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Quantum Break |OT| We'll Be Right Back After This Commercial Break


So there's no Poets of the Fall in QB right? Didn't hear anything that sounded like them.

*shakes quantum fist in quantum air* WWHHHHYyyyyyy?
All secret achievements are choice related, so just unlock all 8 choices you are good to go.

theres the one for
watching Paul give his presentation/power point at the very beginning of the game.

I cant think of another one that they would be missing. It could be that they skipped the cutscene where
you save William. The achievement wont unlock if you skip it
. I think there are actually a couple you can miss by skipping cutscenes. I know the one where
Beth tells you about how she met herself can be missed that way too

Edit: oh, just noticed that first one was already mentioned
Why do people act as if Jeff is the only one that gave this game that score? or a bad score in general? There were a few others that echoes his complaints. There are very valid criticisms you can levy against this game.

I wish I shared your opinion on the game, honestly. But after finishing it it just left me feeling empty, like shrugged my shoulders and said that was decent. Every other remedy game I've played has left some sort of impact after I was done, this didn't at all. If this was made by some other developer I would be less disappointed. Nowhere near revolutionary, and the TV show implementation is just weird. They couldn't really handle it any other way though.

For me Remedy did exactly what they set out to do and made the ultimate remedy experience. This game had it all for me. There were specific acts that totally drove home that these were the Max Payne developers. There were also moments that gave me the same fear or vibe that I got from MGS1 all those years ago when I saw the carnage that was left behind by the Cyborg Ninja. People that have beat it or gotten up to a certain point will know exactly what I'm referring to. I read all the side content I could find, so the story, characters and overall emotional impact of the material between both the game and the TV show definitely had a real impact on me. I'm never forgetting this game. I love it so damn much, and I pray we get a sequel.

Opinions...how do they work? Lots of other people were lukewarm on the game. They could just as easily say your opinion is "laughable".

Yea, they sure can, but as it concerns evaluation how good or bad a game is, my opinion matters more to me than anyone else's. There's nothing wrong with finding my view on the game wrong and disagreeing. It doesn't change my view of the game any, and I don't expect my criticism of the negative reviews, and my current stance that they don't have any idea what the heck they're talking about to change any of their minds either.


on the final boss fight. this is kinda BS. I'll probably eventually get through it tonight though.

Are you referring to it not having a good checkpoint system? If so, I'm finding it quite frustrating as well.

When I die, I have to sit though two load screens. One load screen after I die, the other load screen after I skip the cutscene to get to the boss fight. A more thoughtful checkpoint would have been nice for this battle. It ends an otherwise great experience on a sour note.

I gave up for the night.. maybe tomorrow I'll try to beat it..

Chitown B

Are you referring to it not having a good checkpoint system? If so, I'm finding it quite frustrating as well.

When I die, I have to sit though two load screens. One load screen after I die, the other load screen after I skip the cutscene to get to the boss fight. A more thoughtful checkpoint would have been nice for this battle. It ends an otherwise great experience on a sour note.

I gave up for the night.. maybe tomorrow I'll try to beat it..

that and

it seems time blast is completely useless and does nothing. I keep trying to use it and it just fizzles and doesn't work. Which wastes time and you're a sitting duck.

In addition, it's hard to tell when the red stuff is going to kill you or not.
that and

it seems time blast is completely useless and does nothing. I keep trying to use it and it just fizzles and doesn't work. Which wastes time and you're a sitting duck.

In addition, it's hard to tell when the red stuff is going to kill you or not.

Time blast doesn't work in stutters. Because it's based on you manipulating time, and you're fighting guys with devices that prevent that sort of thing, it won't work. Game never really explains it, but makes sense from a lore point of view I guess.

