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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Man I'd love if it was really the way you describe it, but unfortunately since PS5 specs reveal this place turned into SSDGaf, this day saw the biggest narrative shift in entire human history, since then every thread turns into SSD thread by the exact same insecure PS5 fanboys trying to paint their beloved console like it's the next most powerful thing on the planet next to a nuclear reactor, and they are so offensive with their campaign no wonder some people eventually have enough and get to the point when they are like "fuck your 9TF console lol" only to make those SSD clowns finally shut up. Fortunately, this state won't last forever, the consoles will shift in 3 months or so, everyone will be able to see how the games perform, and no goalpost shifting will be able to change it.

Sony were quiet for so many months, it was Microsoft +Postman Phil coming out with all the pr talk.
People were complaining that sony were too quiet, i am sure you remember that.

You did see the Sony fud list I hope. Could you make a Microsoft one like that, I challenge you, go on. the Sony one was 52 points of fud, I stoped there as I got tired, I had enough to get to 100.

I will let you make one for Microsoft, make it stop at 25, since you like % numbers so much that's,

Mindshare in the console world is what, 2-1, 3-1 in sony's fair yet the majority of the fud is coming out from Microsofts and their fanbase corner? can you explain this?

Most sony fans don't care about power, they care about games, experiences, is power more important to you than games>?

as for the SSD, would you prefer a 6-second load times or instant load times when you play your exclusives on your next console?

Stop trolling. you know what your doing. No, nope, nadda, sTOP IT.


Dude, if it wasn't for Gamepass a lot of people wouldn't even touch this game at $60.
Maybe on console, but flight sims do well on PC. The game is no.2 in the global sellers, and only being beaten by the current 'in game' Fall Guys. And thats with it being 'free' on Gamepass.

hemo memo

Gold Member
Grain of salt about what? He said absolutely nothing.

First he reiterated the concepts from his own tweets one by one almost word for word (because I assume it was huge effort writing those, so might as well work smart), then made a few more hyper-generic, non-factual statements ("Awesome textures as far as the eye can see! Oceans of unannounced games, old franchises, new franchises, all the games were there! Things were loading so fast that I don't know if my dick will ever be non-erect again till the day I die!"), then the video ends.

He's even already covering his ass with several weird and otherwise pointless details that do nothing but throw smoke around the whole affair in case he needs a quick escape. The event was organized by a some mysterious PR company that he assumes worked for Sony (uh, what?!?); all he saw was marked as not final, not for the public, subject to change etc.; the video reel with all the games he saw might have just been for the event, it's possible it will never be shown to the public. The latter two at least make sense in abstract, but why do you feel the need to insist on these things so much after 3 straight minutes of unadulterated virtual fellatio of the PS5 lineup?

And mind you, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he's simply making everything up for attention. Because if somehow he isn't, then he already breached whatever NDA he signed in at least half a dozen ways with his tweets and this video, and somebody's lawyer is about to hand his ass to him.

This is probably the only time I would side with a multibillion corporation over an individuals but these false insiders profiting from people stupidity by spreading constant lies should be stopped.


PS5 Ray Tracing Has Metro Exodus Very Excited

Bloch revealed that the team is fully embracing the technology moving forward, and the fact PS5 is supporting the feature is a huge thing for the team.

Elsewhere, he also touched base on the PS5 DualSense controller and what it may bring to the Metro franchise.

False. PS5 cant do raytracing.


Sony were quiet for so many months, it was Microsoft +Postman Phil coming out with all the pr talk.
People were complaining that sony were too quiet, i am sure you remember that.

You did see the Sony fud list I hope. Could you make a Microsoft one like that, I challenge you, go on. the Sony one was 52 points of fud, I stoped there as I got tired, I had enough to get to 100.

I will let you make one for Microsoft, make it stop at 25, since you like % numbers so much that's,

Mindshare in the console world is what, 2-1, 3-1 in sony's fair yet the majority of the fud is coming out from Microsofts and their fanbase corner? can you explain this?

Most sony fans don't care about power, they care about games, experiences, is power more important to you than games>?

as for the SSD, would you prefer a 6-second load times or instant load times when you play your exclusives on your next console?

