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Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart I New Extended Gamescom Gameplay Demo

Md Ray

Coming into a rachet and clank thread talking about halo. wtf.
I have said it many times, it is my observation that most people dont really use their eyes.
go ahead my friend, capture for me a gameplay screenshot (not cinematic) from today's new video where there is side movement from the player and we'll see how not-blurry it is.
oh, and capture for me a close up of the enemies, and see if you can come even 50% close to the clarity of that craig face you so much like
The game has really nice post-processing effects like DoF, a very high-quality motion blur to capture that CG-look. Whereas Halo lacks almost all of those post FX and downright looks like a free-to-play game.

That's a nice X360 game right there my friend.
The game has really nice post-processing effects like DoF, a very high-quality motion blur to capture that CG-look. Whereas Halo lacks almost all of those post FX and downright looks like a free-to-play game.

That's a nice X360 game right there my friend.
I though you were gonna capture for me some gameplay schreenshots of ratchet moving and turning, to prove its not 30fps blurry,
and also some close ups of an enemy hit to see if you could get even to 50% of "craig clarity"..
wha happened?
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Looks great, but it's 30fps.

We shouldn't have to settle for that dog shit frame rate anymore. The act of playing is more important than a few extra pixels to look at. Upscale that shit if you have to. Or at least give the option.

I'm not jumping into next generation to accept 30 fps games anymore. I can't believe how many of you think it's "fine"

The go enjoy Halo Craig edition at its gloriously hideous 60 to 120fps.

Meanwhile, some people are perfectly fine with having experiences at a stable 30fps, like Ratchet, Spiderman, Last of Us 2, just to name a few.


let it slide for a while. once people start switching from 120fps COD to this they will figure it out themselves

very smooth, very blurry

I play games on my PC at well over 100 FPS. It doesn't bother me one bit because Sony exclusives are constantly pushing great visuals. The perfect combo for next gen is a PC + a PS5 for exclusives, just like last gen. Additionally, I can almost gaurantee you that most console gamers don't have monitors/TV that support native 120 hz or higher.
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Md Ray

I have said it many times, it is my observation that most people dont really use their eyes.
go ahead my friend, capture for me a gameplay screenshot (not cinematic) from today's new video where there is side movement from the player and we'll see how not-blurry it is.
oh, and capture for me a close up of the enemies, and see if you can come even 50% close to the clarity of that craig face you so much like
The game has really nice post-processing effects like DoF, a very high-quality motion blur to capture that CG-look. Whereas Halo lacks almost all of those post FX and downright looks like a free-to-play game.

That's a nice X360 game right there my friend.
Before you come to a Sony exclusive thread to bitch & moan and be salty about it. Take a look at your own games from your preferred platform. This Halo screenshot IS actually from a cinematic with not much movement and still manages to look blurry... And if this is how it looks running on PC, then I've got bad news for you, my friend.
The go enjoy Halo Craig edition at its gloriously hideous 60 to 120fps.

Meanwhile, some people are perfectly fine with having experiences at a stable 30fps, like Ratchet, Spiderman, Last of Us 2, just to name a few.
I've played and beat LoU2/Spiderman/GoW and the only thing I could think the whole time playing was how much better it would be if it wasn't such a dog shit frame rate.

Horizon:ZD is a great example, pre-ordered on launch for PS4Pro, couldn't stand how awful it plays on PlayStation, put it down and never touched it again. Then it released on PC and I got it and loved the game. It's so much better to play with a mouse and at 80+fps.

No need to get your feelings hurt champ.
Before you come to a Sony exclusive thread to bitch & moan and be salty about it. Take a look at your own games from your preferred platform. This Halo screenshot IS actually from a cinematic with not much movement and still manages to look blurry... And if this is how it looks running on PC, then I've got bad news for you, my friend.
dude, contrary to you, I always get all consoles.
if 343 was coming out saying "here's our next gen halo, running gloriously at 30 fps, just like halo 1,2,3,reach", I'd throw tomatoes to them.
now, where are your screenshots? at least admit you couldn't take any
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I've played and beat LoU2/Spiderman/GoW and the only thing I could think the whole time playing was how much better it would be if it wasn't such a dog shit frame rate.

