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So, all Bloodborne players who haven't played Souls before, how's it going?


After a good 5 hours I finally stumbled across, what I think is, the first boss. He smashed me out and I used all my consumables on him so I've went through a few rounds of echo gathering so I could build myself up before fighting again. Done that three times and I've been within like 1% away from killing him but haven't quite got there yet.

It's challenging and thrilling and all that but I'm starting to feel the strain of repetition. Every time I die, I start over. If I fight the boss and die, I have to go farm items. Same enemies every time. Then there's the times where I'm out there farming, I've gathered 3,000 echoes and I'm about to go stock up... Then I slip up and get killed. Whoops. There goes 30 min-1 hour of my time...

On one hand, the dream-world-lose-your-echoes dynamic adds so much to the tension and the satisfaction of victory. On the other, it almost feels cheap at times. I'm looking forward to playing again after work but I feel like I'm slowly approaching a breaking point where I say "fuck it. Not doing that again. The gameplay has become stale and I really don't care to torture myself further."

I like it so far. I really hope I continue to enjoy it to the end. It's hard for me to tell, at this point, what's going to keep me coming back 20 gameplay hours from now.

Also, the loading gives me just enough time to think that I should maybe do something else. Way too long to sit in a dark room stewing in my own anger and frustration.

Well, if you are not succeeding, the gameplay hasn't become stale -- you just haven't learned it properly yet.

BUT -- I understand your frustration! Honestly, as soon as that first boss is down, you will be in the groove. For now, use your echoes and buy some new armor, level up your character (you can nearly double your defense in a few levels), and you will make it!
By the way, you have one chance to recover your lost echoes by going back to where you were killed.
I think the UI is great once you know what it does, it just doesn't explain itself well at a first glance.

I think it's totally serviceable once you understand it, but good UI explains itself from first glance and you shouldn't have to experiment with UI to understand it. It's just bad design, but again, not a big deal or a detriment to the game once you know what you're doing.


Well I accepted the cane from the little things coming up out of the ground, I can't equip it. I can't get past the first enemy you fight in the game. Granted I've been working and haven't had much time since the midnight launch.

Did I take the wrong weapon because of the background I chose?


Played ~ 1 hour of the Souls game and didn't really like them. Very much enjoying Bloodborne though.

While i'm really bad the game somehow gets me to carry on. Took me about 10 tries to kill the first boss yesterday and i had some problems with the second boss (
That second phase is ridiculous
). Very much looking forward to playing more, still have to improve my timing though.

Loading times and camer are the only real turn offs the game has for me.


Neo Member
My best friend has only kinda played Dark Souls on Xbox 360 (He got as far as... Asylum Demon. That first encounter) and never played Dark Souls 2. I got him on the Bloodborne hype.

Within 30 minutes from character creation:

"Getting my ass kicked


That seems like it should sum up most new player's initial trek into a Souls type game.

My immediate response to him was: "WELCOME TO BLOODBORNE, BITCH"
This is the first game I ever played where unlocking Achievements/Trophies felt like a freaking RITE OF PASSAGE.

I'm looking forward to the PS4 update tomorrow that automatically screen-captures the moment you unlock a trophy.
Getting my ass handed to me. I'm just not good at these kind of games. Wish there was a less hard mode. I'd gladly deal with all of the complaining about it too.

Played for around 3 hours last night and can't even get to the first boss. Sigh.


Is it because you died a lot or for some other reason?

Only partially. It's mostly that so many things felt so backwards and outdated. Trying to figure out how to equip items was terrible. I lured half of the wandering group prior to the giant bonfire thing away a few at a time and killed them before I accidentally aggro'd the rest of them, which of course led to my immediate demise. The punishment of having to redo everything coupled with the unending load time was just too much.


Getting my ass handed to me. I'm just not good at these kind of games. Wish there was a less hard mode. I'd gladly deal with all of the complaining about it too.

Played for around 3 hours last night and can't even get to the first boss. Sigh.

I know how you feel. I was in a similiar situation until i started to dodge as much as i can.
Run away and try to fight the enemies one by one (on small staircases for example).

If you find the first boss let him kill you once to unlock the doll and then farm blood echoes to lvl up (i'm lvl 17 and i'm just past the 2nd boss).
I know how you feel. I was in a similiar situation until i started to dodge as much as i can.
Run away and try to fight the enemies one by one (on small staircases for example).

