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Quantum Break |OT| We'll Be Right Back After This Commercial Break


I'm on part 1 of Act 5 and I am planning on starting a second playthrough on hard as soon as I beat the game. I don't know that I can say I have ever done that. I have thoroughly enjoyed the game and I went in basically blind, having just seen a couple of short videos and not even knowing about the TV episode tie in.

Really the only issue I have at all with the game is that there seems to be a weird deadzone issue with aiming. I have tried different sensitivity levels but I still have issues with precision aiming. However the use of all the powers makes this less of an issue and it hasn't ruined the experience by any means. I do find the combat extremely fun overall.

I have never played Alan Wake so I can't wait to give that a spin as well.


after now thinking about it.....I find it dumb that we couldn't use grenades of our own lol. I was just glad though that hard mode didn't have the enemy spamming nades consistently for that artificial difficulty increase.


I'm on part 1 of Act 5 and I am planning on starting a second playthrough on hard as soon as I beat the game. I don't know that I can say I have ever done that. I have thoroughly enjoyed the game and I went in basically blind, having just seen a couple of short videos and not even knowing about the TV episode tie in.

Really the only issue I have at all with the game is that there seems to be a weird deadzone issue with aiming. I have tried different sensitivity levels but I still have issues with precision aiming. However the use of all the powers makes this less of an issue and it hasn't ruined the experience by any means. I do find the combat extremely fun overall.

I have never played Alan Wake so I can't wait to give that a spin as well.

Man, I'm in exactly the same boat. I started a second playthrough the moment i finished. Ironically I haven't felt compelled to do this since Max Payne.... And the only reason I did it then is because it was the only game I had.

I also haven't played Alan Wake, so that's on my list now too.


It's great to see the changes in the show thanks to the different choices in the junction points.

I edited my favourite part about that section into a video via game dvr:

(Spoiler warning) Video link

There had to go a lot of work into that for animating these sequences. Amazing stuff.

after now thinking about it.....I find it dumb that we couldn't use grenades of our own lol. I was just glad though that hard mode didn't have the enemy spamming nades consistently for that artificial difficulty increase.

You got the one time power to throw a time grenade.


The visuals, the sound, the characters, the story, the world. I think it all perfectly fits together into this great experience by Remedy Entertainment and I'm confident enough to say that Quantum Break is so far the best game I played on my Xbox.


I am still waiting on my PC code. Are they still being sent out? Even though I have lost my excitement to play it because of technical issues I am still upset it has taken so long to receive it. I'm never preordering for this type of promotion again. Microsoft can keep their Universal Windows Apps.


I want a
Paul Serene side story
about the length of an act and a
Beth Wilder focused
TV episode.

I just hope they don't pull a BioShock Infinite and give us some combat DLC like Clash in the Clouds. I think the combat in QB is better than Infinite's and certainly more engaging, but I want story-related stuff not challenge rooms and the like.


Just finished the game last night on my first playthrough (Hard). The last boss fight wasn't that bad. I died 3 times but, got it on the fourth.

Post-credits scene tho!

Really loved the cast, story, and universe they've built here. Honestly wish there was a book/TV show actually coming out. I would eat it up.

One of my favorite things about this game was how well developed and relatable the 'villians' are. I can't actually fault them. It was basically two good guys trying to do the right thing in their mind.
And in the end, did we actually do the right thing?


I am still waiting on my PC code. Are they still being sent out? Even though I have lost my excitement to play it because of technical issues I am still upset it has taken so long to receive it. I'm never preordering for this type of promotion again. Microsoft can keep their Universal Windows Apps.

check the gamehub on your xbox one. They explained it there a week ago, just go down the feed. Im not at my xbox to tell you what was said, sorry.


Just finished the game last night on my first playthrough (Hard). The last boss fight wasn't that bad. I died 3 times but, got it on the fourth.

Post-credits scene tho!

Really loved the cast, story, and universe they've built here. Honestly wish there was a book/TV show actually coming out. I would eat it up.

One of my favorite things about this game was how well developed and relatable the 'villians' are. I can't actually fault them. It was basically two good guys trying to do the right thing in their mind.
And in the end, did we actually do the right thing?

Eat it up:



this game is great, but it really shows how weak the XBO hardware really is.

Game does look great in most places, but I've been seeing countless performance issues with a lot of XBO games this gen, and its really starting to annoy me when the majority are exclusives.

One section in the warehouse, the textures on the walls just didn't load for a good 10 seconds, the game uses some weird motion blur to hide the low res textures, try jumping and watch Jack's feet blur, it just looks bad. The game also looks very blurry and the 720 native res up-scaled doesn't help. Also input lag on a lot of newer games are really starting to bother me. Tomb raider was very noticeable and annoyed me the entire game, this has a slight input lag, but not as bad, still annoying when you constantly get caught on doors. Devs seem to just try to make their game look great (even with tons of blur) and forget about responsiveness, its really frustrating.

