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Red Gaming Tech (RGT): The PS5 has a custom feature to be found in future RDNA 3 Cards.

What do you think? Is it true that the PS5 has a custom feature to be found in future RDNA 3 cards?

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Tech Youtuber with solid industry sources is adamant that the PS5 has a custom feature that will be featured in future RDNA 3 cards. What do you think this feature may be?

You may also want to check his timeline for current talk on PS5's Geometry engine.

Source: RGT

If true, drunken called it.


why does rdt, who primarily focuses on pc games, so entrenched in proving the ps5 has rdna 3 features when it doesn't?


Yes. An absolute fraud. Yet people here can't face reality so they have to imagine there's some special sauce somehow.

How do I hide threads mentioning this fake stuff please?

So to further prove their argument, they bring up a fraud? Might as well get that Serrano guy to confirm too lol.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I'm sure AMD has rights to use IP designed for the PS5 APU and are just using one in the next gen.


You came up with all this tick tock and more to be learned crap up to the AMD reveal, it turned out only Series X was full RDNA2 as stated by MS and AMD. So egg on face there.
Then you still try to claim XSX isn't RDNA2 and use the reasoning of the clock......you are then shown a game clock on an RDNA2 part that is lower than Series X and just claim there is something wrong with it🤣🤣

You really live in a fantasy world.

Your just making yourself look uneducated.

I said XSX was full RDNA2 feature set, but it has 20 wavefronts and less packers than PC parts, and a different CU arrangement closer to 5700.

Believe whatever you want. I dont really care, go read up on the subject from others.


More of this special sauce, so many will be disappointed to find out there won't be any difference between the two consoles, it just depends on the studios who are good with the kits they're given.

Handy Fake

why does rdt, who primarily focuses on pc games, so entrenched in proving the ps5 has rdna 3 features when it doesn't?
Custom features in the PS5 that may make it to RDNA3 (or have done if in preproduction as he says) if AMD see they work well.


More of this special sauce, so many will be disappointed to find out there won't be any difference between the two consoles, it just depends on the studios who are good with the kits they're given.

There has to be a difference between the machines, one is 12 tfops the other is 10.3. i have been told there will be massive differences over the last few months.

If the machines are close what does that tell us then, a lower specced machine trading blows with a higher specced one means the lower one is better designed.


There has to be a difference between the machines, one is 12 tfops the other is 10.3. i have been told there will be massive differences over the last few months.

If the machines are close what does that tell us then, a lower specced machine trading blows with a higher specced one means the lower one is better designed.
We know. That's why people are getting banned for mentioning the Flippy Flops.


Your just making yourself look uneducated.

I said XSX was full RDNA2 feature set, but it has 20 wavefronts and less packers than PC parts, and a different CU arrangement closer to 5700.

Believe whatever you want. I dont really care, go read up on the subject from others.

Uneducated 🤣 You have no clue on my education at all.

I don't need to read up on the subject from others, I can go directly to AMD you know the people who make RDNA2, I suspect they know what they are talking about, they say.

"Xbox Series X|S are the only next-generation consoles with full hardware support for all the RDNA 2 capabilities "

There it is in black and white.

You still cling to this clock theory even though a slide from AMD themselves show a game clock on an RDNA2 part lower than the Series X clock.

Are you saying that you know what RDNA2 is and AMD are wrong?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Upscaled 4K - The secret power of Rdna 3.
Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not, but PC fans seem quite happy with the results of using DLSS 2.0 to upscale to 4K. There is no glory in rendering 4K natively if the human eye can not discern a difference. In fact you are actually doing a disservice to users as you are wasting GPU resources that could be used to make the scene richer.


Uneducated 🤣 You have no clue on my education at all.

I don't need to read up on the subject from others, I can go directly to AMD you know the people who make RDNA2, I suspect they know what they are talking about, they say.

"Xbox Series X|S are the only next-generation consoles with full hardware support for all the RDNA 2 capabilities "

There it is in black and white.

You still cling to this clock theory even though a slide from AMD themselves show a game clock on an RDNA2 part lower than the Series X clock.

Are you saying that you know what RDNA2 is and AMD are wrong?

Does xbox have an infinity cache? cos that's on the rdna2 pc cards. is full a bit misleading as a term reference?

And i am not trolling, this is a serious question.
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We are two weeks from having these consoles in our hands.... why are we still doing this? We have seen the games (least on PS5) and no amount of "white paper specs" are going to change what we have seen. Those videos of Demon's Souls, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo.... THAT is what you are getting. It is that simple.


