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Hollywood Square

With the official release just a week away, and some people seeing it even earlier, I've decided to post the official Spider-Man 2 topic to correspond with the first television appearances of its cast and crew. So, as the days roll by, please post news, reviews and everything - your take! - right here! But please, tag all spoilers appropiately.


* June 22 - (Tonight!) Tobey Maguire appears on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
* June 22 - Alfred Molina visits Dennis Miller Live
* June 24 - Catch the VH1 Goes Inside Spider-Man special tonight
* June 25 - Alfred a make a guest appearance on the Today show
* June 26 - Tobey and Kirsten Dunst visit MTV Movie House
* June 28 - Kirsten make the rounds, visiting the Today Show David Letterman
* June 29 - Tobey starts his day on the Today Show. Then it's a big Day for Carson as Tobey, Kirsten and Alfred all visit TRL on MTV
* June 30 - The Today Show gives a Spider-Man history lesson


There's an interview with the FX supervisor, John Dykstra, online RIGHT HERE. Click on over to read what they've done with the sequel.


DopeyFish said:

Now whoa whoa whoa right there spinach chin! You know what we do with haters?


Into the pit with those bloody-thirsty sons of whores! *

* 75% of this post was comprised of Army of Darkness quotes


I was in Westwood today while the red carpet and lights were being set up for the premiere. Incidently, I did see this one guy walking around that was a dead ringer for Tobey Maguire, though I'm fairly certain it wasn't him. I'm guessing he was hired for something considering he was holding a pair of thick Peter Parker glasses in his hand.


Hollywood Square
Bob White said:
None of the stars going to be on Stern?

This was the list of appearances I pulled from the main site. They're might be some radio interviews, but I'm not sure. Considering Stern is so hot for comic books, I'm kind of surprised if Tobey or Molina didn't make an appearance.


Hollywood Square
Good news, guys.

Danny Elfman's Spider-Man 2 score will be in stores June 20th. The delay is because some of the track titles are obviously spoilers.

Also, the 1967 Spider-Man cartoon is being re-mastered and released on DVD, so the original voice of Peter Parker, Paul Soles, did an interview over at SuperHeroHype:

by Excelsior!

Paul Soles, the original voice of Peter Parker/Spider-Man for the 1967-70 Spider-Man animated series, was nice enough to answer some exclusive questions about his time as everyone’s friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Superhero Hype: How did you get the 'gig' to be Peter Parker/Spider-Man's voice?
Paul Soles: More good luck than good management. New York producers to put together a cast for cartoon sessions tapped Bernard Cowan, longtime Canadian broadcaster. It all began two years earlier with the production of "Rudolf, the Red Nosed Reindeer". Toronto, thanks to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s radio drama department, had a huge pool of experienced voice actors. I was very fortunate to be included with them.

SHH: How long did it take to record an episode?
PS: We found we could record a full episode, from first cold reading to tape, in about two hours, thus four episodes a day.

SHH: Did you work alone, or did you work with the other voice talent?
PS: Almost always together. Very rarely was there just “slugging” as is the case today.

SHH: Spider-Man ran for three seasons (1967-1970), any episodes stick out in your mind?
PS: Episode 3: The Menace of Mysterio; Episode 7: The Kilowatt Kaper; Episode 11: Here Comes Trubble; Episode 12: The Fantastic Fakir; These stand out because the antics in the studio by one or another mischievous actor, broke us up continually. There were frequent giggle breaks required.
1). I did enjoy Episode 8 Horn Of the Rhino. a full half hour story in which Peter falls ill and Aunt Mae keeps a raving JJJ at bay. Memorable for the opportunity to impersonate JJJ's raspy voice.
2) Episode 19 Double Identity, Charles Cameo perpetrates several thefts while in disguise including Spidey himself. Good fun because I got the chance to play against myself. Reminded me of Star Trek 6 where Kirk has to fight himself.

