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Redfall Developer Says They Were Mocked By Other Developers

Really, game development is kind of like a scam. There is nothing holding them accountable for their actions. There are numerous cases of empty promises.

It is one of the really irritating things about the entertainment industry.

It is like, when you make a work of art, you are allowed to screw up and get away with it.

The consumer should vote with their wallet going forward, it’s all they can do.
Does she have proof they were harassing the devs or Arkane/Bethesda/Microsoft? There's a huge difference.

Someone is to blame. And I haven't heard anyone publicly saying it was the worker ants.

This just seems like a public plea for sympathy.


Gold Member
Did this game get a lot of time to make it? Maybe, maybe not.

Did the game get a good bunch of money and resources to make it? Maybe, maybe not. Maybe MS cheaped out on people and Arkane is a mess. Who knows. But one thing that is true is the game sure has a big marketing budget. For a lousy game it sure got it's fair share of promo, even a Redfall Series X custom consoles. Looks like marketing did their part.

If yes, it's on Arkane.

If no, then MS.

If Arkane got lots of time and resources, it's on them. Cant blame management for everything. Everyone is an adult and getting paid. If things go great, cant take all the credit. If things go bad, cant blame the boss. Be a man and take responsibility. Wasnt this game already delayed and it was supposed to come out in 2022?

At my work, almost all new products every year get launched in Q1. There's good reason for that logistically and logically. If something FUBARs and it misses launch delaying it till next year, whos fault is it? Sometimes, it's the market. No store wants it so it gets delayed till year two to take a new crack at it. Sometimes the product isnt ready. Maybe it was rushed to market. Management fault. Sometimes it's delayed because because the marketing and admin staff cant coordinate getting it finalized, recognized in our systems so half the retailers say dont bother you missed the cut off time for this year's new product entries. Try again next year.

My team has deadlines every month and quarter. If we miss the date, it's on us. You dont blame the boss. The VP doesn't even do the stuff we do. If we need more time to get it done, we work weekends. I've never seen a situation where things go so bad it's a total fuck up. If that does happen one day (it might), it'll be on us for fucking up so bad to begin with it lead to ongoing problems messing up submissions all year (unless it can be proven it's something out of our control like SAP went down all month and IT is taking forever to fix it).

And you can never ever in a million years miss a deadline because of: 1. Sorry, WFH sucks because my home internet stinks. If thats the case get your ass back to the office where it works better. 2. Our dept is short staffed because Bob and Tony quit or got fired. So we'll get around to it after you hire someone to fill their shoes. So lets say 3 months from now after you post a job, hire and train them.

You man up and still do it.
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Gold Member
Need to ditch friends and family members (they don't get a free pass just cuz they're family) who treat you like shit.
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Its all on the publisher.

Blaming devs for decisions made to release titles incomplete or bug-ridden is not going to change a damn thing, because its not up to them.

Publishing is the one accepting builds and making milestone payments, they are the ones in control. If there are problems they will be aware well in advance of release, and its them who'll make the determination to shove it out the door as-is.

It drives me crazy when publishers and platform-holders act all surprised when a release comes out in bad shape! They know exactly what they are doing, and what they are releasing. They just make the calculation that not delaying and recouping their investment sooner is better for them than delaying and avoiding the reputational damage.

It suits them for devs to take the hit, because as the devs are reliant on them for present and future funding, they aren't going to say dick about it.

The problem falls on both sides.

If you’re providing money for something, you’ll need to get returns at a point. Devs commit to delivering a product at a particular time, with a particular quality treshold.
You can’t keep blaming the people who pay for everything when the guys crunching the actual work aren’t able to put in stuff that’s standard fare at this point.

Especially when the project has already had a year long delay.

Blaming publishers is the popular thing, but as we’ve seen with the Scalebound case, it isn’t always correct.


Gold Member
Pronouns and red hair. She's a diversity hire for sure, she'll never toughen up. 😛
And here lies the problem. Shit ideals, no doubt a shitty work ethic, an ideology that no doubt is the main importance in life and here we are

Shit game.

Shit game gets called out, boo hoo look how they hurt me. Not fair

Oh fuck off. It's why all media industries are tanking. I'm just sad it's infected gaming

Indies, it's the only way.