Horizon:ZD is a great example, pre-ordered on launch for PS4Pro, couldn't stand how awful it plays on PlayStation, put it down and never touched it again. Then it released on PC and I got it and loved the game. It's so much better to play with a mouse and at 80+fps.

No need to get your feelings hurt champ.

Dog shit framerate? Dog shit would be sub 30fps. All those games run at smooth 30fps and in case of Spiderman, probably the smoothest I've seen.

There's no argument to be had here, you prefer 60fps, that's cool.

Also, you're so bothered by 30fps but played 3 games on it. Seems like quality does trump framerate.
Dog shit framerate? Dog shit would be sub 30fps. All those games run at smooth 30fps and in case of Spiderman, probably the smoothest I've seen.

There's no argument to be had here, you prefer 60fps, that's cool.

Also, you're so bothered by 30fps but played 3 games on it. Seems like quality does trump framerate.
I grew up super poor so as an adult I decided if I can I will get all consoles so I don't have to choose and can play whatever I want. And sure, quality does trump framerate, but in this day and age, you shouldn't have to choose one over the other. You should absolutely have the choice. The Last of Us is WAY better at 60fps. Was good enough that Naughty Dog wanted UC4 to be a 60 fps games. They were constantly talking about how UC4 was gonna be a 60fps game. Another prime example is Days Gone, I'm currently playing through it because my wife and I just had a kid and it's not as easy to step away and play my PC, I really dig the game a lot but the framerate and awful gun handling absolutely kills what's otherwise and awesome awesome game. There's no argument, games play better in 100% of every scenario at 60+fps. I own all consoles and still primarily play PC so I don't have to be a console warrior and argue over whether one plastic box is better than the other plastic box.
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I grew up super poor so as an adult I decided if I can I will get all consoles so I don't have to choose and can play whatever I want. And sure, quality does trump framerate, but in this day and age, you shouldn't have to choose one over the other. You should absolutely have the choice. The Last of Us is WAY better at 60fps. Was good enough that Naughty Dog wanted UC4 to be a 60 fps games. They were constantly talking about how UC4 was gonna be a 60fps game. Another prime example is Days Gone, I'm currently playing through it because my wife and I just had a kid and it's not as easy to step away and play my PC, I really dig the game a lot but the framerate and awful gun handling absolutely kills what's otherwise and awesome awesome game. There's no argument, games play better in 100% of every scenario at 60+fps. I own all consoles and still primarily play PC so I don't have to be a console warrior and argue over whether one plastic box is better than the other plastic box.

Then don't play those 30fps if you don't like it. Or wait when they remaster de game or play it on next gen console at 60fps.
You know expectations have been lowered when a Ratchet and Clank game is stirring up this much discussion. The 2nd wave of next gen games can't get here soon enough.

Not really it's because Ratchet and Clank looks great even without comparing it to games like Halo Infinite for example.


I grew up super poor so as an adult I decided if I can I will get all consoles so I don't have to choose and can play whatever I want. And sure, quality does trump framerate, but in this day and age, you shouldn't have to choose one over the other. You should absolutely have the choice. The Last of Us is WAY better at 60fps. Was good enough that Naughty Dog wanted UC4 to be a 60 fps games. They were constantly talking about how UC4 was gonna be a 60fps game. Another prime example is Days Gone, I'm currently playing through it because my wife and I just had a kid and it's not as easy to step away and play my PC, I really dig the game a lot but the framerate and awful gun handling absolutely kills what's otherwise and awesome awesome game. There's no argument, games play better in 100% of every scenario at 60+fps. I own all consoles and still primarily play PC so I don't have to be a console warrior and argue over whether one plastic box is better than the other plastic box.

