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Red Gaming Tech (RGT): The PS5 has a custom feature to be found in future RDNA 3 Cards.

What do you think? Is it true that the PS5 has a custom feature to be found in future RDNA 3 cards?

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Yes I know Long Island University very well as I have a degree from that school. posting you went to school on Facebook doesnt prove anything.

I dont advise hounding people in real life, this is a gaming forum, what people do in careers is to be respected.

I am sure the usual twitter idiots will hound him unfortunately (Timdog, Odium and the like but they have nothing better to do).
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Actually No. You're taking MS marketing at face value, and assuming there is something missing in PS5's SOC without any proof. You literally 0 idea, nor can you furnish proof of your claim. That's actually the definition of FUD. So once again projecting your own behavior while dressing as an impartial truth bearer. Or in street terms, just bullshitting and trolling.

Literally what you're doing with this, and every, thread.

I think Microsoft on xbox.com probably counts as a source, but you keep pretending you have no agenda.

Lol you didn't specifically say she's credible that's true. But you did brought a credible leak by Kitty in an attempt to discredit RGT and his sources, to downplay him as a buffoon. So she's credible when covinient for ammo, and not credible when what she leaks is not convenient for your favorite plastic box (which we all know is the green Xbox). Who are you trying to fool here? What are we doing here? Transparent as hell. I tell ya kids these days...

With respect to the quoted info from Kitty regarding XSX.... you can have all those features while the front end architecture being what Kitty said it was. Maybe it's true or maybe it's not but it hasn't been disproven so far. No matter what you say, or how you frame it.

AMD has said both solutions found on XSX and PS5 are custom RDNA 2 based solutions, with their own unique special sause (per Lisa Su). That's it. Microsoft marketing says it's "Full" RDNA 2. Which question the fact as to why the XSX is missing a key feature of RDNA 2 which is Infinite cache - which only corroborates the point. It's custom, not necesarily "Full".


That's an awful lot of words to say "I don't know anything but Microsoft are lying".

Kids these days.

Lone Wolf

I dont advise hounding people in real life, this is a gaming forum, what peopel do in careers is to be respected.

I am sure the usual twitter idiots will hound him unfortunately (Timdog, Odium and the like but they have nothing better to do).
I’m just curious. I dont have Facebook or Twitter, and would not harrass him if I did.

Literally anyone could make up bullshit like this for clicks. I wouldn't say RGT is any kind of reliable source either. Have you seen his videos? It's almost always speculation and the only thing really ever said with certainty is stuff that's already been public knowledge. I've been subscribed to him for a long time as I enjoy the speculation, but I'd never go around espousing like it's facts.
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Why can't cerny or someone just come out and say it

Because Sony has chosen not to operate that way. It happened with......

- The price of the PS5
- The way backward compatible works.
- The type of launch games the PS5 would have
- Which games would be on both PS4 and PS5
- The PS5's UI

Sony doesn't believe in giving out every piece of information as soon as possible. There's a reason Sony has the "Soony" meme. That meme has been around for at least 10 years now!
Yes it could just be semantics. I could have a 2 litre bowl of water and fill my 1 litre glass with water from the bowl. It would not be a lie to say that my 1 litre glass was 100% full of water from the bowl.

In this (admittedly terrible) analogy, it is likely that Sony filled their glass with 800ml of the water and then added their own liquid to complete the glass.

And that special liquid that Sony added will be featured in the future ordinary liquid.


This is beyond pathetic and anyone that peddles this horseshit should get banned, just like those people that got banned for the TF digit and the countless others that got the boot from the site due to the bullshit insider info that Gordie spread in the next gen thread.
If this turns out to be true, and RedGamingTech is very reliable when it comes to AMD information then the most likely feature I can think of would be cache scrubbers.

If you think about it AMD have leaned heavily into their Infinity Cache technology to increase performance and effective bandwidth of their PC RDNA2 cards.

It would make sense that something that further aids or enhances performance on Infinity Cache would be included.