SHH: Many Spidey fans look to the cartoon series as their first introduction to the character, what is it that makes Spider-Man so special?
PS: We can all relate to a character who, like most of us isn’t perfect, often is marginalized by our peers, has suffered a setback that requires us to be respectful of debts unpaid and ultimately, can make a difference in the community. Credit Stan “The Man” Lee (and Steve Ditko) for creating a unique and enduring character who connected so strongly, widely and for so long.

SHH: Did you have anything to do with the restoration for the new DVD release?
PS: No.

SHH: There was a creative change from season one to seasons two and three. What was the reason for the switch?
PS: I don't think I ever found out. But my experience over the years is that animators and producers are a highly individual bunch with their own creative ideas. Bakshi (seasons 2-3) took us into a more sixties, psychedelic realm that was right for the times. Ralph was out there!

SHH: Was there any difference working with Grantray-Lawrence or Krantz Films / Ralph Bakshi?
PS: I don’t recall that there was; the director, Bunny Cowan was my boss. Remember, we were working without, music, effects or pictures; our performances had to conform to the numbers of frames or seconds allotted in the storyboards. Since we couldn’t see the visuals, our work was to capture the characters and further the stories. There’s not much difference between Electro and an alien from space!

SHH: The difference between Peter Parker & Spider-Man's voices, when Parker would put on the mask his voice would deepen... was it hard keeping the characters straight in your head on any given recoding session?
PS: Not at all. Our training called for us to work quickly and accurately the first time through. After a very few episodes, Peter and Spidey were well fixed in the throat. The more mature, confident web snapper was a little harder because who among us fancies ourselves as a superhero? Lee himself wrote the distinction in voices into the comic books: The function of the costume mask helps Peter maintain his anonymity by preventing people from recognizing his real voice.

SHH: What other characters did you do for the series?
PS: Ox of the Enforcers; Vulture from second appearance on; The Fantastic Fakir; and a host of thugs, tradesmen, cops and bystanders.

SHH: What can you tell us about the music score? We know that Paul Francis Webster & Bob Harris wrote the classic theme song, but the rest of the score was so cool and funky - for a "kids" show. Not much is known about who did the score?
PS: Ray Ellis, a super friendly and talented arranger/composer was entirely responsible for the first season - all jazzy; beyond that we know very little. I’m a big, big band jazz fan. I do know that the music is so popular; Ellis regularly gets requests to rerecord the score clean of voice and effects. People DO love those charts.

SHH: What are you up to these days? Still acting and doing voice over work?
PS: Fate has been very kind. Most of my work in the last few years has been on stage and a few feature films and TV drama specials. From time to time some cartoon work turns up too, "Heidi" and JOJO's Circus are a couple done recently.

SHH: What are your feelings about the NEW Spidey films?
PS: I thought Sam Raimi honored faithfully and with great flair, the whole legend and lore of the character. He was faithful to the code and the effects were blindingly thrilling. I’m looking forward to number two.

SHH: We at SHH would love to see you make a cameo in Spider-Man 3.
PS: From your mouth to....! So would I.. Till then, you can find me on the web at Wallopinwebsnappers.com
(*)editor's note: Mr. Soles' website is currently under construction*


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


Im hyped to see it.

What im not hyped about is getting tickets. I have a feeling im gonna have to go to the theater atleast 40 minutes before the movie starts so I don't have to sit in some Godwful seats.
The Matrix Reloaded was like that....I hope this movie isnt a let down like the rest of the Matrix series. But I doubt that could happen.


Hollywood Square
TaleSynz said:
Im hyped to see it.

What im not hyped about is getting tickets. I have a feeling im gonna have to go to the theater atleast 40 minutes before the movie starts so I don't have to sit in some Godwful seats.
The Matrix Reloaded was like that....I hope this movie isnt a let down like the rest of the Matrix series. But I doubt that could happen.

www.fandango.com or www.movietickets.com, depending on your theater. That extra dollar per ticket will be worth the lack of hassle alone.


One thing that always bothered me about the movie iteration of Spiderman is his suit. In the comic, he makes it himself and it's just regular cloth pieces sewn together. In the movie, it's some type of superfied rubber/plastic protective stuff with metallic eye pieces. Are they trying to say Peter honestly made that himself?