You forgot something: in your opinion

I always play the original last of us in 30fps mode.
You forgot something: in your opinion

I always play the original last of us in 30fps mode.

Other than it being the only option, in what instance is 30fps better? Set your fanboyism aside. Why would you intentionally punish yourself? When given the option you are choosing to have half the information. Makes no sense.

And no shit it's my opinion. It's also shared by many people who enjoy playing games.
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Other than it being the only option, in what instance is 30fps better? Set your fanboyism aside. Why would you intentionally punish yourself? When given the option you are choosing to have half the information. Makes no sense.

And no shit it's my opinion. It's also shared by many people who enjoy playing games.

Your opinion being shared by many does not mean it's the only opinion or a fact. I prefer the last of us 1 at 30fps. I prefer death stranding at 60. My computer can run it at 80, but I decided to cap it because I prefer a smoother performance.

Also, I wouldn't trade the graphics I got from last of us 2 or god of war for 30 more frames. That's all.


This looks so good. I hope it's not too far off.

Of course, if Demon's Souls ends up being launch window, it would still have to wait.
Oh, don't you worry there'll be plenty of 30fps games on MS' next-gen console too.
we'll see about that, wont we?
what I can tell you from now though, is that if microsoft puts out 30fps platform games or 30fps shooting games they are not going to be pocketing too much of my money.

to close this out, are you honest enough to admit that you couldn't get gameplay screengrabs where ratchet is moving in any direction but forward that there is not significant blur?
its not like I asked you to re-invent the wheel. just a test for your eyes because you trolled me about my 30fps blur comment, remember?
so what's it gonna be?
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Snake Oil Salesman
Not really it's because Ratchet and Clank looks great even without comparing it to games like Halo Infinite for example.

Nah, it literally looks exactly like the last 7 Ratchet and Clank games, only with a shiny coat of paint and a gimmick level loading mechanic that doesn't look like it adds any of the important stuff...fun. You have to realize, this franchise hasn't meaningfully changed or grown since it's PS2 days.

The fact that Sony is able to get it's legion frothing at the mouth for 19 year old scraps is astounding.

I'm all for fanboying up, but fanboy up for the right stuff.
I'm all for fanboying up, but fanboy up for the right stuff.

Like Fortnite for example.

Think of it this way.

In Fortnite, you can play a 21 minute match, and only kill 5 enemies. 5 human enemies that are incredibly unpredictable and are often very hard to deal with.

In Ratchet and Clank you can play for 21 minutes and kill 89,437,518 enemies that are all designed to be fodder for the player.

Its "OMG we can not bore the player" game design so they just shove visual clutter in your face non stop. It's bukaki, the game.
Like Fortnite for example.
I think he is talking about the human factor instead of pre-programmed foes.
he is also a bit right saying that because fortnite kept its single player build element, things can be unpredictable in battles.
and I say this without really liking fortnite, even though I bought it day one, way before they copied player unkown's game type and it became a hit


They used that, "Captured on PS5" trick again at the end of the footage.

You know, where they play a CGI video, use the PS5 as a capture device, and then trick people into thinking it was running on a PS5. Those tricky Sony devils!

That would be one very interesting CGI video 😆
I think he is talking about the human factor instead of pre-programmed foes.
he is also a bit right saying that because fortnite kept its single player build element, things can be unpredictable in battles.
and I say this without really liking fortnite, even though I bought it day one, way before they copied player unkown's game type and it became a hit

The issue that I have with those types of games is that after a while they just feel repetitive to me. I prefer games with good gameplay and a well crafted story and having both is very difficult in a game like Fortnite.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
They used that, "Captured on PS5" trick again at the end of the footage.

You know, where they play a CGI video, use the PS5 as a capture device, and then trick people into thinking it was running on a PS5. Those tricky Sony devils!
Captured on PS5. Running on PS5 Media Player. Developed on Pixar Supercomputers.
  • LOL
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