It is also not uncommon for console cards to launch with new features that later appear in desktop GPUs, unified shaders on XBox360 for example.

It seems that both MS and Sony's R&D divisions worked really hard in conjunction with AMD to come up with some cool features, tech and ideas.

I think cache scrubbers would be the most logical innovation that would end up in RDNA3


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Show me where they say its "full RDNA2". Based and full are two different things.

Me being new or here 10 years doesn't change what was said.

Goalpost moving. lol

RDNA 2 is not called "full RDNA 2"

It's just RDNA 2. 6000 series, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are all RDNA 2.

It's like saying PlayStation 5 digital edition is not a PlayStation 5 because it's missing disc based features.

Just let it go, man. They're all RDNA 2.
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I'm not sure why there's so much "There's no way it's RDNA 3!" vibe. No one said it was! Consoles in the past have looked at near future relevant AMD features and plucked them downstream in the timeline for use in a console, he gave one example already.
This is beyond pathetic and anyone that peddles this horseshit should get banned, just like those people that got banned for the TF digit and the countless others that got the boot from the site due to the bullshit insider info that Gordie spread in the next gen thread.

People should get banned for peddling a rumour that's actually completely reasonable?

Turn off the power button. You'll feel better for it


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Pushing FUD? In the Xbox thread? Please.

I'm saying right now, PS5 is RDNA2. Apparently that's no longer good enough for Sony fans anymore. Wonder why?
In multiple threads.

Is it still missing VRS?
This is the guy that leaked Infinity Cache for RDNA2 GPUs way before anyone else, and nailed pretty much all details on the cards before release, he's trustworthy.

As to this news, MLID is saying the same thing for several weeks now. I think there will be an advanced Geometry Engine in RDNA3 cards, and that is what is being referenced here.
Literally what you're doing with this, and every, thread.

I think Microsoft on xbox.com probably counts as a source, but you keep pretending you have no agenda.

That's an awful lot of words to say "I don't know anything but Microsoft are lying".

Kids these days.

Lol if you think I'm going to feel insulted by saying that I don't take MS marketing department at face value. To tell you the real, honest, unfiltered truth, you insult yourself every time you post by defending them. They have quite a history of BS.

Don't be mad that I caught your BS on the fly regarding Kitty. Shouldn't have brought her up in an attempt to discredit RGT. You have made no coherent point on that flip flop. Nor on the FUD regarding the PS5 hardware "missing something" with 0 proof - just basing it on MS marketing dept slogans - in other words spreading FUD for team green.
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This is the person who had got multiple things wrong with RDNA2, Saying the PS5 was 13tflops, etc. All based on "insider knowledge".

We found out he chats bullshit like, what 3 times now?

Why is anyone still following this lying scumbag? Let alone making a bloody thread on this scammer?

This is the definition of COPE.
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I mean it’s possible. I have no doubt the Sony hardware design team was working in marriage with top caliber devs on bringing forth the ps5. Sony has them in-house at their disposal. This should result in the closest dev dream machine within the budget. You don’t get a PS5 ssd by accident for example.

And then MS I could easily see aiming for wide platform support from pc to series s to xcloud server racks. The less bespoke the hardware the more success their platform agnostic mission is being realised.

If PS5 slaps XsX in 3rd party, things will get spicy.
Lol if you think I'm going to feel insulted by saying that I don't take MS marketing department at face value. To tell you the real, honest, unfiltered truth, you insult yourself every time you post by defending them. They have quite a history of BS.

Don't be mad that I caught your BS on the fly regarding Kitty. You have made no coherent point on the flip flop. Nor on the FUD regarding the PS5 hardware with 0 proof.

Microsoft are lying because trust me dude. Ok.

Someone made a claim about RGT and I simply said he got it from Kitty. Is Kitty credible? Yes, but that doesn't mean everything she says is automatically correct or isn't subject to change. Xbox is confirmed full RDNA2, for example.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
DF said it seems to be?
I didn't ask you what DF said, I asked you personally.