A week and a half left till launch at people still have to guess what the ps5 gpu is capable of. When is sonys full reveal?


Does xbox have an infinity cache? cos that's on the rdna2 pc cards. is full a bit misleading as a term reference?

And i am not trolling, this is a serious question.

It doesn't, no console does because the die space would be huge, this was obvious months ago to everyone except you know who.

AMD themselves seem happy to say that Xbox has full hardware support without it. I'm not going to argue with the people who actually make RDNA2, you can if you wish.
It doesn't, no console does because the die space would be huge, this was obvious months ago to everyone except you know who.

AMD themselves seem happy to say that Xbox has full hardware support without it. I'm not going to argue with the people who actually make RDNA2, you can if you wish.

It's got full hardware support*

* Except for the hardware features it doesn't have


Uneducated 🤣 You have no clue on my education at all.

I don't need to read up on the subject from others, I can go directly to AMD you know the people who make RDNA2, I suspect they know what they are talking about, they say.

"Xbox Series X|S are the only next-generation consoles with full hardware support for all the RDNA 2 capabilities "

There it is in black and white.

You still cling to this clock theory even though a slide from AMD themselves show a game clock on an RDNA2 part lower than the Series X clock.

Are you saying that you know what RDNA2 is and AMD are wrong?

RDNA2 capabilities is feature which will be same as PC. Its functions, things like VRS and mesh shaders...functions.

Go and ask thicc_girls_are_teh_best thicc_girls_are_teh_best if he thinks XSX is same silicon hardware as PC as I cant be bothered. He can explain frequency gated WGP, wavefront and packers etc

You can do it privately and come back when you get your head around it. Maybe he will have more patience.
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Ps5 will be 13tflops-FALSE.
Ps5 is RDNA2, Xbox RDNA 1.5-FALSE.
Ps5 will be £100 cheaper-FALSE.
XB has heating problems-FALSE.
XB only 500 backcompat-FALSE.

Stop with the goddamn false information/COPE. There is no secret sauce. XSX WILL 100% be more powerful. But so what? Stop trying to bend and fake everything all the time.

Just accept it and move on. There is no need to keep fanboying or waring over this. If you don't like it so much you have to make stuff up, then maybe it isn't the console for you.

At the end of the day, the only thing that should matter is the games. Both consoles will most likely have an equal amount of amazing first party games.

Feel free to screenshot this so you can see your volunteering to be a fanboy at a later date.
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Ps5 will be 13tflops-FALSE.
Ps5 is RDNA2, Xbox RDNA 1.5-FALSE.
Ps5 will be £100 cheaper-FALSE.
XB has heating problems-FALSE.
XB only 500 backcompat-FALSE.

Stop with the goddamn false information/COPE. There is no secret sauce. XSX WILL 100% be more powerful. But so what? Stop trying to bend and fake everything all the time.

Just accept it and move on. There is no need to keep fanboying or waring over this. If you don't like it so much you have to make stuff up, then maybe it isn't the console for you.

At the end of the day, the only thing that should matter is the games. Both consoles will most likely have an equal amount of amazing first party games.

Feel free to screenshot this so you can see your volunteering to be a fanboy at a later date.

XSX will be 100 % more powerful. Please come back BlueHawk357 BlueHawk357 when we see comparisons, we will all look for you. :messenger_beaming:
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So many salty playstation fans..

Lets put things in perspective the ps4 pro had custom features from future AMD cards .. like fp16 which neogaf promised would revolutionise gpu performance .. we know games used it such as wolf and it failed to make any game catch up to xbox one x .. in fact almost every games ran worse than the adjusted performance after mem speed and gpu speed were taken into account!

Xboxs custom features such memexport and hardware dot production the 360, sfs 0 cpu decoding .. and even esram designs have always been ahead of the current technology. At no point has Sony ever actually demonstrated performance near its peak or better real world performance than xbox through customisations .. the cell should have proved way more powerful than it was .. games like bf3 that tookyears to custom redevelop the engine to support cell for lighting and shaders made full use of it .. were touted by sony as being ahead of xbox ...could only just match performance of xbox.

The xbox one was the only console with worse performance than playstation and that was due to a huge lack of mem bandwidth and cu count, when you take that into account it performed the same or better .. proving once again all the sony “custom” amd work made no difference, compared to the obviously better ms customizations .

The only reason sony games look good is because their developers are really good.