If you find the first boss let him kill you once to unlock the doll and then farm blood echoes to lvl up (i'm lvl 17 and i'm just past the 2nd boss).

Awesome, thanks!

Any tips for dealing with pitchfork enemies? I try dodging a lot but keep accidentally touching their pitchfork, which hurts you.


To all players new to the series:
If you ever feel like you haven't gotten better at the game at all, I recommend starting a new character for the ego boost. What took you hours before will take you like 10 minutes lol.


For the first 30 minutes looked at the loading screen more than the game, thanks to deaths, but dying doesn't bother me as much as in other games. I guess because I pretty much prepared for it.

After that I started getting use to the controls so didn't die as much. That said, may wait to see if they can patch the load times, before going in fully. I doubt I'll ever finish the entire game (if it's a 50-60 hour game that means 100-120 hours for me), but will probably invest quite a bit of time into it.


Well I finally beat the first boss but now i'm just running around looking for what i'm suppose to do. I'm loving it so far but there's a switch that needs to be pulled but it's not operational. Still kinda finding my way. Loving it nontheless

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Unconfirmed Member
Well I accepted the cane from the little things coming up out of the ground, I can't equip it. I can't get past the first enemy you fight in the game. Granted I've been working and haven't had much time since the midnight launch.

Did I take the wrong weapon because of the background I chose?

Nothing wrong, the equip feature is awkward. When you hit options, don't go to the "inventory" button.

Go to the top row and find the right and left and slots and press x on those and then equip the weapons on the next screen (the icons will have a red dot on them once equipped). Once that's done exit out and press left on the d-pad to equip the gun and right to equip the cane.

Took me a while to figure that out too!
It's really fun and challenging, overall I like it.

That said, I do wish there were a few more save points early on in the game. I understand spreading them out and offering a challenge, but when you are so new and there's no tutorial there needs to be a little bit of wiggle room to learn without incurring such a huge penalty.

Newb question. If I die, I understand I have to return to that enemy/location to get my blood back. But say I restart after death, clear halfway to my lost blood, then return to the dream area to level up, then go back and push all the way to my lost blood, will it still be there? Or will it be lost if I return to the dream world and then go back?


Nothing wrong, the equip feature is awkward. When you hit options, don't go to the "inventory" button.

Go to the top row and find the right and left and slots and press x on those and then equip the weapons on the next screen (the icons will have a red dot on them once equipped). Once that's done exit out and press left on the d-pad to equip the gun and right to equip the cane.

Took me a while to figure that out too!

Same here, I actually thought it would appear the first time attacked, so I ended up running up to the wolf again and punched him in the nose and he one-shotted me. Then I figured out how to equip and he still killed me, but I finally got him back...
I can't honestly say I've never played a Souls game before. However, the time I spent with Dark Souls 1/2 was very minimal. We're talking a few hours.

Bloodborne is kicking my ass. But, that's ok. I was prepared for that. I have not even made it to the first boss yet (furthest I got was
the werewolves on the bridge
), but each time I pick it back up I feel a little better about how to tackle it. I know this has been said ad nauseam... but this is a game that forces you to accept defeat over and over again, only so that when you ultimately succeed you feel like a true bad-ass. Each time I find myself getting frustrated, I just set it down and come back when I'm level-headed again. If you try to continue when you're all upset and angry you are bound to rush things. That spells trouble.

I'm looking forward to the continued challenge.


At first I got the hang of combat quickly because I watched that beginner's video on YouTube. I felt awesome destroying all of the easier guys. Then I reached the Cleric... it took me about 3 hours of going back and forth buying upgrades, finding armor, buying molotovs etc. I probably died like 10-15 times before finally beating him.

The good thing is that in that process I really fine tuned my skills like switching weapon length to get better combos and timing the shotgun so I could get the brutal hits on big guys. I also learned that cheesing is a legitimate way to play and by cheesing those giant wolves I was able to farm blood vials before each time I fought the first boss.


Neo Member
It's really fun and challenging, overall I like it.

That said, I do wish there were a few more save points early on in the game. I understand spreading them out and offering a challenge, but when you are so new and there's no tutorial there needs to be a little bit of wiggle room to learn without incurring such a huge penalty.

