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Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart I New Extended Gamescom Gameplay Demo

2) Ratchet doesn't even have real fur. Not in cinematics and certainly not while controlling the main hero.

Art direction aside, can you explain the difference between what Insomniac is doing with Ratchet's fur vs. something like Black Myth?



You sure I'm the troll here?

Here are some brutes from ODST. Even those guys had some hair.

its so very obvious that you are 100% unrelated to anything Halo.

I just recorded these for you, ODST on MCC @4k/60, and those with the fancy helmets are brute majors, not soldiers:

compare the above to below:

if you dont mind closing this one millionth "craig" "downgrade" off topic parenthesis,
just study the videos silently and move on..!
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it's interesting how much Halo discussion there is in here considering a mod already said to stop it.

I can answer something VFX veteran asked about by the way. If the PlayStation 5 can run red Dead redemption 2 native 4K in 60 frames per second with all the ultra settings you get on PC I would consider that next gen. Because console generations are not determined by PC. It might not be the epitome of next-gen and we may see much crazier stuff as the gen goes on. But it would I'll be just as next-gen to me as Grand theft Auto v upgrade that PS4 and Xbox one got. And if that helps him grapple with why someone like me believes ratchet & clank to be next gen because to him that means I have lower expectations for it then I should that's fine.
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its so very obvious that you are 100% unrelated to anything Halo.

I just recorded this for you, ODST on MCC @4k/60, and those with the fancy helmets are brute majors, not soldiers:

now compare the above to below:

if you dont mind closing this one millionth "craig" "downgrade" off topic parenthesis,
just study the videos silently and move on..!

Instead of trying to prove whether you're a Halo lore expert, how about you answer the question I asked before: do you expect brutes in Halo Infinite to look as detailed as the brutes in Halo 3 (an almost 20 year old game), or do you place the bar a little higher? Like, you know, 10 Terraflops higher? I don't care if it's a junior, a senior or an elder - the character model should be a lot more detailed than its X360 counterpart.

Seriously, how low will the bar be set in order to brainwash yourselves into thinking that Infinite looked great?

it's interesting how much Halo discussion there is in here considering a mod already said to stop it.

I missed that. Fine, I'll stop.
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Art direction aside, can you explain the difference between what Insomniac is doing with Ratchet's fur vs. something like Black Myth?

He wont, And I love that he's trying to use CGI rendering techniques and say that he's seen more impressive things. Not saying they're not, but trying to compare a rendered film, to a game that is being played rendered in realtime are not comparable.

You can compare the things they use like the assets, and what not. But a game is being played rendered in real-time so lighting, textures, shadow maps change per camera/frame changes.

Glad I put him on ignore, another blow hard. When NX GAMER and others who have the tools to look at this stuff and actually break down some of the techniques, character model density going to be funny to look back on some of his posts.

Like I brought up the character model of ratchet compared to his CGI counterpart and it has been discusses on Digital Foundry and other places like CG talk about the asset quality on ratchet in the game is super high, much higher than the film.

And he's like" I don't know of such movie" I'm like it;s in the link?


Like I brought up the character model of ratchet compared to his CGI counterpart and it has been discusses on Digital Foundry and other places like CG talk about the asset quality on ratchet in the game is super high, much higher than the film.

And he's like" I don't know of such movie" I'm like it;s in the link?

The bolded is the part that kills me.


Fuck. I have downloaded the Mega 4k video and this is crazy. I was impressed already even when they first showed it back in June, actually thought that this was the only game that shouted nextgen to me but I was not prepared for this 4k video. It's crazy. R&C PS4 is already insane but this is on another level. I'm more impressed than I was with Killzone SF back at the PS4 launch.
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So, I want to ask NXGamer NXGamer since I saw his video, in which he was calling (partial) ray traced reflections on the floors,
what is his explanation of this part right here:

ratchet is inside a room, yet the floor "reflects" the blue sign on the building that is BEHIND the wall and ACROSS a chasm.
you can see the blue letters on the floor where I have the video bookmarked, no sign of reflection of what is against the wall there, the shelf, books, etc, only the blue sign from the building that is BEHIND the wall, ACROSS a chasm. as video progresses, you can see it (the building and the blue sign that was reflecting inside the room) when ratchet steps out of the room and before the cutscene starts.

For convenience I have the video snippet here:

and a still image from TonyK TonyK :

along with his quick photoshop on how raytraced floor should look, instead of reflecting the building outside the wall:


so, NXGamer NXGamer , what gives? who's eyes are mistaken here? or, if none of our eyes are mistaken, what kind of raytracing would that be? or how "partial"?

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Md Ray

Looks amazing and fun, but damn 30fps should be a crime for next gen.
Looks great, but it's 30fps.

We shouldn't have to settle for that dog shit frame rate anymore. The act of playing is more important than a few extra pixels to look at. Upscale that shit if you have to. Or at least give the option.

I'm not jumping into next generation to accept 30 fps games anymore. I can't believe how many of you think it's "fine"
if 343 was coming out saying "here's our next gen halo, running gloriously at 30 fps, just like halo 1,2,3,reach", I'd throw tomatoes to them.


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He wont, And I love that he's trying to use CGI rendering techniques and say that he's seen more impressive things. Not saying they're not, but trying to compare a rendered film, to a game that is being played rendered in realtime are not comparable.

You can compare the things they use like the assets, and what not. But a game is being played rendered in real-time so lighting, textures, shadow maps change per camera/frame changes.

