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What is the ugliest game console ever made?


Ps5 looks great. My mom came over and complemented “oh it’s a game console? Looks very nice and not another box” and I agree.

A as for the worst that I know of, it’s Xbox 360 E. not a fan of ps3 slim too. I think even super slim looks better


Gold Member
Easily the PS5 when considering the market share and how certainly fugly even with current year arguments.

Really the only ugly things in this thread are super fringe, likely handled, and likely targeted for small children.

All those legacy consoles with faux wood trim are stunningly beautiful. The Commodore is also fantastic.

Shit really that Pikachu N64 is runner up to the PS5 mostly because it was actually common.


Gold Member
it just pisses me off.

That's my choice as well.
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Ps5 is a funny one because it looks super ugly horizontal, but quite nice vertical.

The first xbox looks ridiculous. Especially when you consider the PS2 slim from the same gen. Nice, tiny and sleek and then you got xbox like some giant ass alienware looking monstrosity.


Gold Member
PS5 may be the winner, but the US SNES still offends me.
Someone thought the original design lacked in the radical department, so they made a more EXTREME version for the 'MERICA market. One of the ugly sins of the 90's along with renaming Megadrive to Genesis.

I grew up with sexy Mega Drive 2 and the PAL SNES, so seeing that purple piece of shit was a bit of a shock the first time. And those controllers. What decided 2 concave buttons was a good idea?

Opposite here, make the whole thing matte and it would still be ugly as sin, but not nearly as ugly as if the whole thing were glossy. Man do I hate glossy plastic. That's not even mentioning the worst part - the gaudy LEDs that you can't turn off.

Microsoft had the right idea with the Series consoles, man do I love those brutalist beasts.
Glossy plastic consoles are abominations. Matte is always better, no exceptions. PS3 Slim is infinitely better than fatty.


Mainstream stuff that's gotta be PS5. The dual color fisher price design of the controller is also up there with the ugliest controllers ever.

When also counting the non-meanstream hardware, I think I'd give it to the Virtual Boy. That thing wasn't even functional.


PS5 vertical without the disc drive looks kinda nice in my opinion.

Unfortunately I have the horizonal+disc monstrosity on my shelf.

Wouldn’t say it’s the ugliest, I think the original GBA with all the neccessary add-ons to make it functional takes the price here.


Gold Member
Now we’re talking.

This… thing doesn’t even look like a finished product. With some imagination effort you could think it’s a switch or something. Rub away the name, hide the controllers, and watch people go Zoolander and Hansel trying to figure out his thing. When “it mustn’t look like a toy” goes too far in the opposite direction.


PS5 may be the winner, but the US SNES still offends me.
Someone thought the original design lacked in the radical department, so they made a more EXTREME version for the 'MERICA market. One of the ugly sins of the 90's along with renaming Megadrive to Genesis.

Yeah this shit is hideous, on the other hand the EU/JAP Snes is beautiful


For me personally the ps5 disc edition is right up there but I have a huge distain for "gamer aesthetics"

Outside of the PS1 and psone Sony have never made a nice looking console their handhelds however were always great.

But otherwise ANY of the 70s/80s shit box consoles basically

Edit: this is the first console I had as a child, the 1979 Teleng Colourstar

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Moderated wildly
Seriously, it is the ps5....

It's fucking atrocious that something that awful could come out in 2020 from the market leader.


I am so glad we moved on from cassette games, Jesus Christ those fucking things took an ice age to load. If C64 wasn't a console, I guess my first one was a shitty Atari thing, that also looked like crap from what I remember. Damn, I feel old.
Probably a 40% chance the game would load too.



There's many contenders but this ugly ass boxy bitch is one of them with it's stupid top and tacky looking plastic jewel
FINALLY! The whole thread posting PS5s as if this mf didn’t exist. And the other half of the thread are old consoles but design languages change over time. 80s aesthetic was a thing 40 years ago. But this thing had no right to be this ugly in 2001.


PS5 is the only piece of electronic equipment where after unboxing I just had to say something out loud. It was along the lines - like ooof you are one ugly bastard. Ironically, first thought was - it's not that bad, but when I turned the console and saw that cheap, retarded curves, literally this reaction:

Frustrated World Cup GIF

Huge and ugly.

But console itself is great. What's inside is that matters.




Original DS is a good choice.
The 2DS has a similar vibe.

PS5 is an eyesores too that offends me whenever I have to look at one.


The good point with PS5 is that they have a lot of ways to make it smaller and much less ugly.

Series S/X are the blandest consoles ever. Their crazy style and reckless design perfectly represent the tremendous creativity of Microsoft.


This was one ugly bitch

PS5 is fine, sorry but people are over exaggerating there.
I have this and I hate this design so much that I hide this thing behind the TV to avoid disgusting my guests. I looks like something that I'd put my cigar ash in.

What the hell are you crack heads smoking? The PS5 is a work of art. It's so beautiful even the great Leonardo Da Vinci would be blushing in front of it.

Happy In Love GIF by TLC Europe
Yeah, everyone loves to be a contrarian these days just because it's new. PS5 looks fine, so does Xbox.
PS3 Grill and the Xbox One VCR are horrific.

I really like the PS5 and the Series X. Modern and Sleek looking.

The PS4 is just a PS2 on steroids, so kind of boring.

PS2 is ok and I liked the original Xbox. Gamecube was cool and unique. Hated the look of the Wii and especially the Wii U. Just plain boring. Switch is dope for a hybrid.
The PS5 is hideous. Part of the reason it took me so long to get one was in hope that they'd release a better-looking revision, but alas...


The Telstar Arcade (1977)



Owning this bad boy guarantees that no woman (original or fake) will touch that tiny pecker of yours.
I think this is magnificent, specially for the 1970's. The car side is realistic, the gun is not of a gaudy color and the standard side is good for games of that era.


Yeah as a lot of people already posted it’s probably the Atari Jaguar.
It really looks cheap and not having a ”dust protection hatch” leads me to believe they probably designed it in a couple of minutes.
Runner up: N64. It looks like shit tbh.

I don’t really understand why hardware designers ever go with a overly curved look on the consoles they’re designing? I can sort of understand it from a functional perspective on the more recent consoles(since they produce more heat) because they probably want to make sure you can’t stack shit on top of it. PS5 did it and it was surprising because the PS4 design was completely the opposite, but then again it was also far from perfectly designed from a thermal perspective overall.
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