Newb question. If I die, I understand I have to return to that enemy/location to get my blood back. But say I restart after death, clear halfway to my lost blood, then return to the dream area to level up, then go back and push all the way to my lost blood, will it still be there? Or will it be lost if I return to the dream world and then go back?

It'll still be there, they only go away if you die before getting back to them.

Honestly, my biggest advice to newcomers? Practice. When I played dark souls for the first time, I spent hours practicing parrying timing on the spear hollows in the burg. Take time to learn the mechanics, practice shooting enemies right before they hit you. Practice dodge timing, take the time to learn attack animations, it makes all the difference. I understand if you're not patient enough to do this, but it's what the game demands I feel. Part of the experience.

Also, just be patient in general. Be willing to take things slow. And abuse those pebbles in large mob situations, they're amazing.

Now for bosses, I'd have to say take the first fight to learn the boss. Look at it's attack animations, get a feel for the arena, learn the fight. Assuming you don't beat it your fist try (if so, congrats! you're awesome!), then the second time, go on the offensive. Be aggressive, get up in their face. I died way too many times on the first boss because I was playing it like dark souls, safe and dodgy. I found that once I got aggressive, stayed behind him and attacked often, he went down not too badly.

That's pretty much what I've found. These games are amazing, but you have to be wiling to put in the time, and you can never give up.

edit: Also! Souls games become much more relaxing when you realize that the only bad thing that comes from death is losing your souls/echoes. That's it. You retain all knowledge of the area and the enemy lay out, so it'll be easier the second time, and even more so the time after that. And don't worry so much about leveling up as much as upgrading your gear, that makes more of a difference.
Cross-posting from a different thread:

~2 hours in.

My only "accomplishment" so far in the game is I managed to purchase the first set of upgraded armor for my character. After clearing the first couple of areas, I doubled back and spent my blood currency on the gear since I figured I would lose it anyway upon dying. I didn't know that going back to the main hub would respawn all 30 or so enemies I had already killed. Damn. You really have to work your way through the areas cautiously and try to draw out a few enemies at a time to stay alive. I'm going to aim for reaching the first boss tonight so I can unlock the "level up" option and see if that sways things in my favor.

My mini review:
+ Great atmospherics and ambience
+ Enemy design is creepy and cool
+ Combat is responsive
- It ain't easy, bro
- The load times are ridiculous
- Jaggy graphics with plenty of stutter

I'm not sold on it yet. I don't tend to enjoy games that are super difficult like I would have ten years ago. I'm going to give it another day or two to click with me.
Trial and error, trial and error. I really have been enjoying it, but it seems like a game that I can only play in short burst. Its interesting how the whole world. Its satisfying dying, then going back to get my revenge on the bitch that killed me to get my echos back. Im curious how often do players recommend spending your echos? I know its not safe to have thousands worth on you, but I'm wondering how often do you go spend them?


Here, let me scratch your itch:

I timed myself because I knew it would be good. I played for exactly 41 minutes and 6 seconds. Died 5 times. It will never go back in my PS4.

I got about 30 minutes into Dark Souls, but everyone told me "Bloodborne is even better, so it will be worth it!" I'm out $60+.

The accounts of it taking a couple hours to click won't sway you to keep trying?

Trial and error, trial and error. I really have been enjoying it, but it seems like a game that I can only play in short burst. Its interesting how the whole world. Its satisfying dying, then going back to get my revenge on the bitch that killed me to get my echos back. Im curious how often do players recommend spending your echos? I know its not safe to have thousands worth on you, but I'm wondering how often do you go spend them?

Depends. If there's something you want, buy it. If you don't really need anything you can afford that badly and there's something expensive you want to save for, go ahead and risk saving them.
I'm getting it this weekend but my mate from Germany is playing it and said it's really hard and he's going to return it. Dude was going to be my co-op buddy so I'm pissed off about that, From Software are not doing themselves any favours by not putting in easier difficulties for people that don't like too stiff a challenge to play. It's a game, there for enjoyment, putting in easier modes would not negate the harder difficulty from existing so it's pretty perplexing. I'm someone that likes a good challenge but these From games take it to a level I probably could never enjoy, Bloodborne looking a lot more offensive then the Dark Souls games had me excited but this difficulty level is pissing me off. Just want to play the game and not have to fight a boss 10+ times because I ain't very good at games, too much to ask for?