Stop trolling. you know what your doing. No, nope, nadda, sTOP IT.

I'm so confused by this post, I don't even know what are you trying to achieve, what do you want from me, I can only say that both mentioned approaches are bad if that's what your asking, with Sony being radio silent and giving only scraps of information or unclear briefings, leaving more confusions and doubts than actually settling things down, and MS being all over the place hyping their console but not being able to actually show any of that when the time came. But unlike some folks here I do know that the world doesn't end on 1st party titles, that there is a world outside those bunch of studios, a much, much larger world, so you guys can try to lure me into this whole PS vs XB battle as much as you can, but I'm not falling into it, because unlike you I don't have this tunnel vision when I'm at one end and there is just one other thing at the other end, i have the view at the whole horizon, full of all the studios, all the games, all the technology. But I'll give you guys A + for the effort.
Apparently MS has a “Full featured RDNA2” GPU.... hmmm what does than mean?
I wrote the day of hot chips that microsoft with their presentation disclosed more info about rdna2 than even amd itself
digital foundry obviously agrees.

they also used my "load to forza 7" example on this video, making sure to break down that the process includes both saving the image of the game being played right now, as well as loading the game you selected.
it is my guess that the SSDs that (both) consoles will have, will be significantly faster on reading than on writing. it makes sense on costs.
therefore, out of those 6.5s the majority is for saving.
one important detail that DF touched upon, is that all existing xbone games that run on series X do not use the 2x compression methods that series x brings to the table.
that of course means that when xbox games do come out, their loading behavior will be ~2X better.

also its interesting how richard just touches the "marketing and presentation" of sony, but keeps it just to the sound.

about amd rdna2 graphics cards, I have also written that it is wise to expect amd cards that will offer 80 or even more compute untis, way much more than xbox series x does.
since xbox is comparable to gtx2080, imagine what a amd card with 80 or 120 CUs will do, and if it is priced sensibly if that would make a good buy for those looking to upgrade.
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I'm so confused by this post, I don't even know what are you trying to achieve, what do you want from me, I can only say that both mentioned approaches are bad if that's what your asking, with Sony being radio silent and giving only scraps of information or unclear briefings, leaving more confusions and doubts than actually settling things down, and MS being all over the place hyping their console but not being able to actually show any of that when the time came. But unlike some folks here I do know that the world doesn't end on 1st party titles, that there is a world outside those bunch of studios, a much, much larger world, so you guys can try to lure me into this whole PS vs XB battle as much as you can, but I'm not falling into it, because unlike you I don't have this tunnel vision when I'm at one end and there is just one other thing at the other end, i have the view at the whole horizon, full of all the studios, all the games, all the technology. But I'll give you guys A + for the effort.

M8, calm down with the trolling.

You are going to get yourself banned.

You know what your doing, look at your tag, people are not fools.

Just stop please.



I'm at work now so can't watch, anyone care to make a breakdown of the video for me and others like me please? Thanks

Nothing that hasn’t been discussed here already.

Mentions that the RT claimed specs in the Hot Chips pres are not comparable to the Nvidia quoted specs.

Then used a whole load of PS5 demo shots including the UE5 demo to show what Xsex games aspire to graphically.

Some references to Minecraft, Gears5 and a few others - last gen stuff only due to lack of anything next gen -to try and point out possible Xsex capabilities.

That was about it. May as well read the hot chips slides yourself tbh - this added zero value and for some reason PS5 got dragged into it unnecessarily.
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For all of Foxy's faults, I would doubt he is making this whole thing up, it would just be too dramatic, we already know Sony is going to be showing off stuff very soon. Foxy might have just had a glimpse of certain stuff, like loading times and Dualsense controller, judging by his comments as well it also seem's like he saw some gameplay too.

Again he could just be lying, but only time will tell.
PlayStation UK must have been like "No one will believe him either way".


3 months later after the specs revelations and people are still banging their heads against each other in all kinds of forums. Or has it always been like this? :lollipop_astonished:


He can speak?!?