Hollywood Square
Tritroid said:
One thing that always bothered me about the movie iteration of Spiderman is his suit. In the comic, he makes it himself and it's just regular cloth pieces sewn together. In the movie, it's some type of superfied rubber/plastic protective stuff with metallic eye pieces. Are they trying to say Peter honestly made that himself?

Hah! No. Sam Raimi was asked that when the original came out and he said nobody wanted to see Peter Parker pay some studio to make the costume anyway.

evil ways

TaleSynz said:
Im hyped to see it.

What im not hyped about is getting tickets. I have a feeling im gonna have to go to the theater atleast 40 minutes before the movie starts so I don't have to sit in some Godwful seats.
The Matrix Reloaded was like that....I hope this movie isnt a let down like the rest of the Matrix series. But I doubt that could happen.

I had to watch Spiderman on opening day at 10:30pm, cause all of the early showings were sold out for the weekend, and even at that time I still had to stand in a huge ass line for like an hour.


Hollywood Square
Entertainment Tonight has coverage of the Spider-Man premiere RIGHT HERE. It looks like your typical red carpet affair. You can find pics from the event RIGHT HERE, but beware, it contains spoilers because...

... There's a pic of Willem Dafoe there.


Well I just got my tickets for the midnight showing. Hope I'm not disappointed again, but I actually have high hopes for this one because of the writing genius of Michael Chabon.

Bob White

I've spoiled so damn much of the movie for myself, it's a shame.

You don't feel bad about seeing and reading all these spoilers, Wilco?


Hollywood Square
Bob White said:
I've spoiled so damn much of the movie for myself, it's a shame.

You don't feel bad about seeing and reading all these spoilers, Wilco?

No, not really. Especially since so much of this follows the Bendis storylines, I'm pretty sure how it plays out. I only know how it ends, but not much else. I've heard some rumors, all unconfirmed. But I don't know what happens or have read about scenes or anything other than a few cameo appearances by Doc Conners and Bruce Campbell.


Hollywood Square
Another interview with Raimi has just been posted online with some really interesting tidbits, such as the second villain that was originally written into Spider-Man 2:

Only one villain again. This time it's Doc Ock (played by Alfred Molina). Two were written for the earlier drafts. "I like a lot of the comic book stories where there's a lot of villains, but I had so much of a personal story to tell this time with Peter and Mary Jane Watson, and his friend Harry, that I couldn't. When I had two villains in the earlier drafts, it seemed to diminish my ability to get deeper into what most interested me." Who was this second villain you wonder? Black Cat. Hmmm… will Black Cat be back? "Yeah, and I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out the story."

Black Cat in Spider-Man 3? Interesting. I did hear Felecia Harding was cast, thuogh.


Hmm. I'm not sure you have the forum juice, or the passion for the subject, necessary to pull off an "Official" thread as big as Spider-Man 2 will need Willco. My Ebert&Roeper Spider-Man 2 thread rocketed up to 50 replies in no time, and this one... I'm just saying if this is too much for you I can throw together an Official Spider-Man 2 thread and do it good and proper. Wasn't there another major movie Official thread last year that you lost control of due to lack of passion? I can't remember.

I'll admit though, the graphic is a nice touch. Maybe little flourishes like that will help hide your lack of enthusiasm for the movie enough to get a sticky. Maybe.

Also, I'm calling the coining of the phrase "forum juice".


Hollywood Square
calder said:
Hmm. I'm not sure you have the forum juice, or the passion for the subject, necessary to pull off an "Official" thread as big as Spider-Man 2 will need Willco. My Ebert&Roeper Spider-Man 2 thread rocketed up to 50 replies in no time, and this one... I'm just saying if this is too much for you I can throw together an Official Spider-Man 2 thread and do it good and proper. Wasn't there another major movie Official thread last year that you lost control of due to lack of passion? I can't remember.