Games like this, and other M$ exclusives are really making me consider upgrading my PC and moving away from these very rough console versions all together.


check the gamehub on your xbox one. They explained it there a week ago, just go down the feed. Im not at my xbox to tell you what was said, sorry.

I did check and all I found was the same 7-10 day window explanation that they have fed us since launch. Counting only business days that could be all the way until Aprl 19th. I'm trying not to be salty about this but I don't recall this being communicated beforehand. I'm enjoying my Xbox One copy but every time I see some jagged polygons I wish I could try to smooth out the IQ on my PC. Even with the technical mess the PC version is 1080p and at least 50 fps might have been an improvement.


Hey guys so if I preordered QB and still haven't received the W10 code, what are my options? Hit up MS CS, QB twitter account?
this game is great, but it really shows how weak the XBO hardware really is.

Game does look great in most places, but I've been seeing countless performance issues with a lot of XBO games this gen, and its really starting to annoy me when the majority are exclusives.

One section in the warehouse, the textures on the walls just didn't load for a good 10 seconds, the game uses some weird motion blur to hide the low res textures, try jumping and watch Jack's feet blur, it just looks bad. The game also looks very blurry and the 720 native res up-scaled doesn't help. Also input lag on a lot of newer games are really starting to bother me. Tomb raider was very noticeable and annoyed me the entire game, this has a slight input lag, but not as bad, still annoying when you constantly get caught on doors. Devs seem to just try to make their game look great (even with tons of blur) and forget about responsiveness, its really frustrating.

Games like this, and other M$ exclusives are really making me consider upgrading my PC and moving away from these very rough console versions all together.

Maybe I was too engrossed in the game or something, but I didn't feel this game had any glaring performance issues at all. There were small blips here and there, but nothing that was at all frequent enough or lasted long enough to actually be a problem. I do feel the aiming thing you refer to, but I got use to that pretty quickly. I totally disabled aim assist, and later on power assist. I do believe the game is quite responsive once you get used to the little nuances involved and learn the recoil for the different weapons.

Definitely getting this.
I finished Act 1 last night. I can't say I'm a big fan yet. The gunplay just isn't that good. I'm getting a "The Last of Us" vibe, meaning, the best part of this game is anytime you aren't in combat.

I think it looks great and I haven't noticed an issues on the Xbox one. I'll keep pushing through. Just seems like the guns don't do enough damage.
I finished Act 1 last night. I can't say I'm a big fan yet. The gunplay just isn't that good. I'm getting a "The Last of Us" vibe, meaning, the best part of this game is anytime you aren't in combat.

I think it looks great and I haven't noticed an issues on the Xbox one. I'll keep pushing through. Just seems like the guns don't do enough damage.

Enemies aren't bullet spongy at all if you aim for the right parts.


Gameplay definitely gets a bit more interesting as you progress - just finished Act 3 last night and the powers definitely spice it up.

If this was just a standard cover shooter it definitely wouldn't hold up on it's gunplay alone though.


I finished Act 1 last night. I can't say I'm a big fan yet. The gunplay just isn't that good. I'm getting a "The Last of Us" vibe, meaning, the best part of this game is anytime you aren't in combat.

I think it looks great and I haven't noticed an issues on the Xbox one. I'll keep pushing through. Just seems like the guns don't do enough damage.

If you get a flow going in the larger encounters, it can be incredible. I took out like 7 enemies in a row without hitting cover once, lol. People flying all over the place, stuff blowing up...it was a visual and audio feast. Once you have a hang of the mechanics....you can string some crazy stuff together.

Also, you can headshot a lot of enemies, but the time ripple stuff can alter your bullet angles. The armored guys are going to take a beating though.

One Time Stop and a couple of bullets and most of the enemies are done. Combined with all other Time Powers the game could be completed with the first handgun that is available.

Haha, this is true...I like the auto handgun.


I have heard the show changes drastically. Probably the same basic plot line, just like the game, but significant changes based on those choices. There should be:

Episode 1: two versions (junction 1A; junction 1B)
Episode 2: four versions (1A2A; 1A2B; 1B2A; 1B2B)
Episode 3: eight versions (1A2A3A; 1A2B3A; 1B2A3A; 1B2B3A; 1A2A3B; 1A2B3B; 1B2A3B; 1B2B3B)
Episode 4: sixteen versions (1A2A3A4A; 1A2B3A4A; 1B2A3A4A; 1B2B3A4A; 1A2A3B4A; 1A2B3B4A; 1B2A3B4A; 1B2B3B4A; 1A2A3A4B; 1A2B3A4B; 1B2A3A4B; 1B2B3A4B; 1A2A3B4B; 1A2B3B4B; 1B2A3B4B; 1B2B3B4B)

There are many shared scenes between these versions, but there are some pretty drastic things that change. This is why the download is 75GB. Episode 4 can be entirely different based on your choices as Paul.

