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//: Global Starcraft II League (GSL) 2012 GSL Season 5 + GSTL Season 3 Thread


I know they explained the reason for it, but it seems so awful for Ryung to only have the word "Tuna" on top of his little intro card.

Poor Ryung, being trolled by GOM :p


While infestors weren't the key unit there, without them Ryung could have darted in and taken out all of those broodlords, taking the boot off his neck, and just maybe get that base mining. Life had gone too untouched in the early game, making his mass virtually unstoppable at that point.


Life had a bigger army all game though and was aggressive all game, so its not like Ryung had an opportunity to attack/harass/counter and do eco damage. He was stuck in his bases. Life is just showing zergs how to bully the fuck out of terran and make them play the game you want.


I don't know what Ryung could have done to win that. It's not like his attempts at drops did shit against those mutas. He managed to get one base before the whole closed up from Life's big failed attack. I was thinking seeker missile, but I doubt he had the time to research it.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Code S Groups

Group D...LOLOL

Starting now: GSTL
FXO vs Prime
GuMiho <Cloud Kingdom> Creator


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
The free stream seems extra terrible tonight, especially compared to the free twitch stream that they were briefly offering.


The free stream seems extra terrible tonight, especially compared to the free twitch stream that they were briefly offering.

It truly does look horrible. I remember being able to at least kind of guess what's happening from watching.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
Down to the final match, was looking rough for FXO before Leenock came out. Plenty of pressure on both Leenock and MKP.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
Leenock playing quite impressively tonight. Really got FXO out of the fire.


I want a tag give me a tag
A teamless San has qualified through the code a qualies today.


I forget who else (am on a bus)

But jangbi too


I have to say, I really liked the way MVP_TAiLS played today. So much variation in his play, awesome.

Also am I alone in thinking that the GSTL is more exciting than the GSL?

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I have to say, I really liked the way MVP_TAiLS played today. So much variation in his play, awesome.

Also am I alone in thinking that the GSTL is more exciting than the GSL?

you are.

Nestea and Jaedong qualifies for Code A..wee!

JangBi, Flying, San, hyvaa & Center qualified in the morning session!
Fantasy, jjakji, Brain, Dark & Miya qualified in the afternoon session!
Dream, ByuL, TAiLS, Jaedong, Classic & NesTea qualified from the morning session!

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
The last set of groups for Code A qualifications

Group 7: First won 2-0 over ZerO
Group 8: YongHwa won 2-0 over SoN.
Group 9: Sin won 2-1 over Monster.
Group 10: Noblesse won 2-0 over oDin.
Group 11: LosirA won 2-0 over s2.
Group 12: Brave won 2-1 over HoeJJa.


Tasteless only uses one monitor? That's almost as uncool as dying your hair.

No defense against broods? Ryung you so crazy.


One thing that Flash does that other terrans almost never do is he's always scanning his enemy so he knows what they're doing and how he should prepare. He never really guesses, so he's never really caught off guard. That's one thing that cost Ryung the game. That and infestors.


I thought that drop by Ryung to take out the pool with the Adrenal Gland upgrade and he's doing a sick amount of damage against DRGs bases.

Come on!

EDIT: Awesome to see!


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
Some nice games tonight.

Code A will be quite competitive this season as well. The R1 of Code A and the Up and Downs should be pretty brutal.


Ryung vs Curious again? Damn you, Creator, why couldn't you be less good? It's not like we don't already have plenty of protoss in Code S like Parting and... maybe one of the zergs will flip race out of zvz boredom.


CGI bullshit is the death knell of cinema
I am surprised that Wolf/Khaldor is not commentating with Dan in Nick's absence.

Edit: They are in China for WCS.
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