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Bill Simmons going to HBO

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Hail to the KING baby
That Glazer interview was so cringey with how much dumb stuff he was saying. Otherwise been a really good week or two for podcasts though.
That Glazer interview was so cringey with how much dumb stuff he was saying. Otherwise been a really good week or two for podcasts though.

Listened to 10 minutes and deleted that shit. Glazer is the worst.

I NEED some jacko republican scheudenfreud soon, that will be delicious.


That Glazer interview was so cringey with how much dumb stuff he was saying. Otherwise been a really good week or two for podcasts though.

That's one of the very few BS podcasts from over the years that I stopped part of the way in and deleted. I'm not sure if the word cringing even does it justice.


Hail to the KING baby
Lampley one was fantastic. Glazer is a good example of Simbo hypocrisy though (which is usually way overstated). He calls out Mike & Mike and others constantly for softball interviews, and yet he gets someone on who's saying the dumbest shit possible (much of which directly contradicts positions Simbo has expressed) and he doesn't even so much as begin to challenge them at all. Maybe he was afraid of getting beat up I dunno. Glazer seems like a walking meathead concussion.
Lampley one was fantastic. Glazer is a good example of Simbo hypocrisy though (which is usually way overstated). He calls out Mike & Mike and others constantly for softball interviews, and yet he gets someone on who's saying the dumbest shit possible (much of which directly contradicts positions Simbo has expressed) and he doesn't even so much as begin to challenge them at all. Maybe he was afraid of getting beat up I dunno. Glazer seems like a walking meathead concussion.

I agree. It was a poor showing for Bill. HOpefully he just doesn't have that dumbass on anymore.


Hail to the KING baby
I've only skimmed them, but enjoying theringer newsletters so far. Fun analysis of Spurs-Warriors on this week's. Now I just need a new pod to get Glazer out of my head. :D
They stick barnwell and Lowe on the front page now so that they won't leave. I wish they would, but I can't see them jumping ship.

When the whole Grantland implosion happened Lowe made it sound like he had an actual contract with ESPN. If he pushed hard enough they might release him but he's more than a freelancer like Mays.
That's one of the very few BS podcasts from over the years that I stopped part of the way in and deleted. I'm not sure if the word cringing even does it justice.

The same for me as well. The only downsides to the podcasts is that they really only seem to talk about the Celtics (shocking), Warriors and Cavs when they being up the NBA


That Glazer pod was the worst.

When the whole Grantland implosion happened Lowe made it sound like he had an actual contract with ESPN. If he pushed hard enough they might release him but he's more than a freelancer like Mays.

They all had contracts with ESPN. I think ESPN just mutually terminated the contracts of everyone they didn't want to keep (ie. pop culture writers, for starters) and kept Barnwell and Lowe.

It sounds like Mays was a freelancer for MMQB in the sense that it was a trial run for both parties to see if he wanted to stay there long term or if he wanted to go work with Bill again. (off of what he said on latest MMQB podcast)


I've signed up for the Ringer newsletter twice but don't seem to be getting the emails..

And yeah I wasn't big on the Glazer podcast. Felt like a motivational speaking tape at times.


Wow, I guess I'm the one person who loved the Glazer podcast. I don't ever watch Fox studio stuff, so I really never had heard him before. Even though he sounded so full of shit, I was engaged the entire time
Lampley one was fantastic. Glazer is a good example of Simbo hypocrisy though (which is usually way overstated). He calls out Mike & Mike and others constantly for softball interviews, and yet he gets someone on who's saying the dumbest shit possible (much of which directly contradicts positions Simbo has expressed) and he doesn't even so much as begin to challenge them at all. Maybe he was afraid of getting beat up I dunno. Glazer seems like a walking meathead concussion.

I half expected Bill to walk out of his own interview with the crap Glazer was spewing.
He did not even challenge him. Really really disappointing.


The weird thing about Glazer was that I really enjoy his personality, but he clearly has the kind of personality in media/podcast form that would thrive with a bit of (polite, measured) conflict, some pushback, considering he's all about the ott hyperbole -- but Bill just sat there and nodded and laughed at all his dumb jokes instead.
Yeah, the Glazer pod was not good. Looking forward to the political one, which I'll probably listen to today. The first one where Simmons had them on as guests was a great behind-the-scenes look.

I totally wasn't expecting the newsletter to be daily. Way more content than I thought I'd be getting, even if they're just short little pieces.


Glad to see I'm not the only one that despised the Glazer podcast. The guy is such a BS artist ( no pun intended) and it was really disappointing that Bill just took it all in like a fan boy.



Here's me looking at Pop's small-ball lineup:

Imagine challenging someone to a fight because they made fun of Michael Strahan. Maybe Fox should start testing their reporters for PEDs.

