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Trump tweeted out a video of him "beating up" CNN


Queen of Denmark
The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.
Donald Trump is the President

The Left is a super scary picture that Fox News waves around to convince rubes to vote against their interests and buy guns and gold

Just a truly awful post, one of the worst


The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.

How involved are the deep state in this, is my question.


The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.

One of the worst posts I've ever seen on GAF.

Every word of this is a blatant lie or fundamental misunderstanding of anything you're trying to fucking talk about.


Ah the daily 4chan image posted on redditt used against trump
The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.

One could go back and forth with a tit for tat routine forever. What you're arguing is simply a matter of perspective, and anyone could convince themselves of anything that way.


One could go back and forth with a tit for tat routine forever. What you're arguing is simply a matter of perspective, and anyone could convince themselves of anything that way.

It's not perspective. This fucking guy is equating theater to journalism and doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Journalism is not artistic expression.


C'mon guys. No matter what your politics, that's hilarious.
It really, truly is the absolute furthest thing from hilarious.

It is an embarrassment.
It is a confirmation.
It is a problem.

It is not even kind of funny.

This man is currently dismantling the US government by destroying centuries of programs and policies that have been put in place for his 1% friends so their unethical corporations can keep making their billions while having zero regulations in place.

He has zero, let me repeat that, ZERO concern for anyone else besides them. He conned an entire group of people into believing he had their best interest at heart with a few catch phrases and slogans that exploited their fears and concerns.

What we are witnessing at this very moment is the biggest con man in the history of the United States executing his con. Him sending out a tweet such as this one is just a confirmation of that as I said above. It is 110% a huge Fuck You.

If you understand we are in this situation and then read between the lines, with this single tweet he is proclaiming "I can do whatever the fuck I want you idiots, and you cannot do a thing about it. If and when you ever can, it will be too late, and I will have destroyed that system that was put in place to keep me and my 50 or so friends in check. Good luck getting clean drinking water and breathable air losers."

This man is the absolute single biggest mistake in the history of the United States. The repercussions of this mistake will be felt for decades, and truth be told, we may never recover.

So yeah. Fucking hilarious.


It really, truly is the absolute furthest thing from hilarious.

It is an embarrassment.
It is a confirmation.
It is a problem.

It is not even kind of funny.

This man is currently dismantling the US government by destroying centuries of programs and policies that have been put in place for his 1% friends so their unethical corporations can keep making their billions while having zero regulations in place.

He has zero, let me repeat that, ZERO concern for anyone else besides them. He conned an entire group of people into believing he had their best interest at heart with a few catch phrases and slogans that exploited their fears and concerns.

What we are witnessing at this very moment is the biggest con man in the history of the United States executing his con. Him sending out a tweet such as this one is just a confirmation of that as I said above. It is 110% a huge Fuck You.

If you understand we are in this situation and then read between the lines, with this single tweet he is proclaiming "I can do whatever the fuck I want you idiots, and you cannot do a thing about it. If and when you ever can, it will be too late, and I will have destroyed that system that was put in place to keep me and my 50 or so friends in check. Good luck getting clean drinking water and breathable air losers."

This man is the absolute single biggest mistake in the history of the United States. The repercussions of this mistake will be felt for decades, and truth be told, we may never recover.

So yeah. Fucking hilarious.

All of this.
All the MSM TV networks excluding Fox, outlets such as HuffPost, Slate, Mother Jones, etc. Most major newspapers including NYT, WaPo, LA Times, and companies that own numerous news outlets like Vox and Time Warner.

You know, when you stand on the far-right side of a hallway, literally everything is to your left.

That doesn't mean it's "wrong." It means you're standing too far down the hallway.


This is great. Solid memetics. This will and has spread like wildfire, the concept that Trump is owning CNN will be canonical. The stance Trump is inciting violence against reporters(weak) or that Trump is undignified based in previous standards of presidential behavior (true but not as persuasive for amuriad of reasons ) can likely not withstand this meme, CNN's brand is tanking overall. If one steps outside of their personal(good or bad) opinion of Trump, he has pretty effectively assisted in shiftng the brand. What a time to be alive.

The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.

I thought the Republicans wanted us to have guns so that way we could overthrow tyrannical government? Under doctrines espoused by Infowars, Pizzagate, etc., that man is a patriot.
One could go back and forth with a tit for tat routine forever. What you're arguing is simply a matter of perspective, and anyone could convince themselves of anything that way.

