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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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I really don't think Sony wants to encourage anyone to make Playstation emulators now or in the future. For several reasons.

Well of course xD. But these companies have already used 3rd-party emulators before, or hired people who've made them to work for them. People are gonna inevitably make emulators for just about everything, no way for Sony or MS or Nintendo to stop them. So why not hire the ones who make the best and put their talent to use officially?


Well of course xD. But these companies have already used 3rd-party emulators before, or hired people who've made them to work for them. People are gonna inevitably make emulators for just about everything, no way for Sony or MS or Nintendo to stop them. So why not hire the ones who make the best and put their talent to use officially?
They should have hired the guys working on RPCS3, those guys did what others said was impossible. Insure they have equally talented people within Sony though.
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Well of course xD. But these companies have already used 3rd-party emulators before, or hired people who've made them to work for them. People are gonna inevitably make emulators for just about everything, no way for Sony or MS or Nintendo to stop them. So why not hire the ones who make the best and put their talent to use officially?
You'd have to ask Sony. I'm just saying they won't do it 😎


Gold Member
If Sony decides to do the reveal in the next month or so like they did last time and what all these insiders claim, PS5 should be fine. Probably around the same power as SeX.

If Sony drags it out keeping gamers in the dark till let’s say the summer, you know Sony is in trouble. They arent even going to E3. At some point they will (or should) tell the full specs.

Sony is a company that likes to brag and rub it in when winning. When things are on the up and up you get bragging, YouTube videos between Shu and Boyes and things like that. Check out some of those old PS3 PowerPoint slides about how PS2 sold more than all other consoles.

when things are not going great or can be interpreted as doing bad or being a traitor, they clam up.

regardless of timing, if Sony is vague in specs it’ll be a bad sign too. Last get it was all about 8gb gddr5, and they even promoted PS4 specs.

we’ll see if Sony promotes PS5 specs as enthusiastically as PS4.
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I want this Sony! I want this reaction and hype! I want a hungry and strong Sony! Please... Can any insider calm me and say it will be so?!

Well you get hungry when the competition punches you on the nose like MS did to Sony with the 360. If anyone is going to hungry this gen it will be MS and i think the One X shows this.


If Sony decides to do the reveal in the next month or so like they did last time and what all these insiders claim, PS5 should be fine. Probably around the same power as SeX.

If Sony drags it out keeping gamers in the dark till let’s say the summer, you know Sony is in trouble. They arent even going to E3. At some point they will (or should) tell the full specs.

Sony is a company that likes to brag and rub it in when winning. When things are on the up and up you get bragging, YouTube videos between Shu and Boyes and things like that.

when things are not going great or can be interpreted as doing bad or being a traitor, they clam up.

regardless of timing, if Sony is vague in specs it’ll be a bad sign too. Last get it was all about 8gb gddr5, and they even promoted PS4 specs.

we’ll see if Sony promotes PS5 specs as enthusiastically as PS4.

Each situation is different. They know at the beginning of this generation that they had the lead on terms of specs, so they prioritize that. Now the story seems to be different, and tech differences might end up being neglectable.


If Sony decides to do the reveal in the next month or so like they did last time and what all these insiders claim, PS5 should be fine. Probably around the same power as SeX.

If Sony drags it out keeping gamers in the dark till let’s say the summer, you know Sony is in trouble. They arent even going to E3. At some point they will (or should) tell the full specs.

Sony is a company that likes to brag and rub it in when winning. When things are on the up and up you get bragging, YouTube videos between Shu and Boyes and things like that. Check out some of those old PS3 PowerPoint slides about how PS2 sold more than all other consoles.

when things are not going great or can be interpreted as doing bad or being a traitor, they clam up.

regardless of timing, if Sony is vague in specs it’ll be a bad sign too. Last get it was all about 8gb gddr5, and they even promoted PS4 specs.

we’ll see if Sony promotes PS5 specs as enthusiastically as PS4.
Considering they have already been talking ps5 which is a change from ps4. We already know features and specifications to an extent we have already had game announcements. We didn't hear anything officially from sony regarding ps4 until the playstation meeting in feb 2013.


What I love about Sony is that they are not trying to appease social media nerds . They are revealing PS5 on their own schedule which conspires confidence.
Video games industry is full of games that has been altered from their original vision just to avoid social media backlash, fucking Kudos to Sony.

We know PS5 is coming, It will be revealed on the right time. Sony must have been laughing their ass off reading this overreactions, rumors, specs fake leaks and having a field day with it .


OK, this means what? seriously? Maybe they cannot cool their device with the facsimile of the PS3/PS4 cooling design they used for the One X. (yes yes, vapour chamber rather than heat pipes) Maybe with the Series X Xtra, or Series Z whatever they call the interim console this time, it will be a standard console design with a better cooling system. Maybe the tower is dictated by their lack of funds/ability to design anything better.