MS now makes better hardware than sony, and has always had better cpu / gpu customizations .


XSX will be 100 % more powerful. Please come back BlueHawk357 BlueHawk357 when we see comparisons, we will all look for you. :messenger_beaming:
See with the twisting again people?

In my thread I said-
"XSX WILL 100% be more powerful."
What this means: I 100% believe/know the XSX will be more powerful.

You twisted my quote into:
"XSX will be 100 % more powerful."
What that means: XSX will be double the performance.

Now if you have mental issues, please tell me and I'll delete my posts as I don't like picking on people with comprehension problems.

Edit: Judging by your post history, something isn't right. I won't be replying to you any more as you fail to comprehend and also have very poor logic. Feel free to twist this into something to do with PS5 though.
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Bad sign there mate .. failed to point out anything wrong with his calling out all the deluded bs thats been proven wrong... and THEN you still have to misquote him to make your failed point.

You got owned.

Owned ? How old are you.

I skip read his message, I am doing other stuff. Big deal.

I forgot I should have you on ignore. Good day sir.
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Threads like this are hilarious because it's literally grown ass men arguing about which plastic box is superior.

Do better, people


Naw how about you actually respond to the guys points and NOT rely on blatant lying?
I wouldn't bother replying to this person. He is either being paid to do this or brainwashed to such an extent to do it for free.

Either way, this thread, along with the others will be added to the ever growing lists of lies, fiction, and distortion. Such a shame. This reminds me of 2013 but in a much saltier way.

I don't mind reading a fake headline every now and again but not all the damn time. Let it go. You lost the imaginary war in your head that 99% of people don't care about.


Funny that so many are interested into the whole rdna thing. When iam pretty sure next to nobody knows why the 8000series from Nvidia was a big deal. Or maxwell and fermi mean? Maybe some have heard from gcn since it’s also an architecture found on consoles but pretty sure only a few people know how long gcn was around.

My point is: architecture is important. Whether one is FULL rdna 2 or rdna with 2 solutions for specific problems a bit different is pretty much ... yeah it just is not that important. PS5 runs at 2.23ghz, rdna 1 could not handle that kinda frequency and was on a complete different nm. So it is basically rdna 2, Xbox is rdna2 as well. Both consoles are fine. There is really not much to go on here.


Weird to see a dev openly shitting on other people’s work like that. I thought the industry was a tight knit group of people who mostly know each other.

It normally is a tight nit group and you all appreciate how much it takes to create a video game, when I used to work for Sony and was embedded in the first party studios staff work extremely hard so when Indie Devs or small time devs who have not worked on a corporate level shit on people its extremely disappointing.


Guys having 'custom' features, sound more interesting than reality. That is without details on its performance and choices.

PS4 may have 8 ACE, but the 8 ACE are more useful on 290X because it has more compute units than prior Amd gpus, which is what ACE does primarily.

Obviously Sony speaks with Amd, speaks with developers, and have an idea what kind of hardware is needed and feasible in 2020 at 7nm.

I rather depend on real world, the games, and even any honest open Q&A between Sony and tech sites.

Resorting to spamming patents, random tweeter accounts, and sprinkling FUD concerns, is childish and unfit for constructive info. :messenger_downcast_sweat: :messenger_ok:
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Gold Member
Jeez, some of the crazies in here need to relax.

I believe it has long been established that the PS5 potential RDNA3 feature touted is most likely referring to GPU cache scrubbers. There may be more custom work involved that may be elaborated on but at the moment neither AMD nor Sony is particularly forthcoming. All we know is that AMD had a bit of a struggle implementing PS4(GCN) hardware compatibility in the CU's for Sony - who praised the efforts of AMD in this regard. How that effects things from a performance perspective we simply do not know at this time.

To those attempting to imply that XSX is off the shelf RDNA2 as some sort of negative. Hardware accelerated Direct X 12 Ultimate level features are a result of the joint R&D work conducted by Microsoft and AMD (Nvidia as well it must be said). These features exist because of Microsoft's wish for a common feature set used to port games between Xbox and PC. This is further illustrated in the shift from XDK to GDK which in future should allow games to be ported from PC to Xbox easier than ever (and the high level features in tact).

Further, it's reasonable to assume Sony would not have been able to utilise Microsoft R&D and as such have created their own solutions both in hardware and software i.e. tempest etc. We simply do not know all of the advanced features that are evident in hardware as Sony unlike Microsoft have not been forthcoming with the details.
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