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Red Gaming Tech (RGT): The PS5 has a custom feature to be found in future RDNA 3 Cards.

What do you think? Is it true that the PS5 has a custom feature to be found in future RDNA 3 cards?

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And also a huge sony fanboy

Even when asked he still doesnt answer who he is a developer for.

Must be, RGT, Matt Hargatt and now developer chipping in must be all fanboys, no way could naughty dog come up with a better way of doing geometry and VRS logic. What do they know !

If you go and actually listen to Road to Ps5, Cerny actually explained the new Geometry engine, New procedural techniques, smoothing algorithms etc - but I guess Cerny is a fan boy as well.

That would be er, um....

Cerny already said most of this in his talk, then we had patents detailing, then Hargatt, then Paul at RGT, now another developer.
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Sources, a developer confirmed it on twitter


Matt said it wayyyyy back in March. Now we got confirm on it, when responding to the patents + more.
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Even when asked he still doesnt answer who he is a developer for.

Doesn't matter. He's a developer that says the right things, so he's all good, unlike that scoundrel Gavin Stevens that dared say the wrong things.

You guys should check out his channel, he broke several stories about AMDs RDNA2 big Navi CPUs, his sources are really solid.

I never trust Youtubers. They make a living of click-bait and sensationalistic news.
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I will wait for proper results, i don't think current game engines are using the algo's within GE or Mesh Shader as DX12U capable drivers basically came out this year.

Ps5 does not use DX12U drivers.

Doesn't matter. He's a developer that says the right things, so he's all good, unlike that scoundrel Gavin Stevens that dared say the wrong things.

Odium is an artist not a developer. i tried explaining to him what PRT+ was on GAF. It was hard work.

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Kitty also said this. But some people don't want to believe it.


Seeing as AMD and Microsoft both confirmed that it's full RDNA2, I can imagine why.

You guys really need to coordinate your FUD. Xbox is either RDNA1, RDNA1.5, or "off the shelf" RDNA2. Meanwhile PS5 is RDNA2 EX Plus Alpha but also RDNA3 and RDNA4.

Maybe getting all your tech info from Sony fanboys on Twitter, and rushing to post it on GAF, isn't working out. Just a thought.

Must be, RGT, Matt Hargatt and now developer chipping in must be all fanboys, no way coudl naughty dog come up witha better way of doing geetry and VRS logic.

That would be er, um....

Most people tend not to believe the shit they read from random Twitter accounts. You're the weird one here.
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Why can't cerny or someone just come out and say it

I remember having read from Matt Hargett (one of the principal software dev of PS5) that Sony will let the games do the talking. It was a tweet long time ago I don't remember when.

Notwithstanding the other developers chiming in and basically saying the same thing. Can someone post a list of how much RGT has gotten correct in his leaks in the past. Why should we give him credit?
Seeing as AMD and Microsoft both confirmed that it's full RDNA2, I can imagine why.

You guys really need to coordinate your FUD. Xbox is either RDNA1, RDNA1.5, or "off the shelf" RDNA2. Meanwhile PS5 is RDNA2 Plus Alpha but also RDNA3 and RDNA4.

Maybe getting all your tech info from Sony fanboys on Twitter, and rushing to post it on GAF, isn't working out. Just a thought.

Most people tend not to believe the shit they read from random Twitter accounts. You're the weird one here.

MS Marketing dept says it's "full" RDNA 2 (as defined by them). Where is the Infinity cache on XSX? What we know from AMD is that both the PS5 and XSX are both custom RDNA 2 based solutions (each with their respective special sauce as Lisa Su likes to say).

There is no FUD - maybe stop projecting your own behavior? You can't try to discredit RGT sources by bringing Kitty (speculating that to be RGT's supposed source on Infinity cache) and then turn around and say that said source (Kitty) is wrong (on another leak) based on Microsoft's marketing of "Full" RDNA 2. Per AMD, they're custom RDNA 2 based solutions. No one has proven Kitty wrong. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
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Probably the Sony storage solution. Didn't they say in the press conference that the new chip has the Microsoft storage solution. My guess is rdna 3 has both


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Seeing as AMD and Microsoft both confirmed that it's full RDNA2, I can imagine why.