DF said they didn't hear Mark Cerny mention it, that doesn't mean they confirmed it wasn't there.

So again, is it there or not? You were clearly implying that it was missing from PS5.


Goalpost moving. lol

RDNA 2 is not called "full RDNA 2"

It's just RDNA 2. 6000 series, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are all RDNA 2.

It's like saying PlayStation 5 digital edition is not a PlayStation 5 because it's missing disc based features.

Just let it go, man. They're all RDNA 2.

Im not saying it isn't RDNA2. Just only one is being marketed as full RDNA2. Some of you claim its not rdna its "custom RDNA2" and the funniest ones say its rdna3.

As I've said before. Anybody expecting any more than a couple frames, textures, or maybe better rt one way or the other, is going to be in for a rude awakening.


PS5 we know is RDNA2 from the teardown.

One key difference with what you said is MS actually advertise Series S/X as being the only next gen console with full "hardware" RDNA, so there is obviously something missing in the physical GPU, not software, of PS5.

Anything else is FUD, really
You know what fud is mate? It's negative rumors to provoke Fear Uncertainty Doubt, at least search for the facts first _ you looking for unproven exacerbated rumors maybe... And by the way, since you touched the fud talking, both ps5 and X series are full RDNA2 hardware wise, in their core they both share the same AMD architecture generation. The differences are in the hardware feature set in RDNA2 chosen by each company. That's were Ms went with the full package (full hardware features) for their (less) custom GPU, and Sony apparently not, going with the more customized 'closed system' console way.
This was pretty obvious to conclude, if people actually had or wanted to put a little thought into it, and the rest of the speculation going on around here since the big navy event... That's what fud is all about.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Im not saying it isn't RDNA2. Just only one is being marketed as full RDNA2. Some of you claim its not rdna its "custom RDNA2" and the funniest ones say its rdna3.

As I've said before. Anybody expecting any more than a couple frames, textures, or maybe better rt one way or the other, is going to be in for a rude awakening.
I think you're better off holding to what you were saying earlier because you're changing narratives again.

We'll wait and see what's confirmed within the upcoming weeks and lets see if your old posts hold up in the future.
I didn't ask you what DF said, I asked you personally.

DF said they didn't hear Mark Cerny mention it, that doesn't mean they confirmed it wasn't there.

So again, is it there or not? You were clearly implying that it was missing from PS5.

DF said

"While the jury is still out in the absence of higher quality assets, what we've seen so far across the board shows little to no evidence of the use of variable rate shading - a technique Microsoft is championing as a key efficiency driver in next-gen rendering."

I don't know if it's there or not, but for now that's the only indication we have.
This is the person who had got multiple things wrong with RDNA2, Saying the PS5 was 13tflops, etc. All based on "insider knowledge".

We found out he chats bullshit like, what 3 times now?

Why is anyone still following this lying scumbag? Let alone making a bloody thread on this scammer?

This is the definition of COPE.

This guy has good sources in the indsustry, you haven't watched his videos or have been following the RDNA2 launch. He was the first to talk about Infinity Cache @ 128mb, which lots laughed at and claimed was a pipe dream, unfeasible etc:

No-one leaked this as early as September 11, it was only confirmed October 28th, he even got the 128mb size right.
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I don't think Mark Cerny would go so low, that's way below his standards, my bet is at least RDNA4, with some features borrowed from RDNA5 even...

On a serious note tho, never say never, although don't expect fireworks before we cut off current-gen consoles first and foremost, we wont't see anything other than added RT effects, most of the features no matter what they are will be simply unused, hell, we'll be lucky if the CUs will run at their native mode instead of legacy GCN mode to begin with...


NaughtyDog Defense Force
DF said

"While the jury is still out in the absence of higher quality assets, what we've seen so far across the board shows little to no evidence of the use of variable rate shading - a technique Microsoft is championing as a key efficiency driver in next-gen rendering."

I don't know if it's there or not, but for now that's the only indication we have.