To an extent. The fundamental issue is that the left has always been about changing the status quo, for good or for bad, and the right has been about preventing it. Hence radical/reactionary. The mainstream left has gone so far to the left that you've seen reactionaries become far more mainstream. If the left would let things be, the right would have no reason to react. That's not to say there haven't been cases where things needed to change, like civil rights in the '60s. But then you have cases like Chavez and Venezuala and the change that was seen by portions of the far left, like Corbyn, as a movement, and how such radical change totally destroyed a country.

The issue I have with the far left right now is they claim to be tolerant and open-minded, but are anything but. The left has gone so far to the left to the point it's militant progressivism. "You said mean things so I will physically attack you". I lean to the right, but I"m not going to pretend to be open-minded, I'm not going to try and force the moral high ground, because I don't believe such a thing truly exists the way some do, not to say some things aren't morally superior/inferior to others, but that's another topic. I understand that there will be extremes on both sides, but the issue is how mainstream militant progressivism has come, for actors like Johnny Depp to incite such vitriol and hate and how so few bat an eye. How a man can shoot up a GOP baseball practice with the intent of trying to specifically kill Republicans, and not only is the outrage not as intense as it should be, but some from the very far left, though thankfully not mainstream, cheered it, acting like he deserved it.

Until the left starts to move towards the center, the right will continue to move towards the right. You can't have a reaction without an action, so you can't have reactionaries without radicals. Again, that's not to say there isn't a need for change in certain areas, but I think the mainstream left has gone so far to the left to the point it's becoming unhealthy for everyone, including the left.

I understand it's blasphemous to say such things on here, I understand I'm a very small minority on this website, I understand the people I'm discussing/debating with, but I still think it's worth discussing, even if my beliefs are shunned to oblivion on here.
The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.

That play was in production before and featured an Obama version of Caesar before. I've personally called out people over both the Griffith picture and their reactions to the Scalise shooting. But the outrage against the play was hypocritical since it happened before to no controversy and the message of the whole performance appears to be that IT'S WRONG.


If the left moves towards the centre the right will take it as a sign of weakness and just move even further right

Evidence: pretty much everything in the last fifty years
To an extent. The fundamental issue is that the left has always been about changing the status quo, for good or for bad, and the right has been about preventing it. Hence radical/reactionary. The mainstream left has gone so far to the left that you've seen reactionaries become far more mainstream. If the left would let things be, the right would have no reason to react. That's not to say there haven't been cases where things needed to change, like civil rights in the '60s. But then you have cases like Chavez and Venezuala and the change that was seen by portions of the far left, like Corbyn, as a movement, and how such radical change totally destroyed a country.

The issue I have with the far left right now is they claim to be tolerant and open-minded, but are anything but. The left has gone so far to the left to the point it's militant progressivism. "You said mean things so I will physically attack you". I lean to the right, but I"m not going to pretend to be open-minded, I'm not going to try and force the moral high ground, because I don't believe such a thing truly exists the way some do, not to say some things aren't morally superior/inferior to others, but that's another topic. I understand that there will be extremes on both sides, but the issue is how mainstream militant progressivism has come, for actors like Johnny Depp to incite such vitriol and hate and how so few bat an eye. How a man can shoot up a GOP baseball practice with the intent of trying to specifically kill Republicans, and not only is the outrage not as intense as it should be, but some from the very far left, though thankfully not mainstream, cheered it, acting like he deserved it.

Until the left starts to move towards the center, the right will continue to move towards the right. You can't have a reaction without an action, so you can't have reactionaries without radicals. Again, that's not to say there isn't a need for change in certain areas, but I think the mainstream left has gone so far to the left to the point it's becoming unhealthy for everyone, including the left.

I understand it's blasphemous to say such things on here, I understand I'm a very small minority on this website, I understand the people I'm discussing/debating with, but I still think it's worth discussing, even if my beliefs are shunned to oblivion on here.

Where can I see your post history during any world events that involve far right nutjobs shooting up military bases, schools and parliament buildings, burning obama effigies, and posting ((things)) on social media that are incredibly racist and villanous?
To an extent. The fundamental issue is that the left has always been about changing the status quo, for good or for bad, and the right has been about preventing it. Hence radical/reactionary. The mainstream left has gone so far to the left that you've seen reactionaries become far more mainstream. If the left would let things be, the right would have no reason to react. That's not to say there haven't been cases where things needed to change, like civil rights in the '60s. But then you have cases like Chavez and Venezuala and the change that was seen by portions of the far left, like Corbyn, as a movement, and how such radical change totally destroyed a country.