I'm taking it slow. Reached the first lamp and farmed Blood to get Hunter gear. Went down to the alley and killed the guys immediately there.

I went left and opened a gate that led to a dead end and an item over a dead guy. Around the corner saw a big fat guy who murdered me a few times and I decided to let him be.

Walking in the other direction I can make it as far as a bonfire but there's like 10 guys there. I've tried luring them out to kill them one at a time but eventually I aggro a bunch of them and get my ass handed to me. Haven't made it past that point but I like the way combat and movement feel. Look forward to clearing that spot and seeing what lies beyond.


I think I put about 5 hours into the game yesterday. Died... um... probably dozens of times?

Did some exploring, got super lost. I found out that you can start leveling up BEFORE the first boss on accident. Opened up the shortcut from the first lantern to the bridge on accident. Was super excited when I realized It now takes me less than a minute to get back to Cleric now, whenever I'm ready.

Tried Cleric Beast twice. FIrst time dead. Second time... took him down to about half life...then dead. Need to get better.

Werewolves on the bridge never gave me any problem at all. Figured out how to cheese them from inside the house right away. Leveled up enough now where I can actually kill them pretty well out in the open. The big hulk dude with the axe hiding down the short alley has killed me many times though.

I leveled up my Saw Cleaver, and then I found the Saw Spear, and leveled that up too. Probably should have picked one to +2 instead of having two weapons at +1. I dunno.

Started off with Violent Past. Been putting most of my blood echoes into VIT, STM, and STR.

Haven't really figured out how to use my pistol to stun/parry yet. Staggered enemies are usually accidental.

Having fun. But not Gud yet.
Here, let me scratch your itch:

I timed myself because I knew it would be good. I played for exactly 41 minutes and 6 seconds. Died 5 times. It will never go back in my PS4.

I got about 30 minutes into Dark Souls, but everyone told me "Bloodborne is even better, so it will be worth it!" I'm out $60+.

I get your sentiment. The game is designed to punish you for not constantly thinking. Hell, you die within the first 2 minutes of the game, and it's part of the game!

I love reading messages scattered by people that give hints on what to look forward to.

Try playing online with someone and see if it gets easier. Don't forget to lock targets with R3. Don't forget to dodge with O. Don't forget to heal.

I probably died the same amount as you in the same time. These games are generally about dropping you into the world of mystery trying to learn from the environment and players and enemies. Each unique enemy requires learning them on how they attack and how to dodge and kill. There is no "dodo the donkey" telling to you "Hit the weakpoint!", you're playing it wrong if you expect the game to literally feed it all to you. There is no map either so learn to learn the map.

Sucks that you won't play it soon but give it a little chance, beat a boss or two and give more feedback.


To answer the thread, I have never played any Souls game but I had a slight idea of what I was getting into. I've yet to beat the first boss or even encounter him but I'm very slowly pacing myself because I know rushing will get you killed at times. And yet other times you just need to learn to run. Played for an hour or two and the potential is fucking amazing! Load times when you die sucks and it's a little frustrating starting from a checkpoint far away but it's worth it once you do it.


Neo Member
I'm getting it this weekend but my mate from Germany is playing it and said it's really hard and he's going to return it. Dude was going to be my co-op buddy so I'm pissed off about that, From Software are not doing themselves any favours by not putting in easier difficulties for people that don't like too stiff a challenge to play. It's a game, there for enjoyment, putting in easier modes would not negate the harder difficulty from existing so it's pretty perplexing. I'm someone that likes a good challenge but these From games take it to a level I probably could never enjoy, Bloodborne looking a lot more offensive then the Dark Souls games had me excited but this difficulty level is pissing me off. Just want to play the game and not have to fight a boss 10+ times because I ain't very good at games, too much to ask for?


Debatable. Souls games offer a certain type of experience, and putting in an easier difficulty would get rid of that experience. It'd do away with the personality of the game itself. And besides, there is an easier difficulty built into the game: you can level up your character, level up your gear, and summon people to help you with bosses and areas. These inherently make the experience less challenging.


This is my first souls game.

This also the first game that I love... but fucking hate at the same time.

