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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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No it's the most simplistic metric that car makers and sales people use to entice non-discerning buyers into buying their vehicles. And is NOT the best (or even good) metric for overall performance. Because there isn't a single good indicator of overall performance. Available torque, gear ratios, suspension and handling, weight, brakes, tires etc. and how the related systems are designed around one another dictates the overall performance of the vehicle. We've done this analogy before ad naseum but there it is. If we're going to use car analogies here's an example:

2018 Mustang GT V8 460 HP
2018 Kia Stinger GT V6 365 HP

HP had almost zero impact on the comparison between these two vehicles. HP didn't help the Mustang as it got smoked in the drag race because the Stinger is rear wheel biased AWD and is designed to deliver massive torque off the line and the suspension lowers the rear end slightly on take off.
HANDLING was the difference in the full track times as the Mustang had upgraded tires and suspension that helped it maneuver the track much more efficiently than the Stinger. It was designed for the track. The Stinger not so much.
Basing your car purchase off HP is dumb. Basing your console purchase off Tflops is equally as dumb.

dude, one car is awd and turbo, the other is rwd and n/a
all the gains of the lesser powered awd turbo in this case are just on launch.
and had this been a proper drag strip with glue etc, I doubt it could still keep up on the 400m
find a better analogy :]
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I'm so confused by this post, I don't even know what are you trying to achieve, what do you want from me, I can only say that both mentioned approaches are bad if that's what your asking, with Sony being radio silent and giving only scraps of information or unclear briefings, leaving more confusions and doubts than actually settling things down, and MS being all over the place hyping their console but not being able to actually show any of that when the time came. But unlike some folks here I do know that the world doesn't end on 1st party titles, that there is a world outside those bunch of studios, a much, much larger world, so you guys can try to lure me into this whole PS vs XB battle as much as you can, but I'm not falling into it, because unlike you I don't have this tunnel vision when I'm at one end and there is just one other thing at the other end, i have the view at the whole horizon, full of all the studios, all the games, all the technology. But I'll give you guys A + for the effort.
This was hard to read. Did you type this out on mobile? Are you ten?

Anyway, I agree that first-party studios are not the absolute everything. With that said, they matter a whole hell of a lot. To deny this is to deny Nintendo and their insane success. Same applies to Sony, but they target an older demographic. When you look at the best reviewed and best selling games on PS4 for example, where do you think those titles come from? I'll give you a hint, it's not Konami.

As for Sony being radio silent, it's working. Not that I like it myself cause I'd love more info. I've said this before, as it turns out you can save a lot of face by letting your competition lose theirs. There is absolutely no denying that they have a powerful console, but nothing of any true substance to show for it. They're repeating mistakes and the current Halo debacle is at the core of this.

If anyone is a hardcore Xbox fan, they'll be just fine at the end of the day. Game Pass is great and they'll eventually have exclusives people will love. Expect what played out with this generation to happen in the next. Sony will vastly outsell Xbox, but Xbox will be just fine. In the meantime, I tell people don't waste time on expecting huge third-party multi-platform differences. Not worth hanging your hat on since GPU separation seems like 18% real-world at best. Wherever your friends are playing and whichever ecosystem you enjoy the most is what matters. Just get that console.


Imagine the blowing up if Sony does another PS5 show, then reveal some new games and reveal that there are more launch games than we though, then reveal GOW2 and GTA6 time exclusive, then reveal price and open preorder, i know it seems insane but Sony been doubled production of PS5 and is expecting it to sell a lot, i mean we know PS5 has all reason to be success but this is suspicious.

Also what is up with Mr. Christoper tweet, none GOW been release in August so what is this, please don't play with me like that lol


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This is hilarious. All this talk about PS5 being RDNA 1.0 with RT bolted and turns out XSX is the same way.

Now i realize why sony didnt go into too much detail on the architecture of the actual GPU because then the xbox github crew wouldve jumped on it as confirmation. Sony instead let Xbox go first and now that XSX is the same RDNA 1.0 gpu architecture with rt hardware, no one is going to spread fud about the PS5.

