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New Nintendo Direct to be broadcast tomorrow (Now-Spring 3DS/Wii U titles)

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Please Cranky up my avatar too.


Here you go!

Surely Cranky became big here, I'm beginning to believe in Year of Cranky


I haven't been following this thread but could someone tell me what are the chances they show a new X gameplay trailer (along with more info and a release date)?


Are you guys serious with this SM64 HD crap?

Look man I got just as much of a huge boner for that game as the rest of ya. I grew up on that shit. But SM64 is a shit platformer. Why would I want the house of Mario to throw their resources on a waste of time?


Neo Member
I would pay money for this... even if it's purely for nostalgia reasons.

You'd have to be a CRANKY to not want that. This game gets so little homage, when it had an amazing soundtrack, great levels, humorous story, and good length as well.

Goddammit Rare.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
How about an HD remake of DK64?

I love my apes, but no.

Don't you like SM64?

I do. I did. And I don't want, nor think Nintendo needs, a remaster of a 1996 game on a system that just received its own excellent 3D Mario, backed by a previous generation that saw two excellent 3D Marios, both of which are compatible with the system.

There's no scenario where I wouldn't take Galaxy 2 over Mario 64 anyway.

what if the reason they're taking so long with n64 vc games is that they want to bring back all the gimped features from wii vc? like rumble pak, memory pak, etc.

i mean, it's still unacceptable that it's taking this long, but hey, it's something?


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It's not that good of a game these days. Sorry I'd rather they didn't spend time on that crap. I'd buy it sure but I'd be cranky as fuck. The game hasn't aged well and it'll be a waste of time.

Well I don't agree with that. A SM64 HD remake at a rock solid 60fps with new geometry, lighting and textures would be awesome.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
First it's the marketing, then the lack of software, and now it's because of no killer app.

When is Iwata finally going to blame himself?

Who is avoiding the Wii U directly because of Iwata? He is talking planning issues, like software volume, marketing, software appeal. If there mistakes in these fields, he is one of the responsible persons; in the end he is the one most responsible for all this. So all of this is blaming him, does he need to make it even more explicit? What for?


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Well I don't agree with that. A SM64 HD remake at a rock solid 60fps with new geometry, lighting and textures would be awesome.

Also it'd be a lot of effort; if they did this, I'd prefer them just doing a new Mario in that style. Considering the sparse software line up of the Wii U I don't want them to waste any ressources on remakes or ports. Just make new games and make good ones while at it!


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I love my apes, but no.

I do. I did. And I don't want, nor think Nintendo needs, a remaster of a 1996 game on a system that just received its own excellent 3D Mario, backed by a previous generation that saw two excellent 3D Marios, both of which are compatible with the system.

There's no scenario where I wouldn't take Galaxy 2 over Mario 64 anyway.

The Galaxy games are awesome but a revisioned HD remake of SM64 would be pretty amazing as well.
I highly doubt they would do it. The most I can expect is the original version via a VC at some point.


I do. I did. And I don't want, nor think Nintendo needs, a remaster of a 1996 game on a system that just received its own excellent 3D Mario, backed by a previous generation that saw two excellent 3D Marios, both of which are compatible with the system.

There's no scenario where I wouldn't take Galaxy 2 over Mario 64 anyway.

Exactly. Plus it'll be like $30 lmao. Fuck that. The game was amazing and it's still fun today but the upgraded visuals won't do anything and the sales won't be significant. shitting out the N64 game on VC is good enough and gets the job done. Some games will be great if revitalised but SM64 HD makes zero sense unless they have a collection of all previous Mario games in HD.
It's not that good of a game these days. Sorry I'd rather they didn't spend time on that crap. I'd buy it sure but I'd be cranky as fuck. The game hasn't aged well and it'll be a waste of time.

So false. We've been playing through it on the Wii VC and it's fucking glorious. I know it's sacrilege to say in Nintendo threads, but it's still the best 3D Mario by a country mile.


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So false. We've been playing through it on the Wii VC and it's fucking glorious. I know it's sacrilege to say in Nintendo threads, but it's still the best 3D Mario by a country mile.

Indeed it is. The fluidity of movement. The amazing things you can do with Mario. Still a stunning game to play even if the visuals aren't up to modern standards.
The music was amazing.

This could be the perfect partnership with Besthesda. They wouldn't even need to spare any resources. Nintendo could task development off to Retro/NST with support from a few of their other western studios. How much attention would an original Doom, even a remake of 64, get when there's been nothing of Doom since 2004? And you know how rabid the Doom fanbase is. They eat every little scrap of news up.


So false. We've been playing through it on the Wii VC and it's fucking glorious. I know it's sacrilege to say in Nintendo threads, but it's still the best 3D Mario by a country mile.

I was a bit over the top. It's a great game and a revolutionary one when it released. Even today it holds up well no differently to Ocarina Of Time which got a makeover that was well received and Majora's Mask which people want to see remade. With that in mind SM64 revitalised makes a bit of sense. But I think when Nintendo update games they go all in. And when they do (which they did with Star Fox 64, Wind Waker HD and Ocarina 3D and even SM64 DS) they charge full price and act like it's a flagship title. I just don't want to pay full price for SM64 with unnecessary upgraded visuals.

Wind Waker Ocarina and Majora's Mask makes sense because a lot of people missed out on these amazing games but SM64 is a game that already got kinda remade and unlike Zelda The 3D Mario games are well represented with 3D World just out recently.


Nintendo wants to entice fence sitters to buy a Wii U this Christmas. They will drop lots of bombs. Just you wait. Will start with Nintendo announcing they bought SEGA. Which includes Atlus.
this Direct is wrong... I wanted a January 2014 blowout

why show Spring now? desperate to squeeze some holiday sales? Nothing else is coming this month smh


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Nintendo wants to entice fence sitters to buy a Wii U this Christmas. They will drop lots of bombs. Just you wait. Will start with Nintendo announcing they bought SEGA. Which includes Atlus.

Unless they gave away free games. I don't think they have anything that will induce fence sitters to buy a WiiU.

And Nintendo buying Sega would be horrible for the games industry.
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