Glad I put him on ignore, another blow hard. When NX GAMER and others who have the tools to look at this stuff and actually break down some of the techniques, character model density going to be funny to look back on some of his posts.

Like I brought up the character model of ratchet compared to his CGI counterpart and it has been discusses on Digital Foundry and other places like CG talk about the asset quality on ratchet in the game is super high, much higher than the film.

And he's like" I don't know of such movie" I'm like it;s in the link?
He said he will start his own youtube channel that will compete with df and nx.

Maybe then he will make us believe


Art direction aside, can you explain the difference between what Insomniac is doing with Ratchet's fur vs. something like Black Myth?
You won't get an answer. However i can probably try to explain it. There's no difference per se between both games of the techniques used. I'm fairly certain both games are using different height maps and normals, theyre all common techniques used. It all depends on the engine and how well the lights interact with those maps. This is all surface level stuff tbh. Where the difference lies is more deep into the shader work and plugins of the engine. However you wont really know whats goes on in there unless we have a look at the shader network. The devs can be plugging in their own texture maps for certain aspects of the render. Thanks to the increasing tech devs are able to plugin more and more different materials so we get some good ass looking hair/fur, this might not answer your question at all but fuck it :messenger_weary::messenger_ok:
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Said this in another thread but the portal thing is pretty overhyped I mean BioShock infinite did something similar and whenever it loads into new worlds there's a hiccup and it's pretty much a cut scene.
Looks great though still, just not a next gen moment for me yet
Said this in another thread but the portal thing is pretty overhyped I mean BioShock infinite did something similar and whenever it loads into new worlds there's a hiccup and it's pretty much a cut scene.
Looks great though still, just not a next gen moment for me yet

BioShock Infinite usually just re-decorated the same level you were already in.


Gold Member
No, man, I'm saying you need to like... change a certain word in your post... probably...
But i'm just listing what he says, i'm not saying the N word towards nobody.

Cmon dude, this is not the type of forum where mods don't understand something simple like context.

Also i readed that word in joke form a shitload of times in here...
But i'm just listing what he says, i'm not saying the N word towards nobody.

Cmon dude, this is not the type of forum where mods don't understand something simple like context.

Also i readed that word in joke form a shitload of times in here...

You could be right, I dunno. I'm not that well-versed on it. Didn't want you to get in trouble, though.


So, I want to ask NXGamer NXGamer since I saw his video, in which he was calling (partial) ray traced reflections on the floors,
what is his explanation of this part right here:

ratchet is inside a room, yet the floor "reflects" the blue sign on the building that is BEHIND the wall and ACROSS a chasm.
you can see the blue letters on the floor where I have the video bookmarked, no sign of reflection of what is against the wall there, the shelf, books, etc, only the blue sign from the building that is BEHIND the wall, ACROSS a chasm. as video progresses, you can see it (the building and the blue sign that was reflecting inside the room) when ratchet steps out of the room and before the cutscene starts.

For convenience I have the video snippet here:

and a still image from TonyK TonyK :

along with his quick photoshop on how raytraced floor should look, instead of reflecting the building outside the wall:


so, NXGamer NXGamer , what gives? who's eyes are mistaken here? or, if none of our eyes are mistaken, what kind of raytracing would that be? or how "partial"?


As I state in the video and at the point, where it is mixing up screen space solutions and RT and Cubemaps. Much of the floor reflections are cube maps (this shot here is most likely that) and then RT dynamic and other destructable objects, which I again talk about in the video. You can see the blend on the robot ship that rises in that scene, the orbs merge from Cubemaps into Screen space RT as it rises up. As I say, the non planar reflections look the best and are better than the floor reflections which could largely be achieved by SSR aside far more obvious artifacts and errors.
As I state in the video and at the point, where it is mixing up screen space solutions and RT and Cubemaps. Much of the floor reflections are cube maps (this shot here is most likely that) and then RT dynamic and other destructable objects, which I again talk about in the video. You can see the blend on the robot ship that rises in that scene, the orbs merge from Cubemaps into Screen space RT as it rises up. As I say, the non planar reflections look the best and are better than the floor reflections which could largely be achieved by SSR aside far more obvious artifacts and errors.
most reflections are cube maps and screen space reflections, one more way you can see that is that destructible objects do not reflect at all, like benches etc as they get broken into pieces. and yes, the spaceship sequence is very nice indeed, but its a nicely blended cutscene and not gameplay.


You won't get an answer. However i can probably try to explain it. There's no difference per se between both games of the techniques used. I'm fairly certain both games are using different height maps and normals, theyre all common techniques used. It all depends on the engine and how well the lights interact with those maps. This is all surface level stuff tbh. Where the difference lies is more deep into the shader work and plugins of the engine. However you wont really know whats goes on in there unless we have a look at the shader network. The devs can be plugging in their own texture maps for certain aspects of the render. Thanks to the increasing tech devs are able to plugin more and more different materials so we get some good ass looking hair/fur, this might not answer your question at all but fuck it :messenger_weary::messenger_ok:

Not in answer to what you said but i wasn't really impressed by black myth's fur. The dithering or whatever it's called along all the edges of the fur was extremely distracting and looks bad.


The different worlds thing is scripted

Right, but I think my point was you're mixing up two different things. Changing worlds in Rifts Apart isn't the same as the grappling hook to change positions on a level.

What BioShock did was more similar to Rift Apart's world traveling through the, you know rifts. I don't remember what BioShock did exactly, but it was probably much less frequent and sometimes in a cutscene. I don't think the levels it loaded in the rifts were nearly as large and like someone else said mostly re-using assets.
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