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Green Lantern Corps gets David Goyer to write and produce.

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He's been part of some real shit, too. My personal list of his good works would be Batman Begins, Dark Knight, and Blade II. Everything else is pretty well varying degrees of shit. After Man of Steel, he can stay the fuck away.

While i complained about him he seems to the Good-decent pared with the right people like the Nolan brothers and Toro. on his own you get shit like Blade 3.


The DCCU, everyone.



Goyer is a good writer for ideas. At least I trust him to crank out a decent story. I just want someone else to add a bit of flair to his dialogue. The only fault I can attribute to MoS is that the dialogue is too dry. BvS was a dramatic improvement in that department and I'm willing to bet that was Terrio's contribution.
He's been part of some real shit, too. My personal list of his good works would be Batman Begins, Dark Knight, and Blade II. Everything else is pretty well varying degrees of shit. After Man of Steel, he can stay the fuck away.

He co-wrote Man of Steel and BvS. I liked both movies so I guess my confidence in him as risen since my last post.

Edit: I don't know how much of Goyer was in BvS though after Terrio came on board.

Because for every Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.

There is a Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance and Batman v Superman.

Name really one great movie recently where he was the only writer on that was good.

Last one was Blade 2 which was is close to 15 years old.

He isn't the only writers on those movies.

Yikes... forgot he had credit on BVS


I don't see this as a problem. Blade 1 and 2 are great. As long as he sticks to writing, and doesn't ham it up, I'm in.
Yikes... forgot he had credit on BVS

I'm actually kind of surprised to see he got a writing credit instead of just a story credit, unless that's not a thing and I'm just making it up. Leading up to release, Affleck definitely talked about BvS like it was a one man job, giving Terrio all the "credit".
Though this I learned Goyer and this Justin Rhodes fella are writing the script for Guillermo del Toro's Fantastic Voyage remake.

Hypothetically if they can get a director like del Toro on it to manage the material of this Green Lantern Corps movie, there could be something there. But at the same time, if del Toro was willing to direct a DC movie, he shouldn't stayed on Justice League Dark/Dark Universe. And Doug Liman would've been a better fit for Green Lantern Corps if he had to direct a DC movie.

Yikes... forgot he had credit on BVS

His credit on BvS is mostly a political thing. But there are leftovers from his script in the final movie, like the whole Knightmare bit.
As long as they play up John's background as an architect and don't make him the black best friend, I'll be happy.

Also Blade 2 had Guillermo del Toro and this movie does not, so there is no point in bringing up Blade. Unless you're talking about the television show.


Agreed 100%. Goyer's always been kind of crappy on his own, but he can put out great work with a partner. And I think Johns is the perfect guy to pair him with. They did such great things together on JSA back in the day, so they should already have solid rapport.

Right? If you're gonna do a Corps movie and not a solo, Kyle and Guy are just so much better.


Space bros.

I'm not going for the John Stewart disrespect.

also Guy and John are the best duo
Goyer is abysmal, I have 0 hope for Green Lantern Corps. now. I love Geoff Johns, but he can't save it from Goyer's terrible writing/story structure.


So it's gonna be horrible. Like MoS and BvS.

Why don't they fire these guys? Why do they keep getting work? I don't get it. If Marvel produced duds, the director and writer would be gone.
Hard to know where this is going yet. Dude is garbage when writing alone but with a cowriter I've liked a few of his movies

The lethal weapon/48hrs style concept makes me really wish they got shane black to help out a bit.
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