He can do more than speak:


He's a VIP in the XboxEra Discord FUD group. :lollipop_tears_of_joy:
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Yeah Rich picked on similar things to me (like the 25% perf/clock being against One X Polaris rather than RDNA1) but he really does seem a little salty about Sony not being transparent or forthcoming versus Microsoft. I think DF are getting just as fed up as us with the lack of info.

I think the "problem" in this case is Mark Cerny just doesn't want to go down the road of tit for tat crap with Microsoft and just cuts DF off when Rich tries to act as the ref between the two trying to pry tech details from both. You can see that last gen where MS went on the offensive with the One's clock increases and Rich tried to rope Cerny in on the fight.

Problem is its given DF little to feed on in the entire run-up to launch.

Me a cynic? Never.



Rich says 9 GB is written to SSD for fast resume, then 9 GB is read.

Writing 9 gb every time you change game = not good for SSD life, or is he bullshitting ?

Also cave is 0.5 GB...


Answers on a post card, bullshit or SSD killer ?

This is something I was wondering too: is there any other way to have a "quick resume" feature on a console like these without burning through the SSD with constant rewrites? Because as far as my limited knowledge goes, you either:
  1. keep everything in RAM from the past game (maybe possible in the case of backcompat. with 2, max 3 games at a time if they are small enough? Definitely not for next-gen games)
  2. make a full RAM dump somewhere (and since the SSD is the only other place with a lot of space where you can write...)
  3. create a system that allows to produce some sort of "instant universal save file" that captures every relevant information from your current instance, but doesn't need to keep a copy of all visuals, audio and logics currently loaded in RAM and knows how to recover them from the game install (maybe possible for future games, but definitely not for backcompat. and it still needs to be engeneered on a game-by-game basis, so basically impossible to mandate to third party devs)

Has Sony also promised a similar feature?


Yeah Rich picked on similar things to me (like the 25% perf/clock being against One X Polaris rather than RDNA1) but he really does seem a little salty about Sony not being transparent or forthcoming versus Microsoft. I think DF are getting just as fed up as us with the lack of info.

I think the "problem" in this case is Mark Cerny just doesn't want to go down the road of tit for tat crap with Microsoft and just cuts DF off when Rich tries to act as the ref between the two trying to pry tech details from both. You can see that last gen where MS went on the offensive with the One's clock increases and Rich tried to rope Cerny in on the fight.

Problem is its given DF little to feed on in the entire run-up to launch.

Me a cynic? Never.

Made me laugh when rich defended fast resume as 9 GB write then 9 GB read.

They would kill the SSD if that was the way it worked lol. SSD dont like constant writes.

Also cave is 0.5 GB, should we tell him ?



Rich says 9 GB is written to SSD for fast resume, then 9 GB is read.

Writing 9 gb every time you change game = not good for SSD life, or is he bullshitting ?

Also cave is 0.5 GB...


Answers on a post card, bullshit or SSD killer ?

I've had this SSD for 5 years. At the beginning it was a system drive, now I keep important data on it. They're not so fragile anymore. Left bar says "Disk state", right "Estimated run time left".


Yeah Rich picked on similar things to me (like the 25% perf/clock being against One X Polaris rather than RDNA1) but he really does seem a little salty about Sony not being transparent or forthcoming versus Microsoft. I think DF are getting just as fed up as us with the lack of info.

I think the "problem" in this case is Mark Cerny just doesn't want to go down the road of tit for tat crap with Microsoft and just cuts DF off when Rich tries to act as the ref between the two trying to pry tech details from both. You can see that last gen where MS went on the offensive with the One's clock increases and Rich tried to rope Cerny in on the fight.

Problem is its given DF little to feed on in the entire run-up to launch.

Me a cynic? Never.
Cerny and PlayStation don't really own DF anything though.

We'll find out the details when we find out. It doesn't matter. November is not very far away.


I was being sarcastic, you dont need to write 9 GB for a game save....
Well, you have to save the whole memory pool that the game takes. Those aren't saves. Each game shown in the switching video was restored at he exact moment it was suspended. I agree it doesn't have to be 9 GB every time, Leadbetter is just a clown trying to spin his masters' bullcrap, but it is several GB for big games.
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Made me laugh when rich defended fast resume as 9 GB write then 9 GB read.