I'll admit though, the graphic is a nice touch. Maybe little flourishes like that will help hide your lack of enthusiasm for the movie enough to get a sticky. Maybe.

Also, I'm calling the coining of the phrase "forum juice".

I salute you for your Ebert and Roeper thread! God bless Calder, and nobody else!


Hollywood Square
Bob White said:
What the hell? He can fit black cat but no Venom?

And Black Cat SUCKS!

Haha! The Black Cat is hot and does not suck. Also, the Black Cat doesn't have the complicated background of Venom. For all we know, she's some hot chick that dresses in leather, steals stuff and has a crush on Spidey. That's hot.


Hollywood Square
Another Spider-Man 2 review. Another perfect score.

Right from the innovative start to the jaw dropping finale, Sam Raimi’s sequel has it all, and I mean it all. If this is a summer of sequels then so be it because both Shrek 2 and now Spider-man 2 have equalled or surpassed their expectations.

OK this time it has a similar typical comic book story but it concentrates more on Peter Parker and his hectic life, how he deals with studying, working, being a good nephew and friend not to mention fighting crime as Spider-man! He loses focus and ends up losing control of everything in his life. Blaming his alter ego, Parker dumps the pressure and throws away the suit.

A tangled web (er, sorry…) of character development and cue the bad guys, as the city becomes the playground for Osbourne Jnr and Doctor Octopus. Will Peter find a way to cope? Will he be able to save the day and get the girl? I know, I know, I’m excited too and can’t wait to see it again. Good against bad always triumphs at the box office and this is no different, a joy to watch. It has masterful direction and stunning visual effects but also solid performances from the cast with Alfred Molina bringing realism to his nasty villain and Tobey Maguire very comfortable in the geeky heroic role. Harry, MJ and Aunt May round it all off nicely and give the production a nice familiar feel to it.

There are too many scenes of magic to mention but the train sequence will be talked about the most. Other memorable parts include the coffee shop moment, the pizza delivery and I must mention the “raindrops keep falling on my head” montage – It’s great. Marvel-lous titles to another Mary Jane wet dress moment and the green goblin returning (Oh and a spaceman) spice it all up to get you into a frenzy.

Sam Raimi seems to have delivered it all from love story to action flick to really scary tentacle moments! I can’t see what there isn’t to like. Danny Elfman’s score is more powerful this time and when it gets going, you’re ready.

Arial footage is breathtaking and the CGI movement has improved, a realism that slightly lacked last time has been tightened and the flow is there. Some may say it is too slow in the middle or it is too wordy at times but I felt it needed to back off to give the heroic impact more emphasis. The script is sharp and funny too, with a good balance between characters and I love the fact that this film can break some unbroken superhero rules is fantastic – long may we stick it to the man!

All is in place for part three in 2007 and after this instalment it can’t come quick enough. A great blockbuster has arrived; Spider-Man 2 is a thrill ride you don’t want to get off - Heroic heroes and vicious villains and SO much more…

What are you waiting for! Go and get your ticket.


EDIT: I wonder how people would react if Harry became VENOM.


Hollywood Square
Two new reviews up from Variety and The Hollywood Reporter. Both raves.

"The pleasure is doubled in "Spider-Man 2." Crackerjack entertainment from start to finish, this rousing yarn about a reluctant superhero and his equally conflicted friends and enemies improves in every way on its predecessor and is arguably about as good a live-action picture as anyone's ever made using comicbook characters.... "


"Still it's refreshing to witness a superhero with doubts. Maguire and Dunst again display the depth of talent they bring to these roles by injecting such everydayness into larger-than-life characters. They feel like friends rather than remote creatures of fiction. Most other roles are still played at the cartoon level, but Raimi knows that "Spider-Man" is, after all, a live-action cartoon. Only at its central core does the movie series maintain the beat of the human heart."



Hollywood Square
The WB will be showcasing clips from Spider-Man 2 around 9:00 pm all this week in a promotion they're calling "Tangled Web Week".