You guys really need to coordinate your FUD. Xbox is either RDNA1, RDNA1.5, or "off the shelf" RDNA2. Meanwhile PS5 is RDNA2 Plus Alpha but also RDNA3 and RDNA4.

Maybe getting all your tech info from Sony fanboys on Twitter, and rushing to post it on GAF, isn't working out. Just a thought.

AMD and Sony confirmed RNDA 2, that didn't stop you from spreading FUD and trying to push the narrative that it's not really RDNA 2.



Its only what the fanboys want to hear so they champion it. A Ps5 engineer a few months ago said it was "between RDNA1 and RDNA2".

Nothing else on the matter. Just fantasies here

It could very well be true (considering some of the stuff from Sony made it into Vega and Polaris AFAIR), but for now it's guess-work and rumours.
MS Marketing dept says it's "full" RDNA 2 (as defined by them). What we know from AMD is that both the PS5 and XSX are both custom RDNA 2 solutions (each with their respective special sauce as Lisa Su likes to say).

PS5 we know is RDNA2 from the teardown.

One key difference with what you said is MS actually advertise Series S/X as being the only next gen console with full "hardware" RDNA, so there is obviously something missing in the physical GPU, not software, of PS5.

Anything else is FUD, really.

There is no FUD. You can't however try to discredit RGT sources by quotting Kitty as a credible source and then turn around and say that said source is wrong based on Microsoft's marketing of "Full" RDNA 2. Per AMD, they're custom RDNA solutions. No one has proven Kitty wrong.

I never said Kitty was credible, I said she first leaked infinity cache, among other things, and RGT simply copied.

Kitty claims AMD are lying about the full RDNA2. Whether that's correct or not remains to be seen.

You'd do well to spend less time posting threads from Sony fanboy YouTubers as if it's somehow the same as hearing it from the horses mouth.

Its only what the fanboys want to hear so they champion it. A Ps5 engineer a few months ago said it was "between RDNA1 and RDNA2".

Nothing else on the matter. Just fantasies here
Are you dense? That same engineer cooaberated the same thing you are arguing against. But is it only ok to believe his quote that aligns with your narrative and dismiss anything else?
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NaughtyDog Defense Force

Its only what the fanboys want to hear so they champion it. A Ps5 engineer a few months ago said it was "between RDNA1 and RDNA2".

Nothing else on the matter. Just fantasies here
Sony and AMD confirmed RDNA 2.

Looks like you want to ignore AMD and Sony and go with the engineer because he supports your narrative.

BTW: That engineer clarified his statement by saying it's RDNA 2 with at least one missing feature, but you ignored this for some reason...
AMD and Sony confirmed RNDA 2, that didn't stop you from spreading FUD and trying to push the narrative that it's not really RDNA 2.

I always said it's RDNA2 in the PS5. As I said, you can see this from the teardown.

Feel free to search my post history.


Why should Cerny come out and say it?

Cerny already said it ina broad manner, people just did not understand, and I guess Sony just used the same words Geometry engine and primitive shaders but missed the words BRAND NEW.

Timsetamped and transcribed

More complex usage involves something called primitive shaders which allow the game to synthesize geometry on-the-fly as it's being rendered.

It's a brand new capability.

Using primitive shaders on PlayStation 5 will allow for a broad variety of techniques including smoothly varying level of detail addition of procedural detail to close up objects and improvements to particle effects and other visual special effects.

Maybe Sony should make up new words like super new Geometry light velocity engine so people listen ?
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PS5 we know is RDNA2 from the teardown.

One key difference with what you said is MS actually advertise Series S/X as being the only next gen console with full "hardware" RDNA, so there is obviously something missing in the physical GPU, not software, of PS5.

Anything else is FUD, really.

I never said Kitty was credible, I said she first leaked infinity cache, among other things, and RGT simply copied.