I literally snorted on the train here

i imagine the design of the console should tell you how much cooling the thing needs. id expect decently high clocks

Not according to matey boy here, when I suggest showing the box was a hint at the cooling requirements.
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Hopefully both show their cards on the tech side soon, and focus on games over the summer. It would surprise me if either system was up/down 50% this gen. AND, even if that was the case, as long as the performance is easy to hit, things would still be better than last gen. Personally, I'm unbothered by PS having a 10-15% advantage. But all the speculation is fun.


Considering they have already been talking ps5 which is a change from ps4. We already know features and specifications to an extent we have already had game announcements. We didn't hear anything officially from sony regarding ps4 until the playstation meeting in feb 2013.

Yeah and they also could have given specs based off of what was then currently in the panic rework stage assuming that they could eventually deliver on the vague info they gave in the wired articles.

The info officially given could still fit an 8tf machine, they never even gave us power target specs or any kind of leap we could expect over current gen outside of a super fast SSD.

Everyone is just sitting here hoping and praying Sony comes out and surprises us and that they had a good reason to keep its loyal fans in the dark.

(Watch now that I've said this by the end of the week they will drop a 13tf bomb hehe)


What I love about Sony is that they are not trying to appease social media nerds . They are revealing PS5 on their own schedule which conspires confidence.
Video games industry is full of games that has been altered from their original vision just to avoid social media backlash, fucking Kudos to Sony.

We know PS5 is coming, It will be revealed on the right time. Sony must have been laughing their ass off reading this overreactions, rumors, specs fake leaks and having a field day with it .

Aceofspades Aceofspades when typing this:
More than 16 would be an overkill for 1080/1440p machine.

Oh you're talking about Lockhart? My mistake, thought it was about XSX. TBH I think 16 would be overkill for Lockhart, but then again I'm in the camp thinking Lockhart should just be a streaming device optimized for xCloud.

...It's a pretty lonely camp...


For the record I don’t know who/what to believe.

But I do remember this time last year speculation was 8-9TF would be would be a good thing as far as power goes for the new gen. 10-12TF was out of the question or “impossible”

So from that standpoint I don’t understand why people in this thread are so hostile at other for speculating 8-9TF for PS5. That’s what I thought we all expected.

It wasn’t until Digital Foundry posted 12TF for XSX that 8-9 became ridicule worthy.

From my standpoint, only official info we got on either console is Microsoft’s claim of “double the power” and there’s all kinds of ways you can interpret that.

“Insiders” are hit and miss as always. The most accurate “insider” can be wrong today while the most unknown “insider” can jump on the scene and get everything right with their first post.

I guess I say all this to say....Chill out. At this point nothing is real till it’s real. I enjoy the enthusiasm and excitement, but if someone else’s doesn't vibe with yours, just let them be. We are probably months away from official confirmation.


What a tool. Jason said Sony had already scrapped the 2019 release in........2018.

It's like people forget things on purpose.

If ps5 was behind schedule because of an internal delay we would know about it by now. Every credible insider has said PS5 dev kits are out in the wild, have been for some time, and that devs are happy. Assuming this guy can even be believed said sony we changing things Mid 2019. Im obviously no expert on the subject but might have just been sony decided to go with a stronger GPU more in line with Xbox one x and the Github leak is actually the old gpu. Theres no indication sony is now behind or playing catch up. On the contrary, Microsoft are the ones behind in terms of getting dev kits out according to the same insiders.
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If ps5 was behind schedule because of an internal delay we would know about it by now. Every credible insider has said PS5 dev kits are out in the wild, have been for some time, and that devs are happy. Assuming this guy can even be believed said sony we changing thing Mid 2019. Im obviously no expert on the subject but might have just been sony decided to go with a stronger GPU more in like with Xbox one x and the Github leak is actually the old gpu. Theres no indication sony is now behind or playing catch up. On the contrary, Microsoft are the ones behind in terms of getting dev kits out.

Ok then by that logic.. ps5 has 8tf console confirmed because it's been done and ready to go for a while.

XsX has 12tf+ console because they waited for newer faster options and are a bit behind getting the dev kits out.



Ok then by that logic.. ps5 has 8tf console confirmed because it's been done and ready to go for a while.

XsX has 12tf+ console because they waited for newer faster options and are a bit behind getting the dev kits out.