Yes, I know what they said. You're going off based on their unconfirmed opinion and tried to spin it. So the point is, they didn't know for sure and you believed it wasn't there on the PS5.
So time travel is the secret sauce in the ps5....there’s a flux capacitor inside the case

once the gpu/gpu boosts to 88mph your house sets on fire and you travel to the future
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Yes, I know what they said. You're going off based on their unconfirmed opinion and tried to spin it. So the point is, they didn't know for sure and you believed it wasn't there on the PS5.

I mean sure, I'll take the word of one of the most trusted tech sources over a Sony fanboy on Twitter.

I still said it's RDNA2, though obviously it might not have everything


NaughtyDog Defense Force
DF said

"While the jury is still out in the absence of higher quality assets, what we've seen so far across the board shows little to no evidence of the use of variable rate shading - a technique Microsoft is championing as a key efficiency driver in next-gen rendering."

I don't know if it's there or not, but for now that's the only indication we have.

That trusted source didn't confirm anything, it was nothing more than a guess.

It comes down to this. You it as conformation and tried to use it as a fact.

I think this point has been made clear and this conversation is done. lol
That trusted source didn't confirm anything, it was nothing more than a guess.

It comes down to this. You it as conformation and tried to use it as a fact.

I think this point has been made clear and this conversation is done. lol

People are free to form their own assumptions, just as you and others have done based on tweets from RGT etc.

So yeah, we're done.
Yes, we already know what said feature is. Cache scrubbers. They revealed this back in March during Road to PS5. It could also be something from their changes to their Geometry Engine (which they also hinted at back in March), but we'll have to (really) wait and see.

RDNA3 isn't coming until early 2022 most likely so....this feature's basically gonna be the new "secret sauce" for well over a year isn't it? Jeez :LOL: ...

Sources, a developer confirmed it on twitter


Not a reliable source, as Mr.ODST Mr.ODST already pointed out showing their other tweets. Plus, what he's saying here is literally standard run-of-the-mill insight anyone who's been following these systems for a while could say.

He's simply taking Matt Hargett's tweets (which weren't confirming much, just postulating a what-if hinting at some of the work they'd done on the system design at most) and repackaging them. Anyone can do that.

Kitty also said this. But some people don't want to believe it.


It's not that people don't want to believe it. It's that both literally Microsoft and AMD are saying that the Series systems are full RDNA 2 in specification. So someone who reads this tweet will probably believe the "Series X is RDNA 1.5" rumors that were oddly starting to pop up last week (which RGT did a story on btw; granted he also clarified it the next day).

So, who knows more about the Series system? A guy on Twitter, or the engineers from both companies that actually developed the hardware and intimately know what it can do? I think the vast majority will take the latter. Also IIRC there's no context to the info Kitty is posting here, i.e what document(s) did he get this data from? Can he provide/verify the source? Can we verify the source is legitimate? Are these in reference to final Series system? If so is it both Series X and Series S, or just Series S? Are these even from the final systems, or an earlier Arden-based revision (MS made multiple dev prototypes with data on them very likely)?

In light of confirmed information on Wednesday, these are the kind of questions you actually have to ask before buying just anything someone posts on Twitter, regardless of how credible that person may've been in the past.
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Yes, we already know what said feature is. Cache scrubbers. They revealed this back in March during Road to PS5. It could also be something from their changes to their Geometry Engine (which they also hinted at back in March), but we'll have to (really) wait and see.

RDNA3 isn't coming until early 2022 most likely so....this feature's basically gonna be the new "secret sauce" for well over a year isn't it? Jeez :LOL: ...

Not a reliable source, as Mr.ODST Mr.ODST already pointed out showing their other tweets. Plus, what he's saying here is literally standard run-of-the-mill insight anyone who's been following these systems for a while could say.

He's simply taking Matt Hargett's tweets (which weren't confirming much, just postulating a what-if hinting at some of the work they'd done on the system design at most) and repackaging them. Anyone can do that.

Try reading to the end maybe ?

You can go after Levaithangamer2 as well if you like, he does have misterxmedia in his group lol
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