Criticism is fine. That doesn't seem to be what she's talking about.

Mocking someone or especially gloating that things went bad is pure shit behavior especially from one dev to another.
Especially that same people probably cry about evil toxic players bullying them on metacritics.
Especially that same people probably cry about evil toxic players bullying them on metacritics.
Even in the best of times Devs get some weird shit from people on a daily basis that makes it even more baffling. Why would they want to participate in the same behavior as that is beyond me.


this needs to happen more if anything.

Redfall is such an absolute trainwreck of a game, it deserves all the mocking in the world and more


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
was bound to happen after releasing that disaster. Best could hope for was mockery behind their backs instead of twitter shit.
Im all Sony I’ve had x360 and Xbox one as secondary consoles. ,

but if Microsoft is gonna get their shit together and correct they need to sit with every Head of Studios under their umbrella and have a huge meeting see what everyone is up to where they are, see where they can help , see if they have fun games, what genre they are doing .
Microsoft needs to see when will these games be ready and attack a Month to start releasing these games in 2024 and have a game release every month after if they are ready.

Why haven’t they done this. What are they waiting for and if they have they should say it so Xbox fans have faith in Microsoft’s management. Microsoft is so sloppy.
Phil need to get that shit together


It's lame to actively make fun of the devs. But I don't feel sorry for them either. They don't really deserve sympathy. They released a sub par broken product that people paid money for. I don't feel bad for you.

I also think going out of your way to mock someone on social media is as immature as the person saying "guys they're mean for making fun of us."
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Gold Member
And here lies the problem. Shit ideals, no doubt a shitty work ethic, an ideology that no doubt is the main importance in life and here we are

Shit game.

Shit game gets called out, boo hoo look how they hurt me. Not fair

Oh fuck off. It's why all media industries are tanking. I'm just sad it's infected gaming

Indies, it's the only way.
Got to take the good with the bad. And no doubt the developer loves social media going by her account.

If Redfall got 90% on MC, I'm sure they'd all be high-fiving each other. But it got around a 55 so it's more likely they'll get deep-sixed.

Lessoned learned. Dont make a shit game. I played around an hours worth of it a few days ago and it looked bad and felt dated. TBH not the worst game I played but as average as you can get (and thats being generous). It felt like something that would had come out 10 years ago. When the audio is the best part of a game, you got issues.

Even just getting out of the ferry and then making your way to the tunnel to clear the level felt meh. So it wasnt even a case of a game which starts good and turns bad later as if they ran out of budget. It was just sloppy right away.

First thing I noticed was how bad the FOV was and trying to pick up items off the ground was tough as you had to be perfectly standing in certain spots. If the basic graphics and repetitive dead bodies werent bad enough, you get that part making your way out of the ferry with some smashed up cars. Instead of water, it was like blue ooze or something. It was like an unfinished water texture. Didn't make sense. I just moved on since I already read the bad reviews and knew what kind of poor workmanship quality I was going to get.

But just imagine if I bought this game blind for $100 ($90 cdn + tax). Thank god it was just a GP download to dabble with.
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Gold Member
Did they tell them to learn to code?

Other devs be like,
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It's sad that there are "professionals" in the industry behaving like this. It's bad enough that the average gamer on social media behaves like this.

You can think whatever you want about Microsoft but the gaming industry would be awful without them. If Microsoft ever decided to abandon the Xbox division then Sony would have almost complete control over it. Nintendo do their own thing and I know Microsoft isn't in a strong place but I'd hate to lose them. If Microsoft is down then I want them to do better and it'd be the same way around if it were Sony that were going through a rough period. I want to see a healthy competitive gaming market and not this toxic ass one that everyone seems to want to work towards.
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People unironically blaming Microsoft for Redfall's failure as if Arkane was just an innocent bystander in this whole mess.
They chose to make the game. Most, if not all, of the blame falls on them.


Maybe if Microsoft should put more energy on making great games than opening their mouths for saying random BS?