Kitty claims AMD are lying about the full RDNA2. Whether that's correct or not remains to be seen.

You'd do well to spend less time posting threads from Sony fanboy YouTubers as if it's somehow the same as hearing it from the horses mouth.

It's full RDNA 2, however it's lacking RNDA 2 clock improvements and running at RNDA 1 speeds. It's also missing these puppies


Lone Wolf

The developer has a linked page and facebook showing game designer and long island univ.

And you ?
I’m not trying to call anyone out here, but is there any proof that this guy is an actual developer with a dev kit? His posts are mostly fanboying for PlayStation and left wing rhetoric.


Sony and AMD confirmed RDNA 2 based.

Looks like you want to ignore AMD and Sony and go with the engineer because he supports your narrative.

BTW: That engineer clarified his statement by saying it's RDNA 2 with at least one missing feature, but you ignored this for some reason...


Clarified? You mean after the fanboy lynch mob came after the guy? Lol. Anybody would retract their statement to keep the neckbeard army from harassing them.

Nice spin tho


I’m not trying to call anyone out here, but is there any proof that this guy is an actual developer with a dev kit? His posts are mostly fanboying for PlayStation and left wing rhetoric.

Well his linked in and facebook check out, he is a developer and studied for long enough in USA.

Does it matter, Cerny already said it in a broad manner, people just did not understand, and I guess Sony just used the same words Geometry engine and primitive shaders but missed the words BRAND NEW.

Timsetamped and transcribed

More complex usage involves something called primitive shaders which allow the game to synthesize geometry on-the-fly as it's being rendered.

It's a brand new capability.

Using primitive shaders on PlayStation 5 will allow for a broad variety of techniques including smoothly varying level of detail addition of procedural detail to close up objects and improvements to particle effects and other visual special effects.

Maybe Sony should make up new words like super new Geometry light velocity engine so people listen ?


Well his linked in and facebook check out, he is a developer and studied for long enough in USA.

Does it matter, Cerny already said it in a broad manner, people just did not understand, and I guess Sony just used the same words Geometry engine and primitive shaders but missed the words BRAND NEW.

Timsetamped and transcribed

Maybe Sony should make up new words like super new Geometry light velocity engine so people listen ?

This reminds me of Apple with them bog standard OLED displays being labeled "Super Amazing Quantum Liquid Retina ++ Screen"
Yet an 80CU card can reach higher clocks than a 56CU GPU

Btw, testing hardware for the Series X showed 1.6GHz clocks. Testing hardware for the PS5 showed 2GHz clocks. Both upclocked, the baseline for the Series X was always lower.
The 80CU card wont have the same size limitations. I would say they early on in development both teams knew what their goal were for the socs. MS wide and slow PS narrow and fast. Both of these are withing the realm of RDNA2 but with two distinct visions imo.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I always said it's RDNA2 in the PS5. As I said, you can see this from the teardown.

Feel free to search my post history.
I was the one who replied to your comment yesterday when you said PS5 is RDNA 2 based. If you read my comment, I said you were pushing the narrative that PS5 isn't really RDNA 2 by saying it's missing hardware level features.

Know any next gen consoles that don't do VRS or mesh shaders? :pie_thinking:

Lone Wolf

Well his linked in and facebook check out, he is a developer and studied for long enough in USA.

Does it matter, Cerny already said it in a broad manner, people just did not understand, and I guess Sony just used the same words Geometry engine and primitive shaders but missed the words BRAND NEW.

Timsetamped and transcribed

Maybe Sony should make up new words like super new Geometry light velocity engine so people listen ?

Yes I know Long Island University very well as I have a degree from that school. posting you went to school on Facebook doesnt prove anything.


The Amiga Brotherhood
MS Marketing dept says it's "full" RDNA 2 (as defined by them). Where is the Infinity cache on XSX? What we know from AMD is that both the PS5 and XSX are both custom RDNA 2 based solutions (each with their respective special sauce as Lisa Su likes to say).