I've found myself in fits of rage esclaiming:

You fucking piece of shit game, OP fucking boss who the fuck made this.

This is bullshit I'm never playing this garbage again I hate this shit game.

This isn't even a fucking game!!!!

26 thousand souls!!!!!!!!! 26!!!!!!! WHY!!!!!!

I played this from 14-05 in the morning. I need more. always...


Played an hour of the actual game after spending 30 minutes making my hunter lady. I'd say it's fun, but I'll have to give it more time to see if the repeated dying is for me in this game. I loved Rogue Legacy, so the repeated dying but getting further the next time shouldn't generally be an issue. But the different in actual gameplay could make the difference (2d platform action metroidvania game versus 3d action game).

Haven't encountered the first boss or anything, but making decent progress and can generally handle the normal human enemies at this point.


I'm getting it this weekend but my mate from Germany is playing it and said it's really hard and he's going to return it. Dude was going to be my co-op buddy so I'm pissed off about that, From Software are not doing themselves any favours by not putting in easier difficulties for people that don't like too stiff a challenge to play. It's a game, there for enjoyment, putting in easier modes would not negate the harder difficulty from existing so it's pretty perplexing. I'm someone that likes a good challenge but these From games take it to a level I probably could never enjoy, Bloodborne looking a lot more offensive then the Dark Souls games had me excited but this difficulty level is pissing me off. Just want to play the game and not have to fight a boss 10+ times because I ain't very good at games, too much to ask for?

Not every game has to be for everyone. They make the games knowing that some people will find them too difficult, in Dark Souls that is even a huge thematic element. The lack of a diffiulty option is absolutely core to what that game is.


Debatable. Souls games offer a certain type of experience, and putting in an easier difficulty would get rid of that experience. It'd do away with the personality of the game itself. And besides, there is an easier difficulty built into the game: you can level up your character, level up your gear, and summon people to help you with bosses and areas. These inherently make the experience less challenging.

I feel like there are ways to do it if they really wanted to without diminishing the game for those who want the normal experience. They could even name it to indicate it's not the default experience or limit achievements. I know they're pretty stubborn about it, but the reputation really does cost them sales.

If I'm wondering around in the game and get lost, can I just /Menu/Exit Game without losing my Souls?

Or like, if I have to leave, and I'm on my 10th boss attempt, can I run back to the boss, grab my Blood Echoes off the ground and then PS Button/Close Application to save my Echoes?

Or will the game delete the Echoes?

Or will they still be there the next time I boot up my PS4?

How does that work?


Neo Member
I feel like there are ways to do it if they really wanted to without diminishing the game for those who want the normal experience. They could even name it to indicate it's not the default experience or limit achievements. I know they're pretty stubborn about it, but the reputation really does cost them sales.

The default difficulty IS the normal experience. It's integral to the game itself, especially so in dark souls 1 where it serves a thematic purpose. And like someone above me said, not every game has to appeal to everyone. As far as sales go, it's clear that Miyazaki cares more about making a quality experience than selling a game. This is not to say they're mutually exclusive, however I question the necessity of streamlining games-things like waypoints, over the top tutorials, regenerating healthy, etc.

Not everyone likes every book, movie, or tv show ever made, so why do games have to appeal to everyone?


Is the game really that difficult? I am not that far in at all but it seems like it isn't as difficult as it is learning the patterns of the enemies attacks and counter attacks and learning the nuances of the game. I really wish I knew I could double back and spend my points. At this point I could probably grind that first area up to the bridge and at least up some stats.

Maybe that is a difficulty and certainly you are punished for screwing up but at least when I screw up I look at it and know exactly why I did. I will either swing before he is really in the hit distance or I go for an extra swing because I am impatient and I paid the price.


Neo Member
Is the game really that difficult? I am not that far in at all but it seems like it isn't as difficult as it is learning the patterns of the enemies attacks and counter attacks and learning the nuances of the game. I really wish I knew I could double back and spend my points. At this point I could probably grind that first area up to the bridge and at least up some stats.

Maybe that is a difficulty and certainly you are punished for screwing up but at least when I screw up I look at it and know exactly why I did. I will either swing before he is really in the hit distance or I go for an extra swing because I am impatient and I paid the price.