Chitown B

ok so it seems there is a monarch guy trapped in the floor in my final boss fight, which makes it not end.

edit: ok somehow

he must be blasted that guy and he died, so then I could finally shoot him to end it


ok so it seems there is a monarch guy trapped in the floor in my final boss fight, which makes it not end.

edit: ok somehow

he must be blasted that guy and he died, so then I could finally shoot him to end it

Haha. I once had an enemy trapped in time for real. He was not dead, but his animation was frozen. He was one of the last guys that I had to shoot.
I think I figured out why I love Quantum Break so much, aside from it being a great game to begin with: it reminds me a lot of Lost S1. Mysteries that have no clear answers, a great cast of characters that are messed up in their own ways. Plus it helps William Joyce is Charlie, aka one of the best characters in the series. It's good stuff man.


im doing it right now. I am dropping dead left and right. I have no idea whats killing me
Yep it's what got me on hard, it's pure bs, on normal I did it first try it was easy. The difficulty spike added with the screen being just full of overblown effects meant I just couldn't get it done on hard it felt down to luck rather than anything else.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I finished this up earlier this evening and then spent a while going back in the timeline to 100% it and making alternate junction choices and watching the episode variations.

Overall I really enjoyed this game. Great melding of game/tv show/movie. It had one of the better game stories I've experienced, and was a great mix of walking simulator with kick ass shooter gameplay.

I loved the multimedia approach to story telling with sometimes playing through interactive story bits, sometimes watching cutscenes/the live action bits, reading emails and listening to radio tidbits. I found it a great example of using all the senses to tell a story.

I'd give the game a solid 9/10. Very much looking forward to what Remedy does with a sequel.
love the combat in this game so much, time dash is favorite ability.


Extended clip


I had the same issue in the latest Tomb Raider. Drove me nuts as I spent upwards of 30 minutes troubleshooting it.

It turned out the wires to my center speaker got loose. If you have a setup with multiple speakers check the connection to your center speaker. That is where 98% of games do the dialogue.

Ha! Thank you so much! This was my issue :DDD


Remedy deserves big sales. I just now hope that a QB sequel does not get more important to MS than an Alan Wake sequel, heh.


Just completed Act 3, liking it a lot. However is there a way to change the difficulty on the Xbone? I can't find it in the menus and the game is too easy for me on Normal.
Just completed Act 3, liking it a lot. However is there a way to change the difficulty on the Xbone? I can't find it in the menus and the game is too easy for me on Normal.
Go to the timeline, click on a chapter to replay and it should ask you for the difficulty.
I could be wrong. I took a cursory glance of the achievement on XboxAchievements.com and it read like it supported my above reason.

All the secret achievements are story related, all the story progression ones are 100% unlocked once you get there, the choice ones are unlocked once you choose them, lastly there is Marketing Spiel.

This means it sold better than both Sunset Overdrive and Ori and the Blind Forest? That's actually pretty good.


Gold Member
Always a pleasure when pure single player games do well. Some publishers don't believe in games like these at all.


Those fanboys on Twitter are ridiculous. I'm on Act 4/4 right now. I think I know how the y are going to fix things without changing what already happened. What a great game.


All the secret achievements are story related, all the story progression ones are 100% unlocked once you get there, the choice ones are unlocked once you choose them, lastly there is Marketing Spiel.

This means it sold better than both Sunset Overdrive and Ori and the Blind Forest? That's actually pretty good.

All-time sales for Sunset/Ryse/Ori? In less than one week, that's pretty solid.

Hopefully MS takes the hint and doesn't try to launch their new IPs during the holiday Season. I fear for Sea of Thieves.

I'm reading it right, I believe it means its Week one sales were the highest. Not that its week one beat lifetime sales of said games.

Though, I could be wrong. Either way, glad the game didn't bomb or anything. Hope MS continues the relationship with Remedy.

I think Alan Wake 2 is almost certain at this point, Gamescom announce or E3 2017, I'd guess.


I'm happy that the sales are doing good. Hopefully it prompts for a sequel. Remedy deserves the sales. I hope ReCore does good well, once I know how the gameplay is, sheesh. We need more new IP to do good.
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