There is no FUD - maybe stop projecting your own behavior? You can't try to discredit RGT sources by bringing Kitty (speculating that to be RGT's supposed source on Infinity cache) and then turn around and say that said source (Kitty) is wrong (on another leak) based on Microsoft's marketing of "Full" RDNA 2. Per AMD, they're custom RDNA 2 based solutions. No one has proven Kitty wrong. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Yes it could just be semantics. I could have a 2 litre bowl of water and fill my 1 litre glass with water from the bowl. It would not be a lie to say that my 1 litre glass was 100% full of water from the bowl.

In this (admittedly terrible) analogy, it is likely that Sony filled their glass with 800ml of the water and then added their own liquid to complete the glass.
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I was the one who replied to your comment yesterday when you said PS5 is RDNA 2 based. If you read my comment, I said you were pushing the narrative that PS5 isn't really RDNA 2 by saying it's missing hardware level features.

I was talking about the Atari, clearly.
PS5 we know is RDNA2 from the teardown.

One key difference with what you said is MS actually advertise Series S/X as being the only next gen console with full "hardware" RDNA, so there is obviously something missing in the physical GPU, not software, of PS5.

Anything else is FUD, really.

Actually No. You're taking MS marketing at face value, and assuming there is something missing in PS5's SOC without any proof. You literally have 0 idea, nor can you furnish proof of your claim regarding what's inside PS5's SOC. That's actually the very definition of FUD. So once again projecting your own behavior while dressing as an impartial truth bearer. Or in street terms, just bullshitting and trolling.

I never said Kitty was credible, I said she first leaked infinity cache, among other things, and RGT simply copied.

Kitty claims AMD are lying about the full RDNA2. Whether that's correct or not remains to be seen.

You'd do well to spend less time posting threads from Sony fanboy YouTubers as if it's somehow the same as hearing it from the horses mouth.

Lol you didn't specifically say she's credible that's true. But you did bring a credible leak by Kitty in an attempt to discredit RGT and his sources, to downplay him as a buffoon. So she's credible when convenient for ammo (in this case discrediting RGT), and not credible when the information she leaks is not convenient for your favorite plastic box (which we all know is the green Xbox). Who are you trying to fool here? What are we doing here? Who are the real fanboys? Transparent as hell. I tell ya kids these days...

With respect to the quoted info from Kitty regarding XSX.... you can have all those features MS likes to market as "Full" RDNA 2 while the front end architecture being what Kitty said it was. Which btw just paints a picture of a custom solution - which it's.

Maybe it's true or maybe it's not but it hasn't been unproven thus far. No matter what you say, or how you frame it.

AMD has said both solutions found on XSX and PS5 are custom RDNA 2 based solutions, with their own unique special sauce (per Lisa Su). That's it. Microsoft marketing says it's "Full" RDNA 2. Which creates the questions as to why the XSX is missing a key feature of RDNA 2 which is Infinite cache? Then the obvious falls into your lap. It's custom, not necessarily "Full".

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The 80CU card wont have the same size limitations. I would say they early on in development both teams knew what their goal were for the socs. MS wide and slow PS narrow and fast. Both of these are withing the realm of RDNA2 but with two distinct visions imo.

I'd argue the XSX is all but wide. Their Shader Arrays are 14CU in length, unlike any other RDNA2 card. That to me sounds like a very narrow design.
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Assuming Sony's custom versions of these features is accurate, the primary issue that Sony is going to have on this will be the toolset and ability to implement by developers.

MS has essentially run with AMD and created the base version of it which will be on XBOX and PC which will make it incredibly easy for developers to use. The fact that this person says that Sony created their own versions of it which won't really be seen until 2nd gen games should give you some pause because that implies that it will not be a simple implementation to execute.

In my opinion, the biggest issue facing Sony is an implementation of ML and AMD's DLSS competitor. At this point MS/AMD have all but confirmed that MS has this in their card. I haven't seen anything from Sony on ML and DLSS comparisons.
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