Example: If Brazil, Italy or other teams will flex and say they will win the WC easy and they got eliminate at early pools, it is obvious people around the world and other teams will make fun of them, right? and it's exactly same here

But Phil doesn't believe in great games, so we're back at starting point, so only thing that can make Xbox better at this point is doing some heaving cleaning at the heads of Xbox, can't think of other solution.
I certainly think "chimney status" ought to be part of the review criteria for games going forward.

I look forward to Digital Foundry headlining their videos with

"Xbox: Clear Flue. PlayStation: Clear Flue. But what's going on with Chimneys on the Switch? 🤷💀💀💀"

"One of the things that I really hope we see on Nintendo's next hardware is a bit more consistency in describing how heating systems will work. Obviously in the Breath of the Wild we saw Link enjoying campfires and some buildings had what appeared to be fully functional chimneys with smoke passing through them, wonderful to see. "

"That's right John, which is why it's all the more disappointing to see multi format games releasing on Switch without the same care and attention"

"I have seen some Nintendo fans say that the chimneys are irrelevant to gameplay, and requires the player to climb areas not intended to be accessed to look at the chimneys and so it's unimportant, but that's not really the point."

"Well, the question is, should we have chimneys at all? It's 2025 now, we all ought to be asking, where are the solar panels, where are the heat pumps?"

"Absolutely, Nintendo completely stuck in the doldrums, non functioning heating systems based on centuries old designs and all rendered at 900p to boot if you choose the 60fps mode."

"It appears that the chimney is closed off from the bottom with the same tiles as the roof, completely invalidating its purpose. Strangely, the development team did not add a plain black texture, or utilize any other way, to cover this up"

Sometimes it just takes 30 seconds and an IQ above single digits to fix such simple immersion breaking errors :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Gold Member
Anyone who is in their 30s or 40s and complains about getting made fun of on the internet today should not be taken seriously. I mean, doesn't anyone remember early 2000s internet?
No holds barred mayhem. Yahoo Finance stock boards were incredibly bad (and funny at the same time).

But an easy solution to avoiding social media negativity. Dont go on social media. You never know, maybe there's tons of people I know bashing me on Twitter. Who knows. Who cares. I dont have a Twitter account.

Then you got YT people complaining people are making fun of their videos. Well, if 2% of people are making fun who cares. Thats probably a good rate. If you hate it that much, disable comments.


Eh, I mean mockery isn't nice but this is pretty normal in basically every industry when you fail this badly while supposedly being part of the top tier segment of your industry (respected first party developer of a massive publisher).


Gold Member

"It appears that the chimney is closed off from the bottom with the same tiles as the roof, completely invalidating its purpose. Strangely, the development team did not add a plain black texture, or utilize any other way, to cover this up"

Sometimes it just takes 30 seconds and an IQ above single digits to fix such simple immersion breaking errors :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Maybe it was done that way on purpose.

The house was under renovations. Contractors put up the chimney first, and the hole to the living room would come later.

Arkane just needed to clarify the situation. LOL


Gold Member
Eh, I mean mockery isn't nice but this is pretty normal in basically every industry when you fail this badly while supposedly being part of the top tier segment of your industry (respected first party developer of a massive publisher).
If you want to see public grilling, go on any sports forum or team FB page. After every loss, the coach, players, management get nailed to the cross. And players usually get grilled the most. And in sports there's no turning back. A loss is a recorded as a loss. There's no day one patch or any other fixer upper.

And that doesn't even include fans booing them in their own arena and throwing shit on the court or ice.
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Considering how Horizon devs openly reacted to Elden Ring negatively on Twitter, I wholeheartedly believe all of this. There are some REALLY bizarre egos floating around in the industry, much like any other creative industry. I've heard all kinds of stories. But running to Twitter to air it out just always seem so silly to me. I hate that the platform has become such a destination for baggage, lol.
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If you want to see public grilling, go on any sports forum or team FB page. After every loss, the coach, players, management get nailed to the cross. And players usually get grilled the most. And in sports there's no turning back. A loss is a recorded as a loss. There's no day one patch or any other fixer upper.

And that doesn't even include fans booing them in their own arena and throwing shit on the court or ice.

It happens everywhere.

Like imagine you have a well known fancy restaurant and for some reason your latest addition to the menu is this:

Other people in the industry would absolutely make fun of you
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