That was the most hilarious part about it. By all accounts the entire weekend was pro ball players getting drunk and bullshitting each other, but all of a sudden Glazer is like "What the fuck you just say about Michael Strahan?!?"
Bill Simmons’ venture The Ringer is launching its third podcast tomorrow through a partnership with Callaway Golf. The podcast, called ShackHouse, will be focused on golf and hosted by golf writer Geoff Shackelford and Joe House, who is a regular guest on Simmons’ popular podcast. ShackHouse will air 22 times through the Ryder Cup in October, with Simmons expected to appear occasionally.


golf? really?

Eh, if there's an audience for it, then that's fine. I'm all for having as much content as possible for me to choose from, even though I probably won't listen to that one.

As much as the rest of the country is sick of it, Deflategate still interests me. The fact that the NFL stonewalled everyone about the nature and results of their supposed PSI tests this year still seems like a story. I find it weird that they can just ignore it and hope everyone forgets about it because it's the Patriots.


The thing that always makes me laugh is that Simmons makes the argument that a quarterback is thinking about a million different things and that's why they're too busy to think about the ball they'll be throwing


Fuck no to Miles Teller. Holy shit that's the worst fucking take I've ever seen in my life, right next to "you know, Hitler had some good ideas, he just went a little too far"



Teller's the worst. I just don't enjoy watching him. For the record I haven't seen Whiplash which he's apparently great in but I've seen everything else he's done. But, the hot takes cycle does what it must.

Any interest in a Ringer OT? I could whip something up so we don't have to continue using this thread.


The thing that always makes me laugh is that Simmons makes the argument that a quarterback is thinking about a million different things and that's why they're too busy to think about the ball they'll be throwing

Brady is so smart and detail-oriented and brilliant and laser-focused and obsessed with football, making him the best in the history of sporting events, that he wouldn't think about the details of football.
The thing that always makes me laugh is that Simmons makes the argument that a quarterback is thinking about a million different things and that's why they're too busy to think about the ball they'll be throwing

Brady is so smart and detail-oriented and brilliant and laser-focused and obsessed with football, making him the best in the history of sporting events, that he wouldn't think about the details of football.

Yes! It's an absurd argument by Simmons! He also acts like it would be this massively time consuming thing, when it probably takes a 30 second talk with equipment manager once to put into effect.

I also like how Bill finds Brady destroying his phone totally defensible. Brady could have negotiated what to hand over to the NFL. He could have given them text transcripts for the specific individuals they were seeking (i.e. the equipment manager) without turning the whole phone over to the NFL. Destroying the evidence definitely makes him seem guilty of something.
Teller's the worst. I just don't enjoy watching him. For the record I haven't seen Whiplash which he's apparently great in but I've seen everything else he's done. But, the hot takes cycle does what it must.

Any interest in a Ringer OT? I could whip something up so we don't have to continue using this thread.

I second a ringer OT.
Simmons letting his homerism hitch himself to the Brady is innocent bandwagon a little to feverishly. This idea that Brady is super meticulous, and detail oriented and eats, sleeps and shits football 24/7 doesn't really jive with "why would he care about letting a little less air out of the ball?" He's exactly the type that would care. And its unimportant anyway. You can easily make the argument that Goodel mishandled the entire shitshow whether Brady is innocent or guilty. The fact that it became such a huge media firestorm is the failing on Roger's part. That something so dumb was the biggest headline and caused people to call into question the integrity of the league right before the biggest game of the year, so that Roger could play Sheriff again and show everyone how big his balls are, is why he fucked up. It really should have been handled no different than the recent stickum/Dwight Howard thing.
Simmons letting his homerism hitch himself to the Brady is innocent bandwagon a little to feverishly. This idea that Brady is super meticulous, and detail oriented and eats, sleeps and shits football 24/7 doesn't really jive with "why would he care about letting a little less air out of the ball?" He's exactly the type that would care. And its unimportant anyway. You can easily make the argument that Goodel mishandled the entire shitshow whether Brady is innocent or guilty. The fact that it became such a huge media firestorm is the failing on Roger's part. That something so dumb was the biggest headline and caused people to call into question the integrity of the league right before the biggest game of the year, so that Roger could play Sheriff again and show everyone how big his balls are, is why he fucked up. It really should have been handled no different than the recent stickum/Dwight Howard thing.

If anything Last season proved that the air pressure doesn't matter. Brady was the MVP first 10 weeks.
Especially since we've had stories of Peyton Manning working game balls with his equipment manager for like hours before every game. Why wouldn't Brady do everything he can to make sure the footballs are to his liking?
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