The issue I have with the far left right now is they claim to be tolerant and open-minded, but are anything but. The left has gone so far to the left to the point it's militant progressivism. "You said mean things so I will physically attack you". I lean to the right, but I"m not going to pretend to be open-minded, I'm not going to try and force the moral high ground, because I don't believe such a thing truly exists the way some do, not to say some things aren't morally superior/inferior to others, but that's another topic. I understand that there will be extremes on both sides, but the issue is how mainstream militant progressivism has come, for actors like Johnny Depp to incite such vitriol and hate and how so few bat an eye. How a man can shoot up a GOP baseball practice with the intent of trying to specifically kill Republicans, and not only is the outrage not as intense as it should be, but some from the very far left, though thankfully not mainstream, cheered it, acting like he deserved it.

Until the left starts to move towards the center, the right will continue to move towards the right. You can't have a reaction without an action, so you can't have reactionaries without radicals. Again, that's not to say there isn't a need for change in certain areas, but I think the mainstream left has gone so far to the left to the point it's becoming unhealthy for everyone, including the left.

I understand it's blasphemous to say such things on here, I understand I'm a very small minority on this website, I understand the people I'm discussing/debating with, but I still think it's worth discussing, even if my beliefs are shunned to oblivion on here.

I know, it's so hard to have an opinion, type it, and post it on this website. I can't help but weep at your struggle.


To an extent. The fundamental issue is that the left has always been about changing the status quo, for good or for bad, and the right has been about preventing it. Hence radical/reactionary. The mainstream left has gone so far to the left that you've seen reactionaries become far more mainstream. If the left would let things be, the right would have no reason to react. That's not to say there haven't been cases where things needed to change, like civil rights in the '60s. But then you have cases like Chavez and Venezuala and the change that was seen by portions of the far left, like Corbyn, as a movement, and how such radical change totally destroyed a country.

The issue I have with the far left right now is they claim to be tolerant and open-minded, but are anything but. The left has gone so far to the left to the point it's militant progressivism. "You said mean things so I will physically attack you". I lean to the right, but I"m not going to pretend to be open-minded, I'm not going to try and force the moral high ground, because I don't believe such a thing truly exists the way some do, not to say some things aren't morally superior/inferior to others, but that's another topic. I understand that there will be extremes on both sides, but the issue is how mainstream militant progressivism has come, for actors like Johnny Depp to incite such vitriol and hate and how so few bat an eye. How a man can shoot up a GOP baseball practice with the intent of trying to specifically kill Republicans, and not only is the outrage not as intense as it should be, but some from the very far left, though thankfully not mainstream, cheered it, acting like he deserved it.

Until the left starts to move towards the center, the right will continue to move towards the right. You can't have a reaction without an action, so you can't have reactionaries without radicals. Again, that's not to say there isn't a need for change in certain areas, but I think the mainstream left has gone so far to the left to the point it's becoming unhealthy for everyone, including the left.

I understand it's blasphemous to say such things on here, I understand I'm a very small minority on this website, I understand the people I'm discussing/debating with, but I still think it's worth discussing, even if my beliefs are shunned to oblivion on here.

More fucking whining about the poor oppressed Republicans. Tell me why we should be so loving and tolerant of you and your ilk when you're actively trying to kill millions of Americans? How are you not an existential threat?
You know, when you stand on the far-right side of a hallway, literally everything is to your left.

That doesn't mean it's "wrong." It means you're standing too far down the hallway.

You don't think NYT, WaPo, and LA Times lean to the left?

You don't think CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS lean to the left?

You don't think HuffPost, Mother Jones, and Slate lean to the left?

Of course there are right-leaning news outlets! Fox (the only MSM news network that leans to the right), Breitbart, DailyCaller, Washington Times, Rebel Media, etc., but htey don't have nearly the influence something like WaPo does.

And, of course, there's hollywood, which unquestionably is very left leaning. That isn't to say there aren't conservatives in Hollywood, eg. Clint Eastwood, James Woods, Jon Voight, etc.

Unless you're going to try and argue how the aforementioned groups aren't left leaning, then how am I wrong?
It really, truly is the absolute furthest thing from hilarious.

It is an embarrassment.
It is a confirmation.
It is a problem.

It is not even kind of funny.

This man is currently dismantling the US government by destroying centuries of programs and policies that have been put in place for his 1% friends so their unethical corporations can keep making their billions while having zero regulations in place.

He has zero, let me repeat that, ZERO concern for anyone else besides them. He conned an entire group of people into believing he had their best interest at heart with a few catch phrases and slogans that exploited their fears and concerns.

What we are witnessing at this very moment is the biggest con man in the history of the United States executing his con. Him sending out a tweet such as this one is just a confirmation of that as I said above. It is 110% a huge Fuck You.