Are you certain about this?


I have heard the show changes drastically. Probably the same basic plot line, just like the game, but significant changes based on those choices. There should be:

Episode 1: two versions (junction 1A; junction 1B)
Episode 2: four versions (1A2A; 1A2B; 1B2A; 1B2B)
Episode 3: eight versions (1A2A3A; 1A2B3A; 1B2A3A; 1B2B3A; 1A2A3B; 1A2B3B; 1B2A3B; 1B2B3B)
Episode 4: sixteen versions (1A2A3A4A; 1A2B3A4A; 1B2A3A4A; 1B2B3A4A; 1A2A3B4A; 1A2B3B4A; 1B2A3B4A; 1B2B3B4A; 1A2A3A4B; 1A2B3A4B; 1B2A3A4B; 1B2B3A4B; 1A2A3B4B; 1A2B3B4B; 1B2A3B4B; 1B2B3B4B)

There are many shared scenes between these versions, but there are some pretty drastic things that change. This is why the download is 75GB. Episode 4 can be entirely different based on your choices as Paul.

Holy crap! If this is true.....I'm going to end up with 100hrs in this game, lol.

Edit** Just checked and I've put in 16 hours on my first play-through, and I'm in Act 4.

Anyone else notice you can see all the capacitors and the individual wires in the drones at their assembly? Yeah, I look at EVERYTHING...haha.
I finished Act 1 last night. I can't say I'm a big fan yet. The gunplay just isn't that good. I'm getting a "The Last of Us" vibe, meaning, the best part of this game is anytime you aren't in combat.

I think it looks great and I haven't noticed an issues on the Xbox one. I'll keep pushing through. Just seems like the guns don't do enough damage.

I wasn't feeling the combat until Act 2, gets really good once the game begins throwing more enemies at you and you need to start chaining powers together.

Holy crap! If this is true.....I'm going to end up with 100hrs in this game, lol.

Edit** Just checked and I've put in 16 hours on my first play-through, and I'm in Act 4.

I'm on 21 hrs, left it on pause for a couple of hours and spent ages walking round taking screenshots but that's still 16-18 hrs to 100% it on normal. I'm more than happy with that.


What's the most efficient way to take out the heavy shotgunners/machine gunners. I always seem to clear an entire area with a sick ass combo, only to have two of these guys breaking the flow....

Same with rhe chronon dampener guys.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Finished it last night.

Absolutely fantastic game. Loved every second of it, will go back and try other paths.

Gameplay was excellent besides some aiming sensitivity issues. Time powers were pretty fun to use.

Storyline was fantastic, and kept me playing, wanting to know more.

Really hope this gets a sequel. Definitely my favorite XBO game of this generation thus far. (Even though my original intent was to play on PC)


I'm on 21 hrs, left it on pause for a couple of hours and spent ages walking round taking screenshots but that's still 16-18 hrs to 100% it on normal. I'm more than happy with that.

I also noticed that if you leave the game on standby (leave the game to watch Netflix, TV, some other app etc...) and then get back to it, all that time is registered as time played as well.


What's the most efficient way to take out the heavy shotgunners/machine gunners. I always seem to clear an entire area with a sick ass combo, only to have two of these guys breaking the flow....

Same with rhe chronon dampener guys.

I used a time blast + time stop combo to stop the machine gunners and shotgunners, as for the chronon dampener, I spammed my carbine on their heads.


Pretty much breezed through Hard but I've been stuck at the last boss fight for the last 40 minutes. Fuck this, I'll try again tomorrow.


On my second playthrough, for the Act 4 junction, I picked
and holy shit is it depressing. Fuck it. Fuck it hard.

Only kinda' disappointing thing with some of the junction choices at the end is that they felt a little too "obvious". The first ones, where you had to decide between mounting a PR campaign or clamping down, or between staying to try and convince your friend versus doing your job, I felt were much better. By the end we know that Hatch is
an untrustworthy SOB
so there's really no reason to pick the alternatives aside from achievements.

Also: doesn't it feel like we were missing a whole fight with
the shifter
in Act 5? They set up an confrontation with all the dead soldiers, and yet it never happened.


Taking my time with this. But man so far it's been excellent.

I hope MS have spoken to Remedy about a sequel as they have a great thing here.
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