From what i wrote, I dont know how you came to that conclusion. No sony isnt sitting there with an 8 tflop console ready to go at this moment. Thats ridiculous.
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If this information is true and it seems to match everything that has been said, the Capcom game would be shown at E3 2019, but the ps5 was already in rework (Sony skip e319), probably since 2018.
The 9tf was the plan for a 2019 console that no longer exists. Now it's time to wait and see what practically 2 years can do in the life of an ex 9tf console.
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If this information is true and it seems to match everything that has been said, the Capcom game would be shown at E3 2019, but the ps5 was already in rework (Sony skip e319), probably since 2018.
The 9tf was the plan for a 2019 console that no longer exists. Now it's time to wait and see what practically 2 years can do in the life of an ex 9tf console.
Its fucking tense If this is true. How could Sony been so naive and no awareness of their competitors??


Maybe this rumor gaining attraction is good because Sony will hurry up and announce the day of the reveal.
They didn't care about these minor rumors at all.

BTW about the PS5 delay it indeed happened not because Sony (they planned to release PS5 in 2019) but because 7nm was not ready in 2018 for a late 2019 launch.
Sony had to review the PS5 to use advanced tech for a late 2020 release instead late 2019.
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Naah man . If launch a less powerfull console you suck it and make a pro model. You dont 're work' stuff delaying everithing.

Maybe depends on how long ago the decision to rework was made and whether they could keep a bunch of the primary pieces and only change a few things to help up the performance?


Maby Lockhart was a bit of a ruse . Send devkits out and mess with sony while xsx monster is made.

Sony builds 9.2tf machine then has to rework. Now both on par 12tf+ . But explains the 9tf leaks mixed with same as xsx leaks. Sony may of had 9.2tf devkits and now new ones more powerful

Whether lockhart had any impact who knows but seems there are 2 sony devkits old and new
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In the real world 9v12 isnt close. But how was originsl x1 (40% difference) framed by insiders and media? Further the fact Oberon was still being tested in summer of 2019....

8-9 TF looks insane now, but when work began in 2015, MS had been coasting since 2011 and Nintendo was not a threat...so he are two alternate ps5 timelines.

worst timeline for ps5 hardware:
In 2015, sony was closing studios, keeping dev count absolutely minimal, and not addressing genre deficiencies. They were milking PS. Given that set of circumstances, and a huge does of hubris, they tell Cerny to target nothing more,than a ps4 type good-enough-break-even console. Cerney tells AMD to make a suitable apu for a break even $399 box.

then, as 2018 progresses, MS starts dumping cash into gaming; Google begins making moves; and even Nintendo starts tearing things up. Suddenly, competition is an order of magnitude greater. Sony becomes very concerned about how PS had been managed, and initiates firings and a big management shuffle.

They have much regret that during 2013-2018, PS did not solidify their portfolio via acquisition, studio expansions, and addressing their genre deficiencies—rather than what they did do: reduce studio count and focus on sport and 3rd person action story games made by tiny teams. They also regret their directive to make a cheapo ps5 apu.

in 2018, they realise the mistakes and begin to scramble. on the hardware front that means adding things they can add (super fast 2TB ssd and nice quiet cooling) and and doing their best with Oberon. But a radical redesign of an apu takes 2+ years, and the only company that can do it in less time is Apple. So they make do.

Sony has a 20 minute State of Play in Feb where nothing concrete is revealed about ps5 except for ssd speeds. A second launch state of play occurs after E3 that reveals an anaemic launch lineup and more ssd numbers. Actual numbers and specs only get revealed after launch in Nov., that work being done by the public.

playstation fans boo.

best Timeline for ps5 hardware

Sony management, being very happy with Cerny’s ps4, gives him a nearly free hand with ps5 in 2015, saying to him ‘we’ll eat up to $159’ per launch console.

Cerny decides to invest in cool technologies we haven't seen yet, and tells AMD to pull out all the stops in making a $650 BOM 2020 console. They staff up on software engineers and make a killer OS and fantastic dev tools.

Amd delivers the first chiplet console with 72 CUs (dual gpu), ray tracing, and their newest zen tech.

sony fans cheer wildly at February 29 reveal of the new 13+ TF $650 BOM console, preorders for $499 up now.


Its fucking tense If this is true. How could Sony been so naive and no awareness of their competitors??
I think not naive, she wanted to launch a console with the technology available. Things happened, Zen 2 and Navi Rdna 2.0 became something, maybe the hbm rumor itself was true, but the technology has not matured.


If Sony decides to do the reveal in the next month or so like they did last time and what all these insiders claim, PS5 should be fine. Probably around the same power as SeX.

If Sony drags it out keeping gamers in the dark till let’s say the summer, you know Sony is in trouble. They arent even going to E3. At some point they will (or should) tell the full specs.