If you understand we are in this situation and then read between the lines, with this single tweet he is proclaiming "I can do whatever the fuck I want you idiots, and you cannot do a thing about it. If and when you ever can, it will be too late, and I will have destroyed that system that was put in place to keep me and my 50 or so friends in check. Good luck getting clean drinking water and breathable air losers."

This man is the absolute single biggest mistake in the history of the United States. The repercussions of this mistake will be felt for decades, and truth be told, we may never recover.

So yeah. Fucking hilarious.

CNN war against Trump has nothing to do with those things, you kid yourself if you think they are trying to save you.
I thought the Republicans wanted us to have guns so that way we could overthrow tyrannical government? Under doctrines espoused by Infowars, Pizzagate, etc., that man is a patriot.

It's only okay to overthrow a tyrannical government that wants to kill the poor for the benefit of the rich when said government is headed by a LIBERUL who wants to destroy our TRADITIONAL VALUES.



The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.

It's silly to blame the left for this. You could easily blame the right for escalating tensions with the left, that made them escalate tensions with the right, that made....

When there are two sides of an argument, you are gonna get passionate people on both sides. That doesn't excuse or promote crossing lines
The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.

I want you to count the amount of times Bernie Sanders advocated political violence.
You don't think NYT, WaPo, and LA Times lean to the left?

You don't think CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS lean to the left?

You don't think HuffPost, Mother Jones, and Slate lean to the left?

Of course there are right-leaning news outlets! Fox (the only MSM news network that leans to the right), Breitbart, DailyCaller, Washington Times, Rebel Media, etc., but htey don't have nearly the influence something like WaPo does.

And, of course, there's hollywood, which unquestionably is very left leaning. That isn't to say there aren't conservatives in Hollywood, eg. Clint Eastwood, James Woods, Jon Voight, etc.

Unless you're going to try and argue how the aforementioned groups aren't left leaning, then how am I wrong?

James Woods isn't conservative, he's just crazy. Too many frauds and shysters are calling themselves conservative when they are anything but.
Of course, instead of arguing the points I'm making, all I'm getting is ad hominem and straw men.

If you want to give counter points, that's cool, and we can discuss and debate. But these straw men and ad hominem do nothing to promote healthy argument.


The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice. And, of course, the irony of the NYT condemning this is they supported a play actually depicting Trump's assassination.

I think it's ridiculous to compare a wrestling meme to a play where Trump is actually assassinated or holding up what's meant to look like the decapitated head of Trump.

The fact I don't think anyone has brought up Scalise (haven't read every post on here, so forgive me if I'm mistaken on that) and how the media has encouraged radicals like that is disingenuous.

Here's a little hint for you, in case you weren't aware:

One of these was done by the President of the United States and it is the latest in a long line of propaganda from him.

The other was random people in a play.

Oh, and the president is a legitimately evil person who is trying to ban a religion from entering the country and who admitted to sexual assault.

All the MSM TV networks excluding Fox, outlets such as HuffPost, Slate, Mother Jones, etc. Most major newspapers including NYT, WaPo, LA Times, and companies that own numerous news outlets like Vox and Time Warner.

Factually incorrect.

They are not part of "the left."

They are part of reality.


I feel like half this country is 12 years old when I read the reactions to stuff like this. No offense.

There's seemingly zero respect nor expectations for the highest office in the nation from so many Americans. Just flat out apathy. I feel crazy having to actually say that "No, I don't think its okay that the President TWEETS a gif of him beating up reporters".

This isn't some shitposter on some random reddit.

The irony of some of this is the vitriol and hate from the left caused a deranged radical to shoot up a Republican baseball game practice.

Yeah, fuck off. No one is responsible for that lunatic shooting people but the idiot behind the gun. Stop trying to put off crazy fucking conservative nutjobs actions on the left.
Of course, instead of arguing the points I'm making, all I'm getting is ad hominem and straw men.

If you want to give counter points, that's cool, and we can discuss and debate. But these straw men and ad hominem do nothing to promote healthy argument.

I voted straight-ticket Republican for fifteen years. You are being intellectually dishonest.


You don't think NYT, WaPo, and LA Times lean to the left?

You don't think CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS lean to the left?

You don't think HuffPost, Mother Jones, and Slate lean to the left?

Of course there are right-leaning news outlets! Fox (the only MSM news network that leans to the right), Breitbart, DailyCaller, Washington Times, Rebel Media, etc., but htey don't have nearly the influence something like WaPo does.

And, of course, there's hollywood, which unquestionably is very left leaning. That isn't to say there aren't conservatives in Hollywood, eg. Clint Eastwood, James Woods, Jon Voight, etc.

Unless you're going to try and argue how the aforementioned groups aren't left leaning, then how am I wrong?