What a hilarious turn of events.
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The SHP9500s doubled in price since I had them added to my Amazon list :messenger_crying:
I've owned the SHP9500 since they came out years ago. Super comfortable, breathable, and fantastic audio for the money. Nice big soundstage. They just lack low-end grunt because of the completely open-back style. Bass isn't terrible mind you, they just won't thump like a closed back would. Also, they are a bit top heavy, so don't expect to use these outside since they'll easily slip off.


Richard still thinks PS5 is RDNA1 😂

Please rematch the video again, turn on subtitles if needed - he says that the GPU units in RDNA2 are arranged in the exact same way as in 5700XT/RDNA1, and that we should also expect the same arrangement in PS5.

M8, calm down with the trolling.

I don't know who's trolling who with those very low effort MS baits...

Not how it works! Under normal workloads PS5 is always running at its maximum frequencies (3.5ghz CPU and 2.23ghz GPU) , only when it starts getting pushed hard that's when the variable frequency intelligence starts kicking in. XSX OTOH will not handle these stressful moments so gracefully

Normal workload which is what? Browsing the dashboard? Let's stick strictly to actually playing the video games, shall we? And no, it doesn't work the way you described, quite the opposite, search Cerny's "race to idle" explanation - the GPU/CPU actually try to go as low as possible whenever not needed, and go up depending if more power is indeed required to hit the targeted performance, so let's say you play a demanding AAA title at 4K60, like Battlefield, that's where the GPU will want to deliver those 10TF, but when you play a simple 2D side scroller that doesn't need more than 2TF, that's how much (little) the GPU will provide. It saves power this way, produces less heat, which all sounds reasonable, but the question is what will happen when both the CPU and GPU will be fully loaded, what performance impact will it have on the most demanding games due to shared power delivery design, but we will find that out in 3 or 4 months. I just don't get exactly your last sentence, why should XSX have issues in "stressful moments" when it's running at its maximum clocks 24/7 no matter what?

This was hard to read. Did you type this out on mobile? Are you ten?

Anyway, I agree that first-party studios are not the absolute everything. With that said, they matter a whole hell of a lot. To deny this is to deny Nintendo and their insane success. Same applies to Sony, but they target an older demographic. When you look at the best reviewed and best selling games on PS4 for example, where do you think those titles come from? I'll give you a hint, it's not Konami.

As for Sony being radio silent, it's working. Not that I like it myself cause I'd love more info. I've said this before, as it turns out you can save a lot of face by letting your competition lose theirs. There is absolutely no denying that they have a powerful console, but nothing of any true substance to show for it. They're repeating mistakes and the current Halo debacle is at the core of this.

If anyone is a hardcore Xbox fan, they'll be just fine at the end of the day. Game Pass is great and they'll eventually have exclusives people will love. Expect what played out with this generation to happen in the next. Sony will vastly outsell Xbox, but Xbox will be just fine. In the meantime, I tell people don't waste time on expecting huge third-party multi-platform differences. Not worth hanging your hat on since GPU separation seems like 18% real-world at best. Wherever your friends are playing and whichever ecosystem you enjoy the most is what matters. Just get that console.

While you do provide a lot of very valid points, given the history, I'm a firm believer that price determines everything, literally, everything, the majority of gamers don't care about the exclusives, how the games perform, the general crowd will always lean towards the cheapest box no matter what (well maybe except the Fifa crowd, they will always pick Playstation), this is most likely the sole reason why less than 3 months from the consoles debut we still don't know their prices, the companies desperately want to undercut their oponent, that's what guarantees success, nothing else matters in the greater picture.
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mind of a PS pony:


calm down kid, i was genuinely asking, i didnt say it didnt have it did i

thx to ones that are adults and answered

EDIT: i just finished the vid, did i miss something, he never questioned RDNA2 on PS5 🤷‍♂️ just seems like people trying to find things to whine about Digital Foundry

You certainly did.

Mod of War

Staff Member
Mind of an Xbox fanboy/PlayStation hater:

MS and AMD say RDNA2? It is.

Sony and AMD say RDNA2? A lie! A lie I tells youzzz
mind of a PS pony:


calm down kid, i was genuinely asking, i didnt say it didnt have it did i

thx to ones that are adults and answered

EDIT: i just finished the vid, did i miss something, he never questioned RDNA2 on PS5 🤷‍♂️ just seems like people trying to find things to whine about Digital Foundry

Mind of a GAF mod:

Knock this juvenile and regressive shit off or time outs maybe worse a coming.


