in a little tease at the end.
Someone really needs to make a Marvel Bingo card for these. It needs "Looks like a TV show" "This is the one that will flop" and for Ant-man only "This would have been better if Wright was still making it".

also "I think this one will pop the superhero bubble"

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I can't remember - which one was GotG's first teaser like this? Did it capture any of the comedic notes of the actual movie?


Lol, terrible.

So basically you're calling me out and all you have to say is that I'm a hater and that my opinion is terrible? Trailers are supposed to make people more stoked to see the film. This one didn't do that for me. I'm not sure why you seem to be taking this personally.


mediocrity at its best
Suit looks good.

Trailer was cheesy.

I want Edgar Wright.

Dude made Scott Pilgrim. Any sane person doesn't want that shit. He is fine when Pegg and Frost hold his shitty ass back but he is fucking horrible when let lose.

Him being off this movie will make it better.


It's a part of the character's origin in the comics, it's not the kind of thing they would throw out just because it was in Wright's script that they adapted.

I'm not saying his daughter won't be involved, just that it might not matter. How personal a story feels will come down how it is presented. Even if the core of the conflict for the character is meant to be personal, if the rest of the story raises the stakes to a point where it feels like everything else, that won't matter because people won't latch on to it.

I think Iron Man 2 is a great example of how this can fall apart. The main dynamic was meant to be a mistaken revenge story between Whiplash and Tony Stark. It could have explored the consequences of Stark's weapon programs and how they affect the larger world. Instead it was mostly lost in the larger picture of building up the Avengers program, HAMMER industries trying to destroy Stark Industries, etc.


HOLY SHIT that trailer was motherfucking HYPE! Did you see him riding a motherfucking ant? This is magic school bus level of craziness ms. frizzle be all like 'ANT MAN SAVE ME' and he be like 'nah I already have a daughter' and he rides the ant away holy shit so hype

I give you props for trying to hype yourself up.
Up until the first minute it's one of the most uninteresting things I've seen, after the costume shoot things pick up pretty well. Hope they don't do that dumb "ant strength" from the Edgar Wright. test footage.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Dude made Scott Pilgrim. Any sane person doesn't want that shit. He is fine when Pegg and Frost hold his shitty ass back but he is fucking horrible when let lose.

Him being off this movie will make it better.



So basically you're calling me out and all you have to say is that I'm a hater and that my opinion is terrible? Trailers are supposed to make people more stoked to see the film. This one didn't do that for me. I'm not sure why you seem to be taking this personally.

You used it to conclude an actor, who said almost nothing and all of it completely without context, is the "weak link". Every time I see someone make conclusions about things they cannot possible know from a teaser it makes me laugh.


suit looks great like it did in the test footage. I am assuming a long form trailer for this and Avengers gets released during the Super Bowl.
It felt a little bland, with the exception of the end, but it was only a teaser. No teaser will ever give you the proper beats of a film. I'm still hype!
I'm not saying his daughter won't be involved, just that it might not matter. How personal a story feels will come down how it is presented. Even if the core of the conflict for the character is meant to be personal, if the rest of the story raises the stakes to a point where it feels like everything else, that won't matter because people won't latch on to it.

I think Iron Man 2 is a great example of how this can fall apart. The main dynamic was meant to be a mistaken revenge story between Whiplash and Tony Stark. It could have explored the consequences of Stark's weapon programs and how they affect the larger world. Instead it was mostly lost in the larger picture of building up the Avengers program, HAMMER industries trying to destroy Stark Industries, etc.

I can definitely see that, and hopefully they avoid that easy pitfall.


As a big Marvel fan, this "Marvel made a movie about a talking raccoon and a tree! They can't fail!" talk has got to stop. Just because Guardians of the Galaxy was a successful movie does not insulate Marvel against all future failures. It's entirely possible that Guardians of the Galaxy could succeed and Ant-Man won't.

Now, I'm hoping Ant-Man does well, because I like the idea. And I think it will do well. But right now, I'm kind of waiting for the next trailer, because that didn't hype me too much.

I agree with this comment
Up until the first minute it's one of the most uninteresting things I've seen, after the costume shoot things pick up pretty well. Hope they don't do that dumb "ant strength" from the Edgar Wright. test footage.

Part of the character's abilities is to retain human strength while microscopic... so I think you might be disappointed.
As a big Marvel fan, this "Marvel made a movie about a talking raccoon and a tree! They can't fail!" talk has got to stop. Just because Guardians of the Galaxy was a successful movie does not insulate Marvel against all future failures.

Now, I'm hoping Ant-Man does well, because I like the idea. And I think it will do well. But right now, I'm kind of waiting for the next trailer, because that didn't hype me too much.

Apparently, their success doesn't insulate people from regurgitating the same "Marvel/superhero movie genre is doomed" line from every trailer, begging and hoping that it might actually stick this time. Because honestly, I'd love to see that stop much sooner than anything else.


Watching the trailer again and thinking about where the story is going to go, I'm really digging this. They've made Scott Lang into this perpetual loser who gets a second chance and needs to redeem himself-and he'll be up against Corey Stall and this rich company, etc.

The Little Guy! I was also iffy on Paul Rudd's casting, but see think it works now.
I can't remember - which one was GotG's first teaser like this? Did it capture any of the comedic notes of the actual movie?
GotG teaser was basically all comedy, and that was exactly people's complaints about it were, that it was too comical and irrelevant.

The irony...
It's a part of the character's origin in the comics, it's not the kind of thing they would throw out just because it was in Wright's script that they adapted.

They wouldn't have thrown it out just because it was in Wright's script. They would have thrown it out because they had a change of heart regarding the marketability of Wright's vision for the film. Nothing personal.


Teaser poster is rad, teaser trailer is bad. Its so overly serious for the character and the visual style is so bland it feels like it was pulled from an article making fun of generic super hero films.


Isn't the 2nd Ultron trailer coming out Monday? Oh boy...

Antman is literally the warm-up band after the main act.
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