They would kill the SSD if that was the way it worked lol. SSD dont like constant writes.

Also cave is 0.5 GB, should we tell him ?

Honestly I'm in no position to question what Rich says about this so will allow anyone that does to dissect it. I was just pointing out it seems pretty obvious that DF are pretty frustrated with how Sony have done things media/PR wise. Will be interesting if (and when) DF get to do a PS4 Pro-like deep dive.

Cerny and PlayStation don't really own DF anything though.

We'll find out the details when we find out. It doesn't matter. November is not very far away.

Of course not but there is definitely some tension here IMO.
Has Sony also promised a similar feature?
nope, but as you already see geordie has the explanation. its for your own good ;P

by the way, richard's mention of sony's lack of disclosure is a very "elegant" way to pass a message.
it is a very bad practice as consumers to hit on him for that
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he really does seem a little salty about Sony not being transparent

This seemed ridiculous to me. Not only did Cerny’s presentation give a lot of technical detail direct from the chief architect, they provided DF an interview with him and Sony have provided actual gameplay running on the machine which DF pixel peaked.

They even had to use those PS5 captures in this vid because there is nothing from Xsex and I note they didn’t use Halo!

And then this comment - Sony isn’t being so transparent .... that is a specious argument in light of what data is available right now.

Everyone would like more info - we’d basically like these consoles to be in store already but they aren’t. Of the two, only Sony has provided practical next gen examples of the capability of their machine.

PowerPoint is no replacement for gameplay captured on system.


I was being sarcastic, you dont need to write 9 GB for a game save....and those games did not have 9 GB load to be ready.....he is full of shit.
Well, you have to save the whole memory pool that the game takes. Those aren't saves. Each game shown in the switching video was restored at he exact moment it was suspended. I agree it doesn't have to be 9 GB every time, Leadbetter is just a clown trying to spin his masters' bullcrap, but it is several GB for big games.
Now I understood why I zoned out during the video... Rich lost me the moment he said the entire thing went back to write as it's also being read.

Why would you need to write back 9GBs worth of game data to the SSD... that's already stored on the SSD?
This is something I was wondering too: is there any other way to have a "quick resume" feature on a console like these without burning through the SSD with constant rewrites? Because as far as my limited knowledge goes, you either:
  1. keep everything in RAM from the past game (maybe possible in the case of backcompat. with 2, max 3 games at a time if they are small enough? Definitely not for next-gen games)
  2. make a full RAM dump somewhere (and since the SSD is the only other place with a lot of space where you can write...)
  3. create a system that allows to produce some sort of "instant universal save file" that captures every relevant information from your current instance, but doesn't need to keep a copy of all visuals, audio and logics currently loaded in RAM and knows how to recover them from the game install (maybe possible for future games, but definitely not for backcompat. and it still needs to be engeneered on a game-by-game basis, so basically impossible to mandate to third party devs)

Has Sony also promised a similar feature?
I remember someone on Era made some math if you write about 1TB everyday it would take something like a hundred years to notice any slowdown on the SSD.
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Now I understood why I zoned out during the video... Rich lost me the moment he said the entire thing went back to write as it's also being read.

Why would you need to write back 9GBs worth of game data to the SSD... that's already stored on the SSD?
1. You're playing Craig's Adventure, you want to switch to Forza Horizon Zero, you use the system function.
2. The OS writes the memory pool of Craig's Adventure to a slot 2 (it might be a separate partition)
3. Then it loads the written save state of Forza Horizon Zero from slot 1 to system memory and let's you play.

That's how I understand that feature. PS5 will do it in a similar way, at least for BC titles.
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Of course not but there is definitely some tension here IMO.

The tension is very much one sided. PlayStation don't give a single fuck about what Richard Leadbetter thinks.

More to the point, DF are good at pixel peeping, but their understanding of actual hardware leaves something to be desired. Again, we'll find out soon enough.

If DF are salty that Sony senpai won't notice them, I don't really care.


1. You're playing Craig's Adventure, you want to switch to Forza Horizon Zero, you use the system function.
2. The OS writes the memory pool of Craig's Adventure to a slot 2 (it might be a separate partition)
3. Then it loads the written save state of Forza Horizon Zero from slot 1 to system memory and let's you play.