You're clearly trying to make massive generalizations because you can't actually debate the specifics of why you disagree with each respective outlet. Every single thing, outside of maybe one or two incidents, that they've ever reported that's anti-Trump is based in fact. FOX and Brietbart lie or misrepresent the truth every day. Do you have anything to contribute that isn't "the left is deranged"?

And if we play your game about the left being responsible for violence, the right is responsible for Timothy McVeigh and 9/11.


I laughed. If we had another president that was a democrat putting goofy gifs on Twitter, ya'll eat it up.

Except there isn't one democrat that has a long history of inciting violence and spouting "fake news" and various dear leader bullshit. At the very least, it shows he's a vapid bully whose going to get someone killed.


I feel like half this country is 12 years old when I read the reactions to stuff like this. No offense.

There's seemingly zero respect nor expectations for the highest office in the nation from so many Americans. Just flat out apathy. I feel crazy having to actually say that "No, I don't think its okay that the President TWEETS a gif of him beating up reporters".

This isn't some shitposter on some random reddit.

Well nearly half of voters did vote for trump soooo...
Of course, instead of arguing the points I'm making, all I'm getting is ad hominem and straw men.

If you want to give counter points, that's cool, and we can discuss and debate. But these straw men and ad hominem do nothing to promote healthy argument.

Many of us are pointing out to you, correctly, that the vitriol isn't coming from a singular direction as you seem to be alluding to. In fact, this very thread topic very clearly demonstrates that.
You don't think CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS lean to the left?

Most persons from NBC, ABC and CBS that leaned hard to the left without a right counterbalance got the boot during the Bush years. Unless you plan on waging war against AP for simply reporting, this citation looks less like rational argument and more like paranoia because you don't want to hear that sometimes Republicans do bad things.
Of course, instead of arguing the points I'm making, all I'm getting is ad hominem and straw men.

If you want to give counter points, that's cool, and we can discuss and debate. But these straw men and ad hominem do nothing to promote healthy argument.

Yo dawg, where's that ad hominem and straw men? You can't just make logic argument claims without actually logically discussing what is actually the ad hominem and straw men. Or is this yet another demonstration of a martyr complex? (as demonstrated by your previous comments on your opinion being shunned, and that supposedly networks like NBC are inherently leaning against the right, and again, your failure to address what is an ad hominem or straw men without citing examples and explanations)
You don't think NYT, WaPo, and LA Times lean to the left?

You don't think CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS lean to the left?

You don't think HuffPost, Mother Jones, and Slate lean to the left?

Of course there are right-leaning news outlets! Fox (the only MSM news network that leans to the right), Breitbart, DailyCaller, Washington Times, Rebel Media, etc., but htey don't have nearly the influence something like WaPo does.

And, of course, there's hollywood, which unquestionably is very left leaning. That isn't to say there aren't conservatives in Hollywood, eg. Clint Eastwood, James Woods, Jon Voight, etc.

Unless you're going to try and argue how the aforementioned groups aren't left leaning, then how am I wrong?

To echo what others have asked you: what is "the left" to you? Because a lot of those outlets are seen as "moderate" - acceptable to most people, often with the exception of hard-right people. Mother Jones and Slate are left-oriented, but they also do substantial journalism and aren't known for making up inflammatory bullshit a la Fox News and Breitbart.

My point stands: The only people who think all these outlets are tools of "the left" are people who are too far-right, because literally everything that doesn't satisfy their strongly conservative agenda is "the left."

This is no longer a "right vs left" divide, as if both groups were just shy of center. This is a divide between people who believe in reality and people who do not, and the latter have co-opted "conservatism" as a label for their madness. We've come to the point where caring about people's welfare, protecting the environment, and advocating for income equality is now "leftist" rather than just "humanist."

And that's scary.


Of course, instead of arguing the points I'm making, all I'm getting is ad hominem and straw men.

If you want to give counter points, that's cool, and we can discuss and debate. But these straw men and ad hominem do nothing to promote healthy argument.

And now a victimization complex. Like clockwork.
Until the left starts to move towards the center, the right will continue to move towards the right. You can't have a reaction without an action, so you can't have reactionaries without radicals. Again, that's not to say there isn't a need for change in certain areas, but I think the mainstream left has gone so far to the left to the point it's becoming unhealthy for everyone, including the left.

Counterpoint: Until the right starts to move towards the center, the left will continue to move towards the left.

Why is the onus still being placed on the left for moving towards the center when the nation's (nominally) left party, the Democrats, are still drifting away from centrism at a far more glacial pace than the GOP who lurches further rightward on a yearly basis?
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