Sony is a company that likes to brag and rub it in when winning. When things are on the up and up you get bragging, YouTube videos between Shu and Boyes and things like that. Check out some of those old PS3 PowerPoint slides about how PS2 sold more than all other consoles.

when things are not going great or can be interpreted as doing bad or being a traitor, they clam up.

regardless of timing, if Sony is vague in specs it’ll be a bad sign too. Last get it was all about 8gb gddr5, and they even promoted PS4 specs.

we’ll see if Sony promotes PS5 specs as enthusiastically as PS4.

Wow, sony is in trouble if they do a presentation in march or July or September, you really need to get out more and breathe some air. They are a company not a person, volume production for 7nm means consoles are not possioble until end of 2020., so why so dramatic,.

The timing of reveals makes no difference at all except to fanboys on forums (for a limited time).

If they cant sell them until Xmas, it does not fucking matter what happens in feb or march, or April either.

I just enjoy reading fanboy comments like yours, gives me a laugh.
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In the real world 9v12 isnt close. But how was originsl x1 (40% difference) framed by insiders and media? Further the fact Oberon was still being tested in summer of 2019....

8-9 TF looks insane now, but when work began in 2015, MS had been coasting since 2011 and Nintendo was not a threat...so he are two alternate ps5 timelines.

worst timeline for ps5 hardware:
In 2015, sony was closing studios, keeping dev count absolutely minimal, and not addressing genre deficiencies. They were milking PS. Given that set of circumstances, and a huge does of hubris, they tell Cerny to target nothing more,than a ps4 type good-enough-break-even console. Cerney tells AMD to make a suitable apu for a break even $399 box.

then, as 2018 progresses, MS starts dumping cash into gaming; Google begins making moves; and even Nintendo starts tearing things up. Suddenly, competition is an order of magnitude greater. Sony becomes very concerned about how PS had been managed, and initiates firings and a big management shuffle.

They have much regret that during 2013-2018, PS did not solidify their portfolio via acquisition, studio expansions, and addressing their genre deficiencies—rather than what they did do: reduce studio count and focus on sport and 3rd person action story games made by tiny teams. They also regret their directive to make a cheapo ps5 apu.

in 2018, they realise the mistakes and begin to scramble. on the hardware front that means adding things they can add (super fast 2TB ssd and nice quiet cooling) and and doing their best with Oberon. But a radical redesign of an apu takes 2+ years, and the only company that can do it in less time is Apple. So they make do.

Sony has a 20 minute State of Play in Feb where nothing concrete is revealed about ps5 except for ssd speeds. A second launch state of play occurs after E3 that reveals an anaemic launch lineup and more ssd numbers. Actual numbers and specs only get revealed after launch in Nov., that work being done by the public.

playstation fans boo.

best Timeline for ps5 hardware

Sony management, being very happy with Cerny’s ps4, gives him a nearly free hand with ps5 in 2015, saying to him ‘we’ll eat up to $159’ per launch console.

Cerny decides to invest in cool technologies we haven't seen yet, and tells AMD to pull out all the stops in making a $650 BOM 2020 console. They staff up on software engineers and make a killer OS and fantastic dev tools.

Amd delivers the first chiplet console with 72 CUs (dual gpu), ray tracing, and their newest zen tech.

sony fans cheer wildly at February 29 reveal of the new 13+ TF $650 BOM console, preorders for $499 up now.

Take me to your dealer 😜


Not Banned from OT
They didn't care about these minor rumors at all.

BTW about the PS5 delay it indeed happened not because Sony (they planned to release PS5 in 2019) but because 7nm was not ready in 2018 for a late 2019 launch.
Sony had to review the PS5 to use advanced tech for a late 2020 release instead late 2019.
I thought the fall 2019 rumor was to stupid to be true. It all seems to be true now with all the leaks. The Sony kits being so much more polished makes sense since they planned a early launch. The many spins of the chips ect. Good thing Sony has top flight engineers to bail out the suits from a dumb ass decision. I have 0 doubts the PS5 be just ahead of the series x but Sony will be eating a lot of money from selling at a loss and the missed launch and redesign. It explains the shake up at Sony this year. I can't wait for the book about the chaos of 2019 at Sony and how the studios and engineers bailed them out.


Gold Member
Wow, sony is in trouble if they do a presentation in march or July or September, you really need to get out more and breathe some air. They are a company not a person, volume production for 7nm means consoles are not possioble until end of 2020., so why so dramatic,.

The timing of reveals makes no difference at all except to fanboys on forums (for a limited time).

If they cant sell them until Xmas, it does not fucking matter what happens in feb or march, or April either.

I just enjoy reading fanboy comments like yours, gives me a laugh.
People are discussion specs, not quantity of units manufactured.
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