You're hitting the nail on the head. It's not as difficult as people make it out to be, people just tend to be coddled by modern game design so that when a game like this comes around, they feel overwhelmed. Souls games are not as difficult as people say they are, you just have to pay attention.


I feel like there are ways to do it if they really wanted to without diminishing the game for those who want the normal experience. They could even name it to indicate it's not the default experience or limit achievements. I know they're pretty stubborn about it, but the reputation really does cost them sales.
Difficulty in a Souls game, or rather, 'the way it is', is part of the world. The experience is fully crafted, especially in Dark Souls, to let you know that you are insignificant and the world is far larger than you are and there are many more important things than you and your quest.

The fact that there is only one difficulty setting provides a 'indifferent' world that doesn't give a shit about you or how hard you're fighting/good you are.

That said, Souls difficulty is often overstated. It's not EASY, but it's not ridiculously hard.


Walking in the other direction I can make it as far as a bonfire but there's like 10 guys there. I've tried luring them out to kill them one at a time but eventually I aggro a bunch of them and get my ass handed to me. Haven't made it past that point but I like the way combat and movement feel. Look forward to clearing that spot and seeing what lies beyond.

If you look for stairs to your right, you can bypass all of the bonfire guys and only need to fight a couple of guys on the upper walkway. When you get to the end, run down and go up the steps on the other side. There will be resistance when you do this but you can run past everything and get to the other side of the huge gate without dying


Is the game really that difficult? I am not that far in at all but it seems like it isn't as difficult as it is learning the patterns of the enemies attacks and counter attacks and learning the nuances of the game. I really wish I knew I could double back and spend my points. At this point I could probably grind that first area up to the bridge and at least up some stats.

Maybe that is a difficulty and certainly you are punished for screwing up but at least when I screw up I look at it and know exactly why I did. I will either swing before he is really in the hit distance or I go for an extra swing because I am impatient and I paid the price.

The difficult part for me is retraining myself to not play this like a regular videogame.
In a regular game, a mob of like 4 people isn't a big deal because I'm the hero and I have bigger guns/better skills/etc. than the people I'm fighting. That's not always the case in this game.



If I'm wondering around in the game and get lost, can I just /Menu/Exit Game without losing my Souls?

Or like, if I have to leave, and I'm on my 10th boss attempt, can I run back to the boss, grab my Blood Echoes off the ground and then PS Button/Close Application to save my Echoes?

Or will the game delete the Echoes?

Or will they still be there the next time I boot up my PS4?

How does that work?

The game is autosaving every few seconds. You can turn it off at any time and you will continue right where you left off. ..although if you quit through the OS or by powering down the console, it may miss a few seconds. Not sure about that last part.


I love everything but how difficult the game is. The maze like design blew me away when I tired taking a different path and ended up taking a detour. I don't mind hard bosses, the human like enemies even in groups don't really bother me much,it's when going up against more than two unique monsters that I struggle against so badly And it's so hard separating them. I've kind of got tired of it so I'm pretty much for now sprinting all the way the the cleric beast and just figure out beating it. Going to keep trying and hoping its difficulty eventually clicks because everything else is so damn good.


Here, let me scratch your itch:

I timed myself because I knew it would be good. I played for exactly 41 minutes and 6 seconds. Died 5 times. It will never go back in my PS4.

I got about 30 minutes into Dark Souls, but everyone told me "Bloodborne is even better, so it will be worth it!" I'm out $60+.


This was me with Demons Souls back in the day 4 times over the course of 18 months, I would put it in for an hour, die a dozen times, curse, put it back in the case, and not touch it again for 6-8 months.

The 4th time something something clicked, and even today I still fire up Demons Souls from time to time and play for a few hours. I don't know what the turning point really was, but when I hit it, I fell in love with the game, then Dark Souls 1 and 2, and now Bloodborne, even tho it's different/harder in a few ways.

Just saying, I wouldn't completely give up, let what you know and have seen soak in, maybe in a few weeks/months, come back to it.
The game is autosaving every few seconds. You can turn it off at any time and you will continue right where you left off. ..although if you quit through the OS or by powering down the console, it may miss a few seconds. Not sure about that last part.

So if I Quit During a boss Battle, the next time I boot up the game I'll be right at the boss again?

Or do I start in the Hunter's Dream?
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