Are they going to introduce Edie Brock in Spidey 2? They need to get him cast sometime soon so people actually know who he is by the time the Venom story rolls around. His name was mentioned in Spidey 1, but that's it.


Hollywood Square
Tritroid said:
Are they going to introduce Edie Brock in Spidey 2? They need to get him cast sometime soon so people actually know who he is by the time the Venom story rolls around. His name was mentioned in Spidey 1, but that's it.

I have not heard Eddie Brock mentioned in Spider-Man 2. Raimi doesn't really care about introducing him, because Raimi, Maguire, Dunst and everyone else are leaving after the third installment. So they want to wrap up their Peter-MJ-Harry thing.


Willco said:
I have not heard Eddie Brock mentioned in Spider-Man 2. Raimi doesn't really care about introducing him, because Raimi, Maguire, Dunst and everyone else are leaving after the third installment. So they want to wrap up their Peter-MJ-Harry thing.
Excuse me wtf?

Ok so that means that by the time they actually do the Venom story, none of the original actors will even be there?


Hollywood Square
Tritroid said:
Excuse me wtf?

Ok so that means that by the time they actually do the Venom story, none of the original actors will even be there?

Correct. Everybody is gone after Spidey 3. I'm sure Sony will carry on the franchise afterwards (it's made a bazillion dollars already), but it'll be a completely different cast and crew.


Willco said:
Correct. Everybody is gone after Spidey 3. I'm sure Sony will carry on the franchise afterwards (it's made a bazillion dollars already), but it'll be a completely different cast and crew.
That's the dumbest idea ever. That means Spiderman will officially die after movie 3.


Hollywood Square
It won't die, it'll just be a new cast and crew. With Raimi out of the picture though, I'm not sure how interested I'll be, that's for sure.


Willco said:
It won't die, it'll just be a new cast and crew. With Raimi out of the picture though, I'm not sure how interested I'll be, that's for sure.
Which one is Raimi again...?


On Stern today, Ebert said that Spiderman 2 was the best comic movie ever. It is very hard for me to believe that any comic movie will ever surpass Superman 1, the talent in Spiderman (or any other comic movie, though Batman1 comes the closest with Jack) just isn't on the same level.


Umm, I would say that the talent in Spiderman 2 is on par, if not surpasses Superman 1. As for which is the better film? It remains to be seen. Is it so hard to believe that the quality of Superman 1 could be surpassed? Spiderman is a creation who is rich in depth and personality, which in turn makes for a rich film.


Sorry the actors, aside from Tobey, don't hold a candle to the actors in Superman 1, at least no imho. I mean they have Gene freakin Hackman and Chistopher Reeves was equal to or better then Tobey. I really didn't think Dunst was that amazing in the first movie, she can act though so lets see if she can improve for the sequel. I hope Spiderman 2 is somehow better then Superman 1, but it is very hard for me to believe that it could be better, Superman1 was pretty much perfect.


Hollywood Square
bionic77 said:
Sorry the actors, aside from Tobey, don't hold a candle to the actors in Superman 1, at least no imho. I mean they have Gene freakin Hackman and Chistopher Reeves was equal to or better then Tobey. I really didn't think Dunst was that amazing in the first movie, she can act though so lets see if she can improve for the sequel. I hope Spiderman 2 is somehow better then Superman 1, but it is very hard for me to believe that it could be better, Superman1 was pretty much perfect.

How can you exclude Willem Dafoe and Alfred Molina, both of them renown for their acting abilities and moreso, they are not mainstream actors.

Also, Raimi > Donner.


You're comparing Dunst to the likes of Reeves and Hackman when you should be comparing her to Kidder, who wasn't a top notch actor either.

I'm not saying that Tobey Maguire is better than Reeves, nothing can beat him :p

Gene Hackman. While the guy's a great actor, the role of Lex Luthor in the Superman movies was a joke.

Spiderman 2 has got some top notch writing, Sam Raimi at the helm, Tobey Maguire in lead, and Alfred Molina as the main villain.

That looks like a serious contender to the Superman 1 throne to me.
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