This is hilarious. All this talk about PS5 being RDNA 1.0 with RT bolted and turns out XSX is the same way.

Now i realize why sony didnt go into too much detail on the architecture of the actual GPU because then the xbox github crew wouldve jumped it as confirmation. Sony instead let Xbox go first and now that XSX is the same RDNA 1.0 gpu architecture with rt hardware, no one is going to spread fud about the PS5.

What a hilarious turn of events.

Or maybe this design IS actually the RDNA2 design ? We dont know do we ?
I was being sarcastic, you dont need to write 9 GB for a game save....and those games did not have 9 GB load to be ready.....he is full of shit.
It's been a long time since SSDs care about such a little amount of writes. I write 20gigs every minute on a near constant base 24 hours a day for months on end. SSDs are different these days.
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[...]Or maybe I disabled the Turbo Boost/Power Saving and my CPU and GPU constantly run at 4.7/2.1GHz, even when I'm just looking at the desktop wallpaper and a few icons? [...]

Why would you do that? I dont see the point in running your CPU and GPU at those high clocks at any time. This is a serious question btw, wouldnt that essentially ruin your hardware in the long run?

Edit: nvm, just read some posts on reddit about this topic.
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I was being sarcastic, you dont need to write 9 GB for a game save....and those games did not have 9 GB load to be ready.....he is full of shit.
Not exactly
Me neither. Bad memories.


i have never mentioned RDNA2 once in my life on this forum lol what are you on about

you lot are weird man
Yeah sure is me.

Have a good day/night.


dude, one car is awd and turbo, the other is rwd and n/a
all the gains of the lesser powered awd turbo in this case are just on launch.
and had this been a proper drag strip with glue etc, I doubt it could still keep up on the 400m
find a better analogy :]
LOL its the PERFECT analogy. Because instead of refuting the premise you added to my argument about HP not being important. You mention the actual track :messenger_tears_of_joy:. A variable that BOTH vehicles would benefit from. And you confirm that the lower HP car absolutely smoked the higher powered HP vehicle because of other system improvements. Also, I'm guessing you didn't watched the video because you would have seen the drag race portion of the track was absolutely prepped for drag racing and it was 400m race. And they repeated the results on several races.
You just don't like the analogy because you can't refute it.


Oh well, no more music from now on.

I said I would stop when some old fart complained.

today is the day.

Back to boredom and waiting for Sony and Microsoft to actually show us something.

And your from SWEDEN, that's not very tolerant of you.

Well this is a next gen thread where we discuss consoles and NOT music, good music or bad music doesn’t matter. And what does my country have to do with any of this lol
Welp... RT seems pretty bad... it's running on TMU and they can do either RT or other stuff... apparently when running RT it tanks the bandwidth.

I remember there were rumors about Sony not being satisfied with AMDs ray tracing technology so they customized it to their liking.

If true maybe this is the reason why?

Although I expect both to do RT in the same way.

“I wouldn’t be expecting instant-loading on day one for Xbox Series X titles and by extension don’t expect them for PlayStation 5 either”

Instant loading is an exaggeration. What Sony is promising is the elimination of loading screens. We have to wait and see if it's true however there's a better chance of them doing this than Microsofts because their I/O is alot faster.
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Well Matt Hargatt been teasing again about lighting...

Ps4 game had path traced lighting (voxels), whats possible with customisation. He knows shit, whats up ?

Have sony done something different and custom with ps5 ?

I think more than teasing he retweet that because that account has the all day showing things related to the dev of that game.

Which by the way are amazing considering is running in very old hardware.

But also you are right in part as this game was dev in part for SIE 4 years ago



I think more than teasing he retweet that because that account has the all day showing things related to the dev of that game.

Which by the way are amazing considering is running in very old hardware.

But also you are right in part as this game was dev in part for SIE 4 years ago


We would be happy with Voxel GI next gen, looked good on UE5. It would also be nice if ps5 had something custom to help. But its a tease, nothing more.
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