That's how I understand that feature. PS5 will do it in a similar way, at least for BC titles.
Save state I understand... But still, it should just be mapping where the assets are originally in the SSD to bring them back again.



Rich says 9 GB is written to SSD for fast resume, then 9 GB is read.

Writing 9 gb every time you change game = not good for SSD life, or is he bullshitting ?

Also cave is 0.5 GB...


Answers on a post card, bullshit or SSD killer ?

Disingenuous bullshiter. Love how a 2 second long black screen doesn’t count as loading... and Minecraft was running between 30 and 60 FPS, LOL, and of course if XVA won’t be ready to deliver on promises made regarding loading then PS5 won’t either!

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I remember someone on Era made some math if you write about 1TB everyday it would take something like a hundred years to notice any slowdown on the SSD.
That sounds... incredibly durable.

With those figures, it means that every single byte of a 1TB SSD could be written over 35,000 times before beginning to suffer from any tear.

I'm not saying it's wrong, I don't know a lot on this subject, but this sounds like pretty much no wear at all under 99.99% of circumstances.
Yeah Rich picked on similar things to me (like the 25% perf/clock being against One X Polaris rather than RDNA1) but he really does seem a little salty about Sony not being transparent or forthcoming versus Microsoft. I think DF are getting just as fed up as us with the lack of info.

I think the "problem" in this case is Mark Cerny just doesn't want to go down the road of tit for tat crap with Microsoft and just cuts DF off when Rich tries to act as the ref between the two trying to pry tech details from both. You can see that last gen where MS went on the offensive with the One's clock increases and Rich tried to rope Cerny in on the fight.

Problem is its given DF little to feed on in the entire run-up to launch.

Me a cynic? Never.

Thats the whole point. PS do not want anyone riding their wave. They don't want anyone piggybacking of their success. And in no way do they want to give ammo to DF so they can continue to push their console war & channel. People like DF are toxic. And think they are important in gaming space. When reality is just is they are just random dudes on youtube.

This roll out has really separated PS from Xbox big time .For the longest Xbox has been surviving off the "me too" "We are the same" up until this years press run. There's no E3 & stuff for Xbox to get away with piss poor showing. Xbox flop shows has been seen ,theres no E3 to mask how bad things are for their brand/product rollout.

This roll out has been fantastic for PS Brand. PS stands alone as its own product. Its getting well deserve credit/praise/hype for itself. There is a clear distinction between PS5 & everyone else.Now.
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Disingenuous bullshiter. Love how a 2 second long black screen doesn’t count as loading... and Minecraft was running between 30 and 60 FPS, LOL, and of course if XVA won’t be ready to deliver on promises made regarding loading then PS5 won’t either!


Ok, I’m not the only one who thought that because VA is not implemented in early games doesn’t mean PS5 games will not load instantly day 1. That didn’t made sense.


That sounds... incredibly durable.

With those figures, it means that every single byte of a 1TB SSD could be written over 35,000 times before beginning to suffer from any tear.

I'm not saying it's wrong, I don't know a lot on this subject, but this sounds like pretty much no wear at all under 99.99% of circumstances.
The data I posted above is from a roughly 100 GB drive (117 formatted, if I remember). It shows over 5 TB of written data so at least 50 times for each cell, on average. Health index is at 97%. It's also a 5 year old drive. When I bought it, it was quite top notch but I'm sure current SSDs are much better and more durable.


Made me laugh when rich defended fast resume as 9 GB write then 9 GB read.

They would kill the SSD if that was the way it worked lol. SSD dont like constant writes.

Also cave is 0.5 GB, should we tell him ?
The game size should not be important here. The OS has to dump the whole RAM available to the game to the disk, because it does not know what is actually used by the game. For that matter, the game could generate a lot of assets on the fly and fill the RAM like that.

On the other hand, the OS could also keep track of which memory blocks were changed and only write these, basically the way Windows does it. This would also reduce the number of writes to the SSD when changing between two already suspended games and it